Windwall, Gap Closer, CC lockdown with good raw power. Yasuo is the ultimate ranged projectile counter.
Irelia has a Physical Damage nullifier, Gap Closer, Strong raw early / mid game damage. Dodge E in lane or its fatal.
Good Sustained damage because of PTA. Resolve + shield outtrades almost every trade. Later on easy gap closer with permastealth next to structures.
Spellshield(Double traps recommended), Far Gap Closer + Extended Fear Gap Closer---> Punishes sidelaners and out of position players, which will be side lane Caitlyn due to her being mid lane.
Stealth gap closer combined with high ranged autohits, consistent damage and removal of first strike.
Azir has bigger range than Caitlyn, a far gapcloser engage. More raw power in terms of sustained duel power when Azir reaches item spikes + Caitlyn R being a slow spell.
Nullifier with W on Caitlyn R. Strong Armor Bruiser, explosive stealth engage, Cut Down and/or giant slayer recommended.
Nullifier on all ranged effects. Gwen R Gap Closer due to Slow.
Nullifier with Neeko Clone on Caitlyn W + R. Long snare CC. Explosive Engage. Confusion.
Early Pressure, Nullifier with R on Caitlyn R, Stealth engage.
Armor Tank / CC, Cut Down and/or giant slayer recommended.
Armor Tank / CC, Cut Down and/or giant slayer recommended.
Armor Tank / CC / immunity
Armor Tank / CC / Shield / Autohit Block Zone
Caitlyn has an easy laning phase into Ornn pre level 6. Ornn level 6 combined with wardens mail or any other armor items can easily stat check Caitlyn combined with Ornn his gapcloser and crowd control combos.
Passive Regen with Q's, Blood Pool can remove Caitlyn E + Q + Headshot Combo / R. big amount of burst even early into Lethality Caitlyn, Cut Down and/or giant slayer recommended.
Far Gap Closer ---> Punishes sidelaners and out of position players. good early / mid game damage presence. Nullifier with E on Caitlyn R
Perma Stealth ---> Gap Closer, immunity, Burst Assassin with Crowd Control.
Viktor E poke has more range and poke power into Caitlyn.(Ghost a must for Caitlyn in this match up).
Gap Closer, low R cooldown, good early / mid game damage presence, stealth.
Gap Closer, Terrain jumper ---> Counter of Caitlyn W terrain maker, good early / mid game damage presence, stealth.
Gap Closer, low R cooldown, good mid / end game damage presence on weaker targets.
Gap Closer, low R cooldown, good early / mid game damage presence.
Gap Closer, low R cooldown, good early / mid game damage presence.
Gap Closer, low R cooldown, good early / mid game damage presence.
Armor Tank / CC / Projectile Shield / Armor + Magic Resist Giver, Cut Down and/or giant slayer recommended.
Master Yi
Damage Reduction on Meditate, invulnerable on Q. Gap Closer Movementspeed. Targeted Master Yi spawn to avoid Caitlyn Traps.
Syndra outranges Caitlyn her autohits and most of her spells easily, thereby laning phase will be hard. Caitlyn should try to dodge most of the Syndra combos, and respect her oneshot potential once poked down on Syndra level 6.
Orianna outranges Caitlyn her autohits and most of her spells easily, thereby laning phase will be hard. Caitlyn should try to dodge most of the Orianna ball combos and thereby poke Orianna with sneaky headshots and Caitlyn Q's.
Caitlyn has a good time before Nasus level 6, thereby Nasus will become dangerious when he reached level 6 combined with wardens mail or any armor items (insane stat check combined with hard slow + attack speed slow). Recommended to run cleanse against nasus wither. Early advantage in lane is a need in this lane, cull start recommended.
Twisted Fate
Far Gap Closer ---> Punishes sidelaners and out of position players. Playing away from Caitlyn while forcing cleanse summoner spell.
Gap Closer, Snowballs fast, Dagger zone's that have to be avoided. Medium Damage Presence.
