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Ability Order
Mirror Image (PASSIVE)
LeBlanc Passive Ability
-Complete lane domination early till level 10~
-Very good ganker, can easily slip to top or bottom without going unnoticed and get a kill or two.
-Is super mobile, can get away from ganks pretty easy
-INSANE damage dealer throughout the whole game
-Extremely Squishy
-Targeted first in team fights
-Runs on low mana, so kind of a blue rune dependancy
Teleport- You want to be in your lane as much as possible, really allows you to be a little more reckless with your mana if you want to get someone as low as possible then b and tele back for the kill.
Exhaust- I can't tell you how many times this has actually gotten me first blood, this is EXTREMELY nice to have if you are letting your opponent push mid and they over extend, which is a prime situation.
Flash- It's definitely nice, but your escaping ability with your W and if needed the Ulti from the W is pretty insane.
Ghost- Again really nice, but you already have about 2 ways to escape being through walls or not, so not exactly needed.
Ignite- Nice for additional damage for getting a kill. Really depends if you want Exhaust or Ignite on your playstyle. If you're confident that you can get kills without Exhaust, I would probably use Ignite.
Exhaust- I can't tell you how many times this has actually gotten me first blood, this is EXTREMELY nice to have if you are letting your opponent push mid and they over extend, which is a prime situation.
Flash- It's definitely nice, but your escaping ability with your W and if needed the Ulti from the W is pretty insane.
Ghost- Again really nice, but you already have about 2 ways to escape being through walls or not, so not exactly needed.
Ignite- Nice for additional damage for getting a kill. Really depends if you want Exhaust or Ignite on your playstyle. If you're confident that you can get kills without Exhaust, I would probably use Ignite.
On leblanc, i take Q at level 1. I make sure to have taken all skills at level 3, so i have my full combo already. I max Q first, because it deals most damage IF you trigger the mark. I max W after Q because it deals most damage after Q and is AoE. I take R whenever i can, like most ultimates.
Tag the target with Sigil of Silence and follow that up with Ethereal Chains. Now when the enemy is slowed and silenced, just Distortion out. if you did this right, the second part of Ethereal Chains should have gone off. This actually gives you a window of opportunity to Sigil of Silence Mimic, maybe for a kill?
Basic chase combo:
This is for when the enemy is out of range for your normal wombo-combo.
Use Distortion to get into range for Ethereal Chains. The slow should be good enough for you to get into range for a Sigil of Silence Mimic combo.
PS use Sigil of Silence before Ethereal Chains if you have the range for it
Another variant of this combo is:
Enemy is close enough for your Ethereal Chains to hit without the use of Distortion. In this case just slow them in till they are in range for your wombo combo.
So those are the only combos i give out for now, have some more that i know of, maybe will release them later, i can't give away all my secrets.
Feel free to share in the comment section if you have any combos i should add.
Basic chase combo:
This is for when the enemy is out of range for your normal wombo-combo.
Use Distortion to get into range for Ethereal Chains. The slow should be good enough for you to get into range for a Sigil of Silence Mimic combo.
PS use Sigil of Silence before Ethereal Chains if you have the range for it
Another variant of this combo is:
Enemy is close enough for your Ethereal Chains to hit without the use of Distortion. In this case just slow them in till they are in range for your wombo combo.
So those are the only combos i give out for now, have some more that i know of, maybe will release them later, i can't give away all my secrets.
Feel free to share in the comment section if you have any combos i should add.
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