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look for trades pre 6, start with d shield as she will poke you a lot with q. Runes can go second wind if she is a good akali. try to trade with her when her q is down as in early games her q uses 100 energy when she totally only has 200. be careful after 6 as she can easily 100 to 0 you when you're low and under tower. you can try to get into her q range then e behind her to dodge her q then look for an all in or extended trade, the situation benefits you even more if she already used or missed e.
rush verdant, play around her stun and her q, when her stun is down, you can look to go in, when she uses q on wave, you can look to go in. careful of her 6 and stun, if you are low, play under tower or look for a back as if she has flash up, she can easily flash r then combo you to death. try to kill her pre 6. if their team is intense cc based, run mercs or take clense + ignite.
go d shield and second wind. most of the time in this matchup you don't want to do much so try and look for jgl fights and scrimishes, but if you do want to go in, try to go in after he uses q. after 6, be mindful of his r as if you fight him under tower, you will die to tower as he will ult you into it, so always try to have e up so you can escape his r. try not to all in unless you have a health advantage. you can also look for an aggressive lvl 2 all in as his mobility will be restricted. this matchup is not winnable, so look for side lanes to advance your lead.
always go conq against diana, try to only all in her when either her w or q is down or low mana. try to dodge all of diana's q, if she only tries to poke then you just win as she won't have any kill pressure due to low mana. you can also look to e in when diana tries to q you to dodge it, and look for an extended trade as her w will get rid of a lot of your damage. don't feed the ****ing diana, once you start dying to this thing, stop trying to fight, you will always lose, go verdant, wits end if their entire team is ap. past 6, her ult cancels your ult, so don't ult her first, and always have e up in case she ults you so then you can just e away. NEVER TRADE WHEN SHE HAS W UP, YOU WILL ALMOST ALWAYS LOSE EVERY TRADE.
rush verdant, go bone plating if you want to avoid his burst. try to go for short trades against this guy pre 6 and look for an all in before his first back, as it will be a lot harder to kill him. try to only all in him when his e is down. going ad kat is a good option to take down this fish. post 6, you should always have e up as if he ults you, you will die, so by having e up and having minions around, you can dodge his ult. BEWARE THAT HIS ULT GOES THROUGH MINIONS. can go wits end/ mercs against him
always go conq against galio, try to bait out his aftershock(after ccing someone, gain bonus armour and Mr) then go all in. be ware of enemy jungle ganks as galio can setup really good ganks. try to follow up galio ult side lane ganks by moving way earlier so you will always be there for your team. you should probably run mercs if their team has a lot of cc. if he tries to e to escape, you can try to jump in front of him to block his escape. ad build is preferable
go d shield and always look for fights in the river as if he uses all of his turrets in lane, his map presence will be near 0 as you and your jungle will always win scuttle fights against the enemy. try not to fight him too much in lane as he can do a **** ton of poke which will erase your presence in the game.
rush seekers. dodge her e and you will be able to do things against her, try to go for jungle skirmishes or roam as she will perform less favorable outside of lane minions. don't go in on her when she has all of her stacks up, and don't stand too close to a low health minion so that she doesn't get a free engage on you. don't think you can kill her even if you are fed 3-0. try to only farm under tower and use q outside of tower.
go d shield and second wind, rush seekers. try to always have your e up to dash away from his melee trades. try to go for quick trades as you can use your abilities faster than he can and always try to get out before he switches form to use more of his combos. generally play safer and wait for jungle to gank.
go long sword and try to trade with him with conq before he get seekers or verdant. rush bork, you can also go 2 Mr runes and boneplating. you should go ad against kass because of his passive, but if he rushes seekers then there's not shot, you won't have any advantages and he will one shot you. you can try to kill him lvl 2. after 6 you really shouldn't be able to do much in lane but you can abuse his early r being on a long cd. always remember that his q will cancel your ult and act as a free magic shield to absorb your damage. you can always just perma ban him.
HARD ASF MATCHUP. go d shield, second wind and overgrowth and double armour runes if you want to even be present in this game. rush seekers if jungler is also ad. THE KEY AGAINST ADC MID LANE IS TO PLAY SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY.
killable if he doesn't not hit q and e, look for dodging his q by eing into him. you can buy qss if you are hard snowballing other than that, just have a better position.
try to dodge her q, and waste her mana until you can try to go for an extended trade or a quick trade with elect. but keep in mind that her passive allows her to do more damage to the same target over and over again, so don't be in a too extended trade. her biggest weakness is her vulnerability to ganks, so ask jungler to gank if she perma pushes.
you can go bone plating in case of his all in. start d shield and rush seekers. its almost not possible to fight him 1v1 as he outdamages you and can absorb most of your damage by using his e. keep track of his w when you try to ult. and track his passive, try to only go in when his passive is down and go out when his passive is up so that you don't take too much damage from his empowered q, or even get killed when low. the key is to play safe against a panth, you are way better in mid and end game. try to follow his roams.
start d shield and go bone plating and overgrowth/un flinching. rush seekers or else he will always one shot you when you try to cs. only go in for trades when you have bone plating up and get out by e ing to your minions. and ask jungler for a gank.
go overgrowth and second wind and you can stack Mr runes too if their entire team is also ap, go d shield start. he will always poke you in lane, as in a lot! so try not to trade that much going up against him in lane, ask jungler for gank as his only escape is by either flashing or using his w for movement speed. only hard all in rumble if you have verdant or bork.
**** adc mid lane lol. same thing as lucian, d shield and stack some armour. THE KEY IS TO PLAY SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY, for fights in the jungle
combo him and make him waste w which will make him play a lot safer as he will be subject to ganks. use e -> w -> q pre first back, try to kill him before first back. verdant/wits end rush if enemy jgl also ap.
track the minion wave as yasuo will be able to e around the wave like a headless chicken. in this matchup you will always want to use auto -> e -> auto combo. so the best way to respond to yasuo enage is to w -> auto -> e -> auto -> pickup dagger -> auto -> e -> auto. but make sure you get rid of his shield first. remember that you almost always want to fight in the jungle or river as yasuo is less mobile in which he cannot e around as much.
rush seekers, you can go boneplating, stack amour runes too if needed. track his energy, when his energy is low or when he doesn't have w up, you can look for an all in or extended trade with conq. try to dodge his q, as most zed players will try to hit you and the minion wave with a q. you also can look to e into him when he tries to use his w -> e -> q combo to easily mess that entire thing up and become a favorable trade for you. but be careful after 6, as his ult to allow him a **** ton of outplay potential with him possibly landing all three qs. essentially, play pre 6 aggressive, and post 6 safe.
rush verdant and go elect. try not to fight her when she has a spell up with her w. you want to almost always go elect for trying to do short trades in this matchup. when you e in, you want to w to get movement speed to dodge her sleep, then you can dish out all of your damage rent free. the main objective of this matchup is to dodge her skillshots and play to her w spells.
who tf even plays this champ mid tho but you don't really want to fight him, everything about him counters you. look for fights in the jungle and roam.
rush seekers and have boneplating, try to go for short trades with him as you don't really want to help him stack up his passive. but when you do want to all in, try to have your e always up so that when he does try to w you, you can always e away to avoid his w true damage area or entire damage. BUT MOST OF THE TIME YOU WON'T WIN TRADES AGAINST THIS GUY
Lee Sin
another near unplayable matchup, he outdamages you almost always. go boneplating, d shield and conq. rush seekers. try to get a gank from your jungle. just try your best to stay alive and healthy
BRUH, unplayable lane, please just survive or dodge
you can rush verdant or wit end if their jungle is also ap. 2 things you need to track against this snake, her q hit locations and try to dodge them and her w as it is a ground which shuts you down instantly. laning against her is very hard, you can try to bait her in using a lot of poke that you dodge. when her w is down or when she is low mana, it is your time to strike. you also never want to all in when she hits a q. she is very vulnerable to ganks due to her immobility, when using your full combo into her with ult up, you want to e -> w -> turn away by pressing back, and then ult to avoid her stunning you.
go d shield and second wind to sustain from his q poke. a tip against his barrels is that you can e into his barrel, then aa to get rid of it.