Insane Damage with entire burst. (Has to be dealt with)
Gap Closer, Cleanse or dodge Charms (really needed to win).
Burst Assassin with Crowd Control, immunity.
Far engage that is easy to land on Caitlyn, even when dodged with Q as follow up. Cut Down and/or giant slayer recommended.
Lethality Caitlyn has a strong early laning phase into Ambessa, after this it becomes a slightly favored matchup for Ambessa. This is because of Ambessa her low Ability Haste and gap closer without R โ> Ambessa level 6 can easily engage on top of Caitlyn ---> Caitlyn's self crowd control during her Q, be aware of this (This can be answered with a Pre-Trap).
Dr. Mundo
Mundo is Tanky, due to HP regen and W. ---> Lethality Caitlyn is depended on spikes and abilities, Cut Down and/or giant slayer recommended.
Swain E can punish Caitlyn really hard, thereby any movement speed and slow effect comes in effect after the snare, Cut Down and/or giant slayer recommended.
AP Kog'Maw with arcane comet can be hard to deal with for Caitlyn Mid, thereby recommended to rush vamp scepter into later BloodThirster. Kog'maw E poke is really hard to dodge and will outrange Caitlyn. Caitlyn will have good oneshot potential on 1/2 items already into Kog. Recommended to hardshove the wave into Kog'Maw if the teamcomps allow you to do so.
Lux into Caitlyn is a general matchup of poke style, Thereby recommended for Caitlyn to hard shove early waves. Recommended to build vamp scepter into late bloodthirster + cleanse(escape lux snare combo)or ghost(escape gank situation + dodge + chase).
Seraphine into Caitlyn is a general matchup of poke style, Thereby recommended for Caitlyn to hard shove early waves. Recommended to build vamp scepter into late bloodthirster + cleanse(escape Seraphine E snare / R )or ghost(escape gank situation + dodge + chase).
Anivia has good wave clear on her level 6+ combined with a decent gank setup. Thereby her Passive can mitigate early game pressure from Caitlyn very well.(Recommended to start Cull) Caitlyn should always respond with E into Anivia Wall gank setup + Q stun. Caitlyn traps work very well into Anivia Passive as well.
Yone is a strong adc bruiser with good mobility, Thereby it is needed for Caitlyn to dodge his catching crowd controle ---> to prevent further damage and oneshots. This becomes fairly easy pre level 6 Yone, due to Caitlyn E into Yone 3rd Q. once Yone reaches level 6 it will be hard to dodge 3rd Q and R at once for Caitlyn. Other than this fact that you have to respect, it becomes a super easy free lane that Caitlyn can abuse. Yone E spawnpoint can be taken advantage of with Caitlyn W traps.
Caitlyn Mid has a very easy time before Aurora reaches level 6, after this the matchup becomes pretty hard with Aurora R gap closer and cage. Caitlyn should be aware of Aurora's fast trade pattern with her Q(850 range) and E(800 range). Caitlyn's early shove and pressure under tower makes it very easy to get positive trades and deny Auroraโs combo with Caitlyn's E+Q/W.
Vel'Koz into Caitlyn mid is an even matchup normally spoken, due to their skillshots. But Caitlyn has no pressure from Vel'Koz whenever kept distance, thereby she can pressure him well during the early lane phase to gain a lead.
Caitlyn has a free early lane into Malzahar and she should perma push into him if possible. Thereby malzahar has a bad gank setup untill he reaches level 6. Quicksilver Sash is needed to rush for Caitlyn to maintain safe in lane on Malzahar level 6+
Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol is a really easy matchup early on for Caitlyns insanely good early game. Thereby Aurelion Sol will outscale Caitlyn combined with having a more defensive stat line on top.
Sylas the melee mage is a really easy matchup for Caitlyn, thereby Caitlyn has to maintain distance and make sure she always dodges Sylas 2de E. When done so, she has full control.
Ekko the melee assassin is an easy matchup for Caitlyn. Whenever Ekko decides to engage with his E, Caitlyn should respond in time with Caitlyn E to stop Ekko his Passive. When this occurs Caitlyn has control over the fight. Thereby Caitlyn has a strong early into Ekko his weak early. Falling behind in this matchup will make things way harder, whenever ekko gains access on protobelt !!!
Zilean has a weak early game which will get taken advantage of by Caitlyn. Thereby Caitlyn traps are good into Zilean R resurrection. Caitlyn should only be careful of Zilean his slow gank setup combined with double bomb crowd control (Cleanse recommended whenever felt like gank setup becomes an issue).
Karthus is a very easy lane whenever you can shove him in at all times (whenever allowed teamcomp wise). Thereby its mandatory to dodge his Q's and maintain ur pressure during the entire lane. Karthus will always be useful during teamfights, so be careful with that. Recommended to buy edge of night into Karthus R, whenever this becomes a problem.
Corki has no pressure on Caitlyn other than his Carepackage and level 6 R. Thereby Caitlyn can take an easy early lead into the weaker corki mid. Later in the game this becomes a more even matchup depending on the skillshots and leads.
Galio the melee tank/mage with magic resist scalings will have a hard time into Caitlyn Mid. Thereby Galio his goal will be roaming with his R and form gank setup into Caitlyn whenever he gets ganked. Avoid this as Caitlyn and take your easy lane advantage as far as possible.
Magic damage Tank Champion, Crowd Control #1, Peel, Vision due to Saplings.
AP Champion, Crowd Control #1, Caitlyn's Global (R) Enjoyer.
AP Champion, Crowd Control #1, Peel, cc removal, Magic Damage Shield, Poke Comp.
AP Champion, Crowd Control #2, Peel, Shield, Poke Comp, Global Poke Combination.
AP Champion, Crowd Control #1, Peel, Heal, Transport.
Magic damage Tank Champion, Crowd Control #2, Peel( Auto hit removal), Shield.
Bush Stack Counter for Caitlyn, Peel, Shields, healing, AP Champion, Buff Share, Crowd Control #2.
Peel, Shields, healing, AP Champion, Crowd Controle #2, Damage increase (Caitlyn R Oneshot Potential is increased).
Peel, Shields, healing, AP Champion, Crowd Control #1, Damage increase (Caitlyn R Oneshot Potential is increased).
Magic damage Tank Champion, Crowd Control #1, Peel, Damage increase (Caitlyn R Oneshot Potential is increased), Brittle apply --> reduce of Tenacity of enemy champions.
Peel, Shield, Healing, AP Champion, Crowd Control #2, Damage increase.( Caitlyn R Oneshot Potential is increased).
AP Champion, Crowd Controle #2, Great Disengage and Peel. But sadly hard to land traps with him, unless knocked back into, Caitlyn's Global (R) Enjoyer.
Magic Damage Tank Champion, Crowd Control #1, Peel, Slows, Projectile Shield, Armor + Magic Resist to allies.
Magic damage Tank Champion, Crowd Control #1, Peel.
Magic damage Tank Champion, Crowd Control #2, Peel, Sileance.
AP Champion, Crowd Control #2, Hard slow, Revive, Poke Comp.
Immunity, Ap Champ, Heal, Burst of Movement Speed. Armor and Magic Resist remove.
AP Champion, Crowd Control #2, Shielding, Poke Comp.
AP Champion, Crowd Control #2, Shielding, Poke Comp. Seraphine R setup into hard engage / chained effect into range.
AP Champion, Crowd Control #1, Peel, Safeguard R global with magic Shield.
Peel, safe lantern for slow champions out of position, Shield, Crowd Control #1. Dominant presence on the map.
Crowd Control #2, peel, Gold Funnel for increased Caitlyn damage, Dominant presence on the map
Crowd Control #2, Poke Comp, Healing, Global Shielding, Camouflaged.
Magic Damage Mage (can also be played AD obv), Crowd Control #1(Long snare setup).
