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Runes: do it
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Sunlight (PASSIVE)
Leona Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
GIVE UP THE LANE. No but actually if you have a morg against you, e max isn't a recommendation it's necessary to counter her shield. If you e in and she shields them don't use your q just back off her shield has a long cooldown but if you max your e second your cooldown should be lower than hers. However she just ruins your day and until you get to mid game you are going to have a bad time.
Leona hits 3 and goes in aggressive. Draven loves going for early kills. You work beautifully together and snowball out of control with a single enemy misstep.
Leona hits 3 and goes in aggressive. Draven loves going for early kills. You work beautifully together and snowball out of control with a single enemy misstep.
Extremely tanky- especially with your W
Strong CC- with a root a stun and a stun/80% slow if Leona doesn't want someone to move they don't move
Great pick potential with EQ and your passive
Surprising damage- your auto q auto combo especially with iceborn gauntlet does a scary amount of damage
Aggressive play style- you have to play very aggressive and if you fail you will die
Melee support- of course you are but still it's annoying to get poked by ranged champs so much
Not a easy match- Leona isn't like Braum Thresh or Karma she doesn't work with all adc's but more on that later
With your W at max on you will have 206 armor. Add on 67 armor for being level 11 and you get a total of 273 armor. This is from 2 items, one of which is meant for the MR it provides along with a shield the armor is supposed to be just a nice extra. Your MR just for referance at level 11 is 197 with your W. You can see why you're a stupidly strong tank now right? 2 items and 1 ability and you have these stupid stats? FOR 6 SECONDS? Yeah I love my Leona.
500 views! Thank you guys so much and thank you Ms.Maw for voting on this. With the new items coming out I personally would built a gargoyle stoneplate since getting 40 armor and mr is good but since you dive into the enemy team you will generally have 80 armor and mr. Plus that Active helps you get health when you're not building too healthy on her( average game I have 2 health items 3 resistance items and boots). I'm almost at 85000 points. Once again thank you so much for reading this. Also you can max your q second since you get and iceborn second. I was against it but I tried it again and honestly it helps so much for your damage.
Changed seals to scaling health.
I'm so happy I made it to Silver playing only support. I know I haven't updated this in a while but thank you guys for reading.
With the update to leona q and passive I have some advice. The q reduced timer is very nice but late game its a second slower which honestly isn't that bad it helps early game but very early before you have more mana be carful with how you spam it. Her passive does more damage which is great for when you are a duo with your adc but the reduced the time of the mark staying makes it harder to proc. The increased damage is great but your partner has 2 less seconds to get it so honestly watch your damage decrease in lanning unless you have a lucian or ez even an mf with e who can easily proc the passive.
Update like number 7. Over 8k views wow! Thank you all so much. Now I haven't been playing a lot of leo recently due to everyones favorite item ardent censor. It makes janna the cancer of league of legends and janna does really well into leona. With her q on PBE having a lower flat CD it's really bad for leona since it makes the cooldown on her q lower than the base cooldown on your e so she can always **** up your engage. Don't worry you can still play her but god janna is such a *****.
Welcome to season 8 boys. I can't believe that i have passed 30k views! Thank you all so much!
Uh 50k views? WHAT THE F*CK! Wow thank you guys so much! Also I finally changed the shinning sun to shining sun finally.
Its been a while guys. I'd like to say how am I still the 4th highest leona guide? With 80K views? Thank you guys so much I'm updating the build and some minor details as well as my Braum guide.
Ay I'm back after ages and I'm almost at 100k views? Thank you guys so much!
Ya boi finally hit gold!
I swear to god I just check this thing occasionally and go "I made the 5th most read leona guide on mobafire as a bronze scrub". It's hilarious.
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