Make sure to always respect his lvl 2, especially when you are still lvl1. he will burst you down even when seemingly you are out of range. but you can try to auto -> e -> auto with long sword to outtrade him. otherwise, play very far back when he is ahead in levels pre 6 is your best time at trying to kill him, his r denys your reset and kill pressure. you want to play more aggressively when he uses q on the wave. look for fights and ganks from your jungle.
mainly you want to dodge around her qs, bait her aftershock then you can probably jump in easily. you want to watch your positioning as she is great at setting up ganks for her jungle. mercs is extremely good against her, even if there's not much ap from their team.
pre 6 you want to almost always look for trades, you can all in him when he es onto minions. post 6 you want to position better, not in one where he can just ult you and shut you down, have patience in larger team fights as he will most likely ult you to shut you down. if you are feeling ballsy, you can go long sword and run him down lvl 2.
go d shield and second wind to deal with her insane poke. you want to look to dodge her root and keep in mind that it goes through minions too, so standing behind minions might not be the best choice. the better choice is to e in when she tries to root you to dodge the root, then its basically free.
go bone plating/overgrowth/unflinching, you also want to rush seekers. you want to always all in her for trades as she excels in quick bursts. if she goes in, just w -> q her and trade back. you also want to watch your positioning near walls as she will be able to cc chain you assassins with cc :(. you can also initiate short trades with her.
try to kill him early when he is lacking in the items department, you can start d blade or long sword. his skirmishing ability is not as good as kat, so you can look to fight with your jungle. also be ware that sylas might start e first and cheese you lvl 1, in this case, you can start e and auto -> e -> auto on your side of minions to win this trade.
verdant is good. once she goes for a q, you want to look for a e -> w to trade her as her combo will be down
you can go bone plating against talon, as his burst is very strong, you can also go seekers if they also have an ad jungler. never trade with talon when his w and q are up as he will proc his passive and end you. when he uses w or q on the wave, then is your opportunity to go in for the trade. you want to avoid fighting talon when his spells are up, especially his ult.
go d shield and second wind to bare against this insane poke. look for all in if he doesn't have barrier or exhaust. have e up to never get trapped in his stun cage. remember that his r will cancel your r. you can also try to give up all cs until lvl 3 so that the wave is under your tower and that you can start looking for an all in and run him down.
go bone plating and overgrowth and rush seekers if you don't want to lose a **** ton of health to his e + q. be careful when trading him as his clone will assist in negating and dealing damage you deal out
you can go seekers if you are having a lot of trouble, you can also look to go boneplating. look for trades when his empowered q is down, you also want to mind his w shield as it will negate a lot of your damage. try to e out of his ult as you are guaranteed to insta die.
useless pre 6, so look for an all in before you and her hit ult. after you both have your ult, you might as well never engage in an extended trade against her as she can just ult and get rid of all of your damage. look for jungle gank to get rid of it, then engage
you can't really trade or all in him, try to get your first item then you can have a better chance at killing him. he is only killable when your jgl/supp comes with cc, you can try to burn his flash then run him down by avoiding his w cc. if you feel like you are not playing so well against a viego, stop feeding him, rather you go 0/1 then try and fight and go 0/5
You can look for short trades with your harass, and try to deny him cs as he will heal a lot by killing minions. his passive allows him to have incredible sustain in lane, so look for an all in at lvl3 -5, once he hits 6, you want to avoid fighting this guy, once you are low enough, you are dead.
try to dodge her w by using your e well. stay healthy during the first 2 levels and let her push so that you do not lose too much health when she tries to go in with the q + w combo. play behind minions as she cannot land her chain if you are behind them. post lvl6 and with some items, you can try to all in.
go d shield and second wind to deal with the q harass, if he is going ap malphite, then you should go wits end in order to render ap mal useless,
you can go boneplating to counter his all in. take note on his fear, make sure that you always have a way to escape his fear when he does go in, once you do get feared you basically lose the entire trade, so against noc, you want to use short trades. he likes to perma roam after 6, so get vision and try to follow his roams.
bgruh, go second wind and d shield, go in on her when her silence is down by you baiting it.
he does a lot of damage early on, you always want to dodge his q, either by sidestepping or e into him. and try not to stand near minions as his q is aoe, which will hit you and the minions. control your roaming timers, ziggs can perma push and kill your tower super early.
bone plating and overgrowth are good against this thing. go for short trades in which you do not stay fighting for too long. usually go for q -> e -> w out. when he lands a w, walk left/right to get out of it easily. once he gets low enough, you can all in and go for a kill.
