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LoL Best LeBlanc Top Build Guides 2024

Build guides for LeBlanc Top on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best LeBlanc Top builds. Create your own champion guide!

Season 14 Builds // Other Patches
Rating Pending
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide

Leblanc Jesuscirraptor TOP Ability Haste

Build by Jesuscirraptor updated February 22, 2024
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Season 13 Builds
Rating Pending
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide

LeBlanc Jesuscirraptor TOP Tank Auras

Build by Jesuscirraptor updated October 25, 2023
  • Off-Meta
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide

Unkillable Demon Queen LeBlanc - Tank LeBlanc Guide

Build by XheroDivided updated January 28, 2023
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LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide

Critical LeBlanc

Build by MrPanos89 updated December 6, 2022
Season 12 Builds
Rating Pending
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide


Build by Bellens updated September 17, 2022
  • Off-Meta
Season 10 Builds
Rating Pending
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide


Build by HunterR345 updated October 27, 2020
Rating Pending
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide

LeBlanc my way

Build by zakAvalus updated August 12, 2020
Rating Pending
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide

AD Leblanc

Build by Mattthedark updated July 20, 2020
Season 8 Guides
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide

S0pht's AD LeBlanc toplane 100% CRIT 8.11

Guide by s0pht updated June 20, 2018
Season 8 Builds
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide

AD LeBlanc - A guide to being incredibly annoying

Build by whitevelcro updated August 17, 2018
Rating Pending
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide

"Tank" LeBlanc Top

Build by VengeanceNM updated January 10, 2018
Season 7 Guides
Rating Pending
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide

LeBlanc Bruiser Top [S7] WIP

Guide by fedxc updated January 5, 2017
Season 6 Builds
Rating Pending
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide

Top/Mid Ad LeBum- THIS **** IS REAL

Build by DrMcKittens updated February 19, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide

The Tricky Ad Leblanc

Build by SnakexQ updated January 23, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide

Rageblade Leblanc Top - Abuse while u can

Build by csocsu updated November 16, 2015
Season 5 Guides
Rating Pending
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide

Top AD Bruiser LeBlanc

Guide by falon updated January 10, 2015
Season 5 Builds
Rating Pending
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide


Build by KungFuJuke XD updated April 11, 2015
Season 4 Builds
Rating Pending
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide

LeBlanc - DPS/APC Build

Build by Ellie Sakura updated January 20, 2014
Season 3 Guides
Rating Pending
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide

Total leblanc (in every position)

Guide by Rayy updated September 6, 2013
Season 2 Builds
Rating Pending
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide
LoL Champion LeBlanc Build Guide

Leblanc Assassin

Build by MrYuri44 updated November 13, 2012
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