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Skill match up, can swing both ways. If you get hit you lose, if you don't you win. Level 1 is skill.
Her range is decent on her Q but it's not impossible to control level 1. You eventually lose level 3 because she out damages you and the lane becomes unplayable at level 6.
More need to be cautious of ganks, he can't kill you but in theory you shouldn't be able to kill him either. Nice lane to farm.
Skill match up. If they can god wall then you're in trouble. Wait for them to use Q. You lose level 6.
She can threaten stun and you lose. Your level 1 is decent but she stops caring at level 2.
You don't win
Skill match up, you get hit you lose
You lose level 2 and just get outscaled. Will be completely honest, don't know that much about this match up.
If she lands Q level 1 you can't stop her, can match you at all stages
Skill match up, he has the edge through lane because of his sustain.
You Q he Q you take damage he takes no damage
Skill match up pre 6
Dr. Mundo
Skill match up in your favour, if you take a Q you are in for a world of hurt. Otherwise you can definitely win level 1 and the rest of the lane. It takes a heavy swing into his favour at level 6 with his movement speed.
Skill match up, in his favour but mostly to his execution.
Skill match up. You can beat the ****ty ones but you lose to any other decent player. She can dodge your ult so be careful.
Skill match up, in his favour. He out damages you regardless of W or E max. Only downside is his mana issues so if he does screw up there is hope for you yet.
He does not give a **** about your damage, you win level 1 but 2 gets harder and 3 becomes impossible.
He matches your damage and if he is good you will get out traded contesting barrels.
He just out sustains, you don't really win. Still a bit of a skill match up, would not say it's impossible to win but he is definitely favoured.
Annoying as ****, he shouldn't be able to kill you but you will have a rough time trying to kill him, your mana pool doesn't support clearing his turrets.
Skill match up. Can swing both ways but she has the defensive advantage and playing into her zones is very hard without getting slapped for 300 damage and her healing.
Good luck lol
Jarvan IV
Would say max threat but there is room for outplay, His damage is unreal and if he knocks you up and slows you lose any trade you could hope for
Skill match up, once he gets phage you are screwed
You lose to any decent Jayce player
Skill match up
One of those mages who aren't afraid to get in your face. Not the worst but not the best match up, a bit of a skill match up
Skill match up, you have a slight advantage until 6 and then you lose
You get out damaged. Level 1 is fine but past that good luck
Can go both ways, you have an advantage through lane and it depends on if you can land E, once she starts scaling you lose
Send me a screenshot if you can land a Q on him
If he lands Q at level 2 you die
You cannot touch this champion, or, you do and you die
You're the best, no one else plays Lillia better than you. **** that other Lillia player, I believe in you
You don't touch him
Annoying but not impossible, you do have to be careful of her stacking chip damage onto you otherwise you can't threaten at all
Skill match up, you get hit by Q good luck
Strangely enough this is a tank you do pretty ****ty against purely because of his Q. If the range was shorter or if it didn't steal movement speed then this match up is fine, but since neither of these are true you actually can't touch him. His Q damage is also very annoying for its cost, so you can only really take resistance and sustain and try to make it through lane.
Good luck
Technically you shouldn't kill him and he shouldn't kill you. He doesn't have amazing damage but his sustain and his ability to dodge with his root makes him a little annoying to play against, try not to miss it while he uses it on you. Skill match up in your favour, depends on your execution
Master Yi
He Q's onto you and you can't do anything. Level 6 you stand no chance.
Skill match up, in his favour. Lands an ability and you lose.
Self explanatory, you probably won't kill her
If he's smart he'll max E. Use your W for when he slows you.
Annoying as **** but manageable if you don't keep getting hit by hooks.
Skill match up
Nunu & Willump
He doesn't need snowball to land, he can get it close enough to just root you. Your damage is pretty doodoo because he sustains it back. You don't win but neither should he.
You don't win level 1 if he can god axe, or if he can axe at any time through the lane.
Skill match up but any decent Ornn should be able to land knock up on you without much issue if you don't have a few Q stacks already
You can do okay level 1 but you die afterwards
She shouldn't kill you, but she can match damage to an extent because of her tankiness
Annoying, not impossible, his waveclear is dog**** so you can take advantage of that
I will pray for you
Level 1 is not too bad, afterwards good luck
Warding the bush does nothing he gap closes and out damages you
You don't win ay any point
You get out damaged at all stages and die if he lands spears
Skill match up, I don't know which animal designed this champion but she can block your ult for some reason
Skill match up, in his favour. His base stats beats you if you don't get an advantage
You go even but his chip damage can be annoying if he maxes dagger. You don't kill him ever.
Out damages you if he lands taunt, or even if he doesn't pretty sure he still out damages you because of his field block
Skill match up, he has burden of execution though
Skill match up, he lands snare you're screwed
Skill match up although it's not that hard for him to land abilities onto you.
Tahm Kench
Skill match up, although I would say it's in your favour
Skill match up although I really don't think it takes that much skill for her to chuck a Q at your face
Gap close and out damage have fun
It can go okay
He just out damages you, his gap closer and slow isn't much but it's enough to make a difference in this match up
Twisted Fate
Telegraphed stun, you should be okay
You get hit with an E I will see you next game
So sweaty
This match up can go decently if you don't take fully empowered Q, burden of execution is on Vlad but you can't give him the opportunity to screw you over
He has just enough range to stun you and make it a problem, if that wasn't the case this would be an easy match up
He out damages you
Xin Zhao
Gap close and out damages you
Gap close and out damages yopu
Gap closes and out damages you
Annoying as fuuuuuuuuuck he lands blob and the story ends
In any way that he is capable of landing electrocute you lose
Lillia top is a niche pick and took a big hit with the new season 11 patch. The main idea is to win level 1 with your movement speed and Q damage. Lillia's W is not good practically because it's so hard to land consistently, so when most champions get a third ability at level 3 you are left with 2 and a half. Your level 1 will dictate your entire lane, and if you can't take advantage of it then best of luck because the lane only gets harder from there.
As an AP bruiser you're more looking to stack health with AP as a second, Lillia doesn't really scale that well with AP anyways. The component items that I have listed up there with those core items aren't that good but that's the best she'll get. I haven't tested tank Lillia but that might really be another option given how difficult AP Lillia will be to get online now with the season 11 patch.
Have fun, Lillia is an absolute treat to play if you don't take the game too seriously like me!
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