dodge her charm then you will be goo in an extended trade, the best way is to e in and then w then sidestep to avoid her e.
she gets to choose when to use her stun that goes through all minions, so either sidestep it or e into her to dodge that, then you can look for an all in or extended trade. you also want to be mindful of her passive as her jungle can be around to assist and turn the fight. she will perma push you under tower and you will not be able to farm, so either ask jungler for gank or just roam to get ahead.
same as ahri/anivia, dodge her q and then you can basically all in her, but be mindful of her sums, you probably won't be able to kill her if she has barrier. just e in and side step to avoid q, if she holds it then you can look to play more aggressively but still be mindful of the possibility of her throwing out a q on your engage.
a bit hard to lane due to his root, but you can look for 2v2 fight in jungle, you will be better than him in mid game, which is your chance to put him behind and end
can be hard for some players, so for those, you can go d shield and/or second wind. mind her stun and q which goes through the minion wave, but she is also immobile, so you can kill her easily when her passive isn't up or you can ask for an easy gank from your jungle. just don't get poked too hard and stay healthy then look for all in.
Twisted Fate
if he uses his w, blue/red card for farm, you can stay up, if he tries to gold card you, just back up and look to engage. you might want to go merc s because you will be extremely vulnerable to ganks when he just gold cards you for ~2 seconds of hard cc.
you want to always dodge around his spells and look to e -> w and dodge the knockup which will open you up to an extended trade or all in. he is very vulnerable to ganks and is relatively weak in river fights, and be mindful of his passive true damage proc, dodge spells, you can also walk into minions to avoid her q
dodge his stun and side step his q, you will make him waste all of his mana, when he is low mana or no stun, you can engage for all in. you can look to buy boots after first back to help in dodging his q (plz unnerf kat 5 pixel movement speed)
you can go in on this guy at almost anytime, but you need to be careful of his double e stun, which you can avoid by using your e to bait. once he does hit 6, you need to watch out, but if you are somewhat ahead, you can make him waste his ult which is a win always, but try not to commit sums for that.
Aurelion Sol
play aggressive and e behind him, but careful of his stun. match his roams by walking asap, he will be fast but you can be around the same speed.
there could be some trouble, so I would say go d shield to be safe, she can hit a lot of roots and poke you, so d shield is a pretty good choice, then you will just outscale her mid game. look for fights in the jungle, she is somewhat the same as heim, where she is much better in lane than in the river.
no one plays this guy mid, but in case you do, early game this guy is hyper weak without items and form, so you can all in and win. you also want to be mindful of potential raptor or grump steal.
just dodge q and you win, her shield doesn't do anything, e in and w to avoid or play behind minions but not overly relying on minions as her w will space you out of the minions.
don't get cheesed lvl1 if he takes e, so you can just play safe lvl 1 and go a trade at lvl2 when the wave is on your tower, but you can't just mindlessly go in on a pyke as he will be able to just e stun you and q you. so look for a dagger setup always
you want to dodge his root, then you should be fine, you do counter his ult with your ult as it applies gw. but it can be difficult if you eat every e and q. but mostly it should be fine.
you can e out of his cage, use that to your advantage. and his early game immobility. but you do need to pay attention to enemy jungle locations, if you get perma ganked, then you lose.
you just dodge his q stun or just not get lit, and you win
does anyone even play this champ anymore? just go for it
a bit hard if she got dead accuracy with her q, if you see her trying to land an empowered q(you can see her wings/whatever lights up), walk behind your wave and it should be fine, or you could e in and get rid of all of her damage. even if in this all in/trade she roots you, you can still keep on going as her main damage will be on cd.
free win
eh he's not hard to fight, but you want to bait out his q by walking up then backing up, then you can look for trade or all in. his passive is what really makes his lane sustain crazy, its heals him when he isn't damaged. but you can just q him when he walks up and just play aggressive to deny cs and even exp. But most of the time you don't really have to fight him, he is easily gankable but make sure his w is down first.
Most jax player will start e and try to cheese you lvl 1, so don't walk up too far. But if he starts q, you can stay in your caster minion's range and auto -> e -> auto then back off to outtrade him. most of the time you trade with him, you want to jump on a dagger then w to get a full e reset then jum p back to prevent him from stunning you. but you also don't need to fight him early, look for jungle skirmishes and roams.
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