Renata Glasc
Baillout protection against melee hard engage, snare combined with pushback for Caitlyn W. AP Champion.
Nunu & Willump
Frontline, Magic Damage champion, snares and hard slows to land Caitlyn abilities on.
Magic Damage Tank Champion, Peel, Crowd Control #1, Dominant presence on the map.
Magic Damage Tank Champion, Peel, Crowd Control #1, Dominant presence on the map.
Magic Damage Tank Champion, Peel, Crowd Control #1, Dominant presence on the map.
Magic damage Tank Champion, Crowd Control #1,
Jarvan IV
Jarvan IV adds attack speed and terrain for Caitlyn abilities to set up, thereby Jarvan IV has good front line and can remove armor from enemies.
Wukong has good front line (armor stats and R knock up)and can remove armor from enemies.
Peel, Q,W,E steal of other synergy champs, Peel.
AP Champion, Possible R steal to aid Caitlyn, Crowd Control #2, Peel.
Poke Comp, Jayce removes Armor and Magic Resist,
Deny death R, early pressure thats helps for control of the map.
Magic Damage Champion, Supportive shield combined with armor and magic resist, Movement Speed buff and enemy slow.
Magic damage Tank Champion, Crowd Control #2, Peel
Magic Damage Champion, Crowd Control #1, due to snare, stun and slows, Frontline Mage that can stall high amounts of time due to statis effects.
AP Champion, Crowd Control #2, Caitlyn's Global (R) Enjoyer.
AP Champion, Caitlyn's Global (R) Enjoyer, Heal + Attckspeed. Poke Comp. Trap Comp --> Vision.
Gangplank R global combined with Caitlyn R can one-shot weak targets out of position, Gangplank barrel zoning against melee hard engage. Crowd Control #2.
Hybrid damage / Magic Damage, Long spread Teamfight snare for Caitlyn W, Q setup, Poke comp, Healing Reduction.
Ashe Global R combined with long stun --> Lethality Caitlyn gets a free full combo off on Ashe R.
Hard Supression Crowd Control #2 for Caitlyn W, AP Champion.
Magic Damage Champion, Evelyn charm setup, Caitlyn R can setup Eve R execution faster.
Crowd Control #2, Heavy Poke, Magic Damage Champion.
Nasus has good front line and a hard slow for setup, Thereby Nasus can Remove Armor and Magic Resist.
Vi has good front line combined with R as lock down for Caitlyn setup, Thereby Vi can remove armor for increase of physical damage.
Renekton ads good front line, thereby Renekton removers Armor on Fury E usage ---> high increased group damage with Caitlyn.
Briar can remove armor for increase of physical Damage. Good early stat check to match Caitlyn's dominant laning, Crowd Controle lineup for Caitlyn abilities.
Olaf can remove armor for increase of physical damage. Good early stat check to match Caitlyn's dominant laning.
Illaoi Vessel combined with Caitlyn trap for fast output trades, good front line.
Magic Damage Champion, Crowd Control #2. Xerath R global combined with Caitlyn R can one-shot weak targets out of position.
Karthus R global combined with Caitlyn R can one-shot weak targets out of position.
Draven R global combined with Caitlyn R can one-shot weak targets out of position.
Magic Damage Corki, Poke Comp. Armor and Magic Resist removal.
Magic Damage from AP Kog'Maw, Poke Comp. Armor and Magic Resist removal.
jinx R global combined with Caitlyn R can one-shot weak targets out of position.
Ezreal R global combined with Caitlyn R can one-shot weak targets out of position, Poke Comp.
Magic damage Tank Champion, Crowd Control #1, Peel, Vision due to Saplings.
AP Champion, Crowd Control #1, Caitlyn's Global (R) Enjoyer.
AP Champion, Crowd Control #1, Peel, cc removal, Magic Damage Shield, Poke Comp.
AP Champion, Crowd Control #2, Peel, Shield, Poke Comp, Global Poke Combination.
AP Champion, Crowd Control #1, Peel, Heal, Transport.
