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Jax Build Guide by Leolynn

Top Leolynn's Jax Guide v2 / TOP - JUNG

Top Leolynn's Jax Guide v2 / TOP - JUNG

Updated on January 2, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Leolynn Build Guide By Leolynn 27 12 738,058 Views 2 Comments
27 12 738,058 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Leolynn Jax Build Guide By Leolynn Updated on January 2, 2025
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Runes: Classic Rune

1 2
Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Bone Plating

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
Top Lane
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Champion Build Guide

Leolynn's Jax Guide v2 / TOP - JUNG

By Leolynn
Update v1.0 (20.11.2020)
Runes, Spells, Builds also Guide added.

Update v1.1 (20.11.2020)
Lifesteal Build and Lifesteal Rune added.

Update v2.0 (12.01.2024)
Builds are updated and optimized to new 4.1 item sets.

Hey there, I'm Leolynn and this is my second detailed guide and you can take a look for my Shen guide in my profile.
If you love my build, please vote me thanks. <3

Here is the Guide

In the early game, you should prioritize farming and only fight when you have an opportunity to heavily damage or kill your opponent. Ward the bush on your side with a control ward and the opposing bush with your trinket when you push. You may also want to keep a ward for mobility if you know the enemy jungler is not on your side of the map.

When your jungler is Topside, you have a couple of options. You can either wait for his gank to kill the enemy top laner, or you can push the wave to gain lane priority and contest the scuttling or invade the enemy jungle. The enemy will be forced to choose between giving up minions to follow you, or leave his teammate in a 1v2.

At level 6, you reach a small powerspike as Jax. The bonus magic damage every third hit is an insane dps buff and you can use it to harass your enemy with small bursts or go all in for the kill.

At this point you can most likely 1v1 the opposing toplaner easily, unless he is a super tank, so you should start forcing him to fight you. This way, you will either take turrets and generate a lot of pressure in the top lane, or force the enemy jungler and mid to roam and stop you. This gives your team the ability to 4 man the enemy bot and secure dragon and turrets there.

You might want to keep your Teleport in case you need to join them.

Jax is a splitpush duelist by default. So it is natural that you will spend most of the game in a sidelane killing minions. But knowing when to split and which lane to push is important, and Teleport helps you decide what to do.

There are 2 sidelanes on the map, Top and Bot, and 2 objectives (aside from turrets), Dragon and Baron. When your Teleport is up, you want to splitpush in the lane away from the objective your team is playing. And when it is on cooldown, you want to push the one that is close to the objective.

This way, you force the enemy to react to your pushing while also being able to join your team for the teamfight.

The classic 3rd hit burst combo
You don't have to attack the same target three times to get the bonus damage from your R's passive. Using this, you can auto attack a minion once (or twice), use Q on the enemy and do an easy Autoattack + W combo for some burst damage. This combo lets you deliver 2 autoattacks, one W proc and one R proc quickly

The long range stun
When you want to stun an enemy for whatever reason but he is just outside your Q range, remember that your E can stun in a small circle around you giving you some extra range. So, you can jump to something that is close to him, or place a ward and jump, to get just in range for your E to catch him. You will not be able to damage him with your Q, but your stun will reach him.
Jax - Grandmaster at Arms:


Relentless Assault (Passive): Jax's basic attacks increase his attack speed, and every third consecutive attack deals bonus magic damage.
Leap Strike (Q): Jax leaps to a target, dealing damage. This ability is useful for engaging, escaping, or chasing enemies.
Empower (W): Jax's next basic attack deals bonus damage. It's often used in combination with Leap Strike for burst damage.
Counter Strike (E): Jax enters a defensive stance, dodging all incoming basic attacks and abilities for a short duration. After the duration or when activated again, he stuns nearby enemies. This ability is excellent for trading and dueling.
Grandmaster's Might (R): Jax gains bonus armor and magic resistance passively. Upon activation, he deals AoE damage in an area around him.
Laning Phase:

Farm Safely: Jax scales well with items, so focus on farming to reach your power spikes.
Trade with Empower: Use Empower for empowered basic attacks during trades. This is a key part of your trading pattern.
Warding: Keep an eye on the enemy jungler and place wards to avoid ganks. Jax lacks innate mobility, so vision is crucial.
Split Pushing:

Strong Duelist: Jax is an excellent duelist. Take advantage of this by split pushing and drawing enemies away from objectives.
Vision Control: Ward enemy jungle and objectives to spot incoming threats. This allows you to safely split push and respond to enemy rotations.
Teleport Usage: Like Shen, Jax can use Teleport to join fights or return to lane.
Teamfight Tactics:

Diving Backline: Jax can dive into the enemy backline with Leap Strike. Identify key targets and disrupt the enemy team's formation.
Counter Strike Timing: Properly time Counter Strike to block crucial abilities or basic attacks, and stun enemies in team fights.
Ultimate Activation: Don't forget to activate Grandmaster's Might for bonus resistances during team fights.

Core Items: Common core items for Jax include Hextech Rocketbelt, Blade of the Ruined King, and Sterak's Gage. Adjust your build based on the enemy team composition.
Boots: Consider buying Mercury's Treads for crowd control reduction or Plated Steelcaps for extra armor against heavy AD teams.
Map Awareness:

Teleport Plays: Be aware of opportunities to use Teleport for split pushing or joining fights.
Objective Control: Jax excels at taking objectives like Dragon and Rift Herald. Coordinate with your team to secure these when possible.
Late Game:

Scaling: Jax scales exceptionally well into the late game. Take advantage of your strength and make smart decisions in team fights and split pushing.

Split Push Coordination: Communicate with your team about your split push plans, and let them know when your Teleport is available.
Engagement Calls: Jax can initiate fights or follow up on engages. Make calls based on your assessment of the situation.
Remember that Jax is a scaling champion, so surviving the early game and reaching your core items is crucial. Effective split pushing and map control can make you a formidable force in the later stages of the game. Adapt your build to the enemy team, be aware of map dynamics, and communicate with your team for better coordination.

Animation Canceling:

Jax benefits from animation canceling to maximize his damage output. Practice canceling the animation of your Empower (W) with your basic attacks for smoother and quicker combos.
Warding and Map Awareness:

Place deep wards in the enemy jungle to track the enemy jungler and provide information to your team.
Keep an eye on the minimap, especially when split pushing. If you see multiple enemies missing, it may be time to retreat or group with your team.
Tower Diving:

With the right items and lead, Jax can be an effective tower diver. Use Counter Strike (E) to dodge tower shots and stun enemies under the turret.
Be cautious and consider the enemy's crowd control and damage potential before attempting tower dives.
Invading and Scuttle Control:

Jax can be potent in early skirmishes and invades due to his Counter Strike (E). Coordinate with your team to invade the enemy jungle or contest early objectives.
Use Counter Strike to mitigate damage from neutral objectives like Rift Scuttler or Dragon.
Adapt Build to the Game:

Jax is versatile when it comes to itemization. Adjust your build based on the enemy team composition. Consider defensive items like Guardian Angel or Thornmail against AD-heavy teams and items like Spirit Visage against AP-heavy teams.
Split Pushing Tactics:

If the enemy team sends multiple champions to stop your split push, communicate with your team to capitalize on the numbers advantage elsewhere on the map.
Keep an eye on the enemy team's engage tools. If they have strong engage, be cautious about overextending during your split push.
Counter Jungling:

If you have pressure in the top lane, consider invading the enemy jungle or stealing camps. Jax can clear jungle camps quickly with his empowered basic attacks.
Teamfight Positioning:

As a diver, position yourself to engage on priority targets like the enemy carries. Leap Strike can be used both offensively and defensively, so use it wisely to reposition in team fights.
Objective Control:

Jax excels at taking objectives due to his passive and high single-target damage. Capitalize on opportunities to secure Dragon, Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor.
Learn Matchups:

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the champions you're facing in the top lane is crucial. Learn how to play different matchups, adjusting your playstyle and build accordingly.
Late-Game Split Pushing:

In the late game, Jax becomes an incredibly powerful split pusher. Take advantage of your dueling capabilities and the tower-taking potential to pressure side lanes.
Combo Mastery:

Practice your combos to maximize damage output. The basic combo often involves Leap Strike (Q) onto the enemy, activating Empower (W) for an empowered basic attack, and then continuing with basic attacks.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Leolynn
Leolynn Jax Guide
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Leolynn's Jax Guide v2 / TOP - JUNG

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide