I think Liss is the most threatening champion for kat, cause she has 2 cc abilities, 1 escaping ability.... and with aftershock as primary rune its so difficult to kill her, or even win lane.
So you better farm what you can and roam
Annoying champion....
Dodging her stun, whatever ability is, is not always enough....
I mean.... she can cancel your ult with her wall, and make you have a bad time with hers....
ALLLLSOOOOO she has her VERY ANNOING PASSIVE, so, its not worth to 1 v 1 her AT ALL....
Her mobility, cc, and damage makes it difficult for you to do your combo and win the 1 v 1....
So you better farm what you can and roam....
She has a lot of harass, so she makes it difficult for you to even farm....
Best thing you can do is farm with your q, wait for your jungler to put some preassure on her, or roam....
Like Orianna, Azir has so much harass so you better do what said in Oriannas Thread Page....
More harass.... "R" exploding champion....
His "E" cancels your passive damage.... so you better be carefull when 1 v 1ing him....
Its like a mini mid lane tank, with damage and mobility....
I prefer avoiding 1 v 1ing him, and farm/roam....
If you dodge her "E" youre good to go....
Just make sure her "3 flashes ult" isnt up, or you will never gonna kill her :P
Dont 1 v 1 her when her passive is up....
Just that....
Note: Her passive stacks like, every single time you try to enter her, so... be VERY carefull....
Another tank like mid champion....
Avoiding his "E" will prevent him from doing whatever he wants.... but even with that, he still has Explosive damage, so be carefull when laining against him....
Avoid his "Q" passive and your good to go....
Obviously its better for you to not eat all his damage, but you know....
Yes.... another tank like mid champion....
Its not whort at all to 1 v 1 him, so just farm
Just avoid his abilities damage with your "E"....
That doesnt mean he is easy to kill....
youll have to wait for the right time to combo him....
His wind Wall and mobility makes it almost impossible for you to combo him so better farm and maintain disstance....
Avoiding her ult is a difficult thing....
but if you achieve that, its relatively easy for you to do the necessary damage to kill her.... (squishy champ, even with her healing "E" ability)
Until level 6, its easy for you to make lots of damage to him....
His "W" thingies die to just one of your "Q" so, thats very nice....
If youre outfarming him and dont want to get in any trouble.... you can rush Quicksilver Sash and youre good to go....
Just avoid his "E" and dont let him farm so much.... or you will die dramatically with just his little fingie pressing the "R" button.....
If she doesnt land her "E" on you.... ITS YOUR TIME TO SHINE
unless she has 409450982 spells to steal from the ground.... in that case RUN....
"W" harass, "W" harass, and more "W" harass....
Also has a 1 million years "Q" stun....
Watch out for that....
Unlike Lux, her "W" harass is not that threatening, unless she lands her 1 BILLION years "Q" on you....
If thats the case, youre going to be permastuned, and probably die....
Watch out for that :P
Another sustain/tank like champ....
Dont 1 v 1 him.... youll waste time and life....
Harass in the form of BOMBS....
Its easy for him to avoid your full combo with his "E" so.... its not that worth to 1 v 1 him....
Also watch out for his Turret Breaking Potential....
Aurelion Sol
You Only have to avoid his "Q"
Very squishy champ....
Note: He may harass you with the stars, but his mana goes very low soon....
Even that she has her sleath "E" ability, your ult still does damage to her so.... USE YOUR ULT :P
you can wait for her to use her stunt Ult thing if your not 100% confident on your damage....
Its not that easy 1 v 1ing him, so better farm and roam.... or 1 v 1 him if youre brave enough :P
(avoid his w marks) :P
Twisted Fate
if his "E" is not gold carded, its your time to shine :P
Who uses Swain in this meta?
Tank like mid champ.... just.... I dont know....
Avoid his "E" cc.... and youre good to go....
Relatively new champ....
Dont have so much info on laining against him....
All I know is he has a little much sustain so.... be carefull when 1 v 1ing him....
Amumu is one of the best synergi champ for kat EVER....
Only with his Ult, his giving you the best pentakill chance youll have, so be thankfull whenever your jungler picks amumu :P
Jarvan IV
His ults lets you do full damage to all enemies stuck on there....
but be carefull, it can be a mortal trap too if they have malphite, rumble, amumu, hard aoe damage or cc....
Her "E" is just incredible, for you to enter without getting CC`d.....
Ideal against hard CC teams....
Its like an amumu ult mechanic but a little more difficult to land....
Still a good synergi with Kat
Amumu is one of the best synergi champ for kat EVER....
Only with his Ult, his giving you the best pentakill chance youll have, so be thankfull whenever your jungler picks amumu :P
Jarvan IV
His ults lets you do full damage to all enemies stuck on there....
but be carefull, it can be a mortal trap too if they have malphite, rumble, amumu, hard aoe damage or cc....
Her "E" is just incredible, for you to enter without getting CC`d.....
Ideal against hard CC teams....
Its like an amumu ult mechanic but a little more difficult to land....
Still a good synergi with Kat
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