Magic damage Tank Champion, Crowd Control #2, Peel( Auto hit removal), Shield.
Bush Stack Counter for Caitlyn, Peel, Shields, healing, AP Champion, Buff Share, Crowd Control #2.
Peel, Shields, healing, AP Champion, Crowd Controle #2, Damage increase (Caitlyn R Oneshot Potential is increased).
Peel, Shields, healing, AP Champion, Crowd Control #1, Damage increase (Caitlyn R Oneshot Potential is increased).
Magic damage Tank Champion, Crowd Control #1, Peel, Damage increase (Caitlyn R Oneshot Potential is increased), Brittle apply --> reduce of Tenacity of enemy champions.
Peel, Shield, Healing, AP Champion, Crowd Control #2, Damage increase.( Caitlyn R Oneshot Potential is increased).
AP Champion, Crowd Controle #2, Great Disengage and Peel. But sadly hard to land traps with him, unless knocked back into, Caitlyn's Global (R) Enjoyer.
Magic Damage Tank Champion, Crowd Control #1, Peel, Slows, Projectile Shield, Armor + Magic Resist to allies.
Magic damage Tank Champion, Crowd Control #1, Peel.
Magic damage Tank Champion, Crowd Control #2, Peel, Sileance.
AP Champion, Crowd Control #2, Hard slow, Revive, Poke Comp.
Immunity, Ap Champ, Heal, Burst of Movement Speed. Armor and Magic Resist remove.
AP Champion, Crowd Control #2, Shielding, Poke Comp.
AP Champion, Crowd Control #2, Shielding, Poke Comp. Seraphine R setup into hard engage / chained effect into range.
AP Champion, Crowd Control #1, Peel, Safeguard R global with magic Shield.
Peel, safe lantern for slow champions out of position, Shield, Crowd Control #1. Dominant presence on the map.
Crowd Control #2, peel, Gold Funnel for increased Caitlyn damage, Dominant presence on the map
Crowd Control #2, Poke Comp, Healing, Global Shielding, Camouflaged.
Magic Damage Mage (can also be played AD obv), Crowd Control #1(Long snare setup).
Renata Glasc
Baillout protection against melee hard engage, snare combined with pushback for Caitlyn W. AP Champion.
Nunu & Willump
Frontline, Magic Damage champion, snares and hard slows to land Caitlyn abilities on.
Magic Damage Tank Champion, Peel, Crowd Control #1, Dominant presence on the map.
Magic Damage Tank Champion, Peel, Crowd Control #1, Dominant presence on the map.
Magic Damage Tank Champion, Peel, Crowd Control #1, Dominant presence on the map.
Magic damage Tank Champion, Crowd Control #1,
Jarvan IV
Jarvan IV adds attack speed and terrain for Caitlyn abilities to set up, thereby Jarvan IV has good front line and can remove armor from enemies.
Wukong has good front line (armor stats and R knock up)and can remove armor from enemies.
Peel, Q,W,E steal of other synergy champs, Peel.
AP Champion, Possible R steal to aid Caitlyn, Crowd Control #2, Peel.
Poke Comp, Jayce removes Armor and Magic Resist,
Deny death R, early pressure thats helps for control of the map.
Magic Damage Champion, Supportive shield combined with armor and magic resist, Movement Speed buff and enemy slow.
Magic damage Tank Champion, Crowd Control #2, Peel
Magic Damage Champion, Crowd Control #1, due to snare, stun and slows, Frontline Mage that can stall high amounts of time due to statis effects.
AP Champion, Crowd Control #2, Caitlyn's Global (R) Enjoyer.
AP Champion, Caitlyn's Global (R) Enjoyer, Heal + Attckspeed. Poke Comp. Trap Comp --> Vision.
Gangplank R global combined with Caitlyn R can one-shot weak targets out of position, Gangplank barrel zoning against melee hard engage. Crowd Control #2.
Hybrid damage / Magic Damage, Long spread Teamfight snare for Caitlyn W, Q setup, Poke comp, Healing Reduction.
Ashe Global R combined with long stun --> Lethality Caitlyn gets a free full combo off on Ashe R.
Hard Supression Crowd Control #2 for Caitlyn W, AP Champion.
Magic Damage Champion, Evelyn charm setup, Caitlyn R can setup Eve R execution faster.
Crowd Control #2, Heavy Poke, Magic Damage Champion.
Nasus has good front line and a hard slow for setup, Thereby Nasus can Remove Armor and Magic Resist.
Vi has good front line combined with R as lock down for Caitlyn setup, Thereby Vi can remove armor for increase of physical damage.
Renekton ads good front line, thereby Renekton removers Armor on Fury E usage ---> high increased group damage with Caitlyn.
Briar can remove armor for increase of physical Damage. Good early stat check to match Caitlyn's dominant laning, Crowd Controle lineup for Caitlyn abilities.
Olaf can remove armor for increase of physical damage. Good early stat check to match Caitlyn's dominant laning.
Illaoi Vessel combined with Caitlyn trap for fast output trades, good front line.
Magic Damage Champion, Crowd Control #2. Xerath R global combined with Caitlyn R can one-shot weak targets out of position.
Karthus R global combined with Caitlyn R can one-shot weak targets out of position.
Draven R global combined with Caitlyn R can one-shot weak targets out of position.
Magic Damage Corki, Poke Comp. Armor and Magic Resist removal.
Magic Damage from AP Kog'Maw, Poke Comp. Armor and Magic Resist removal.
jinx R global combined with Caitlyn R can one-shot weak targets out of position.
Ezreal R global combined with Caitlyn R can one-shot weak targets out of position, Poke Comp.
- Lack of consistent Damage - Lack of Damage into Tanks - Lack of Damage into Shielding / Healing - More usage of Skillshots
Lethality + AD Stack + Crit Caitlyn is using her Piltover Peacemaker and Ace in the Hole mostly to deal damage with. Thereby she prestacks Headshot Often. Due to this, Lethality '' Caitlyn will lack consistent damage overall combined with exposed treats in terms of armor/shielding/healing/removal of skillshots.
Introduction, Google Document.
Hello Everyone,
I'm Zero Macro aka Caitlyn Kiramman#Mid(Ingame name / EUW Server).
I peaked Challenger soloq in EUW server and I play LoL since the end of Season 3.
*This Guide is Very Detailed*
I made a Caitlyn *Mid* Guide *Lethality* on Google Documents with approximately 200 pages.
Here I will explain the most important counter measures for Lethality Caitlyn, focused on solo (lane) encounters.
That includes ---> Lethality Caitlyn into (Literally)Every Champion / Item choices + synergy / Runes / Macro / Micro / Important facts to improve gameplay and so on.
This guide has its personal armor shred page (shows damage output into certain armor types with common builds eclipse and Prowler's Claw)(OUTDATED BUT USEFUL)
I hope that the guide improved your lethality Caitlyn !!!
Adaptive Mindset + Short Note + FAQ + Updates
Think Adaptive on every decision. There is a reason why we take this for that.
(Threats show one of the hardest matchups we can possible face (Doesn't have to be in mid lane) --- Synergy is formed by having AP damage + CC + Peel + Value from heal / shields / any damage buff effects / removal of Crowd Control).
- Does this build work for Bot and Top lane ?
Yes it does work on Bot and Top lane.
Updated 25.S1.3
Most important Fact(s)
Fact 1:
Lethality + AD Stack + Crit Caitlyn should always try to end up clearing waves, thereby entering fights with being ready.
Fact 2:
Targets revealed by will always take max damage from .
Fact 3: will grant true sight whenever enemies enter stealth during the channel. This can be used to spot stealthed entering encounters from enemies.
Fact 4:
Building Stacks towards will be increased (from 1) to 2 stacks each auto hit while standing in a .
Fact 5: allows Caitlyn to buffer another Ability during the animation.
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