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LoL Best Lissandra Middle Build Guides 2024

Build guides for Lissandra Middle on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Lissandra Middle builds. Create your own champion guide!

Season 3 Builds
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide

Lissandra - The Frejlord Favorite Witch

Build by BrownPunk2 updated November 13, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide

AP Carry Lissandra Mid Lane

Build by TheWDeadXx updated October 10, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide


Build by NMT Helios updated September 7, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide

Is it cold here or is it just me?! AP-Mid Lissandra Build

Build by HrdStL updated September 21, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide

Lissandra - ''The Iceborn Tank''

Build by PfandPirat updated September 14, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide

Lissandra Guide - Never Lost so FAr

Build by Bennyy updated August 8, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide

Lissandra - Blue Ice is beautiful

Build by xCapTuReDx updated July 25, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide


Build by burichtree updated July 30, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide

Liss Mid Bully APC

Build by TeHazard updated June 26, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide

Lissandra Fullbuster

Build by Grand Tempura updated May 19, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide

Lissandra build(mid)

Build by NoobProxy updated June 4, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide


Build by hunvagyok updated May 25, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide

Lissandra Frost Mage

Build by MetalPoder updated May 19, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide

Lissandra - My own take on the Witch

Build by MrKoolKJ updated May 18, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide

Lissandra - The Ice *****

Build by R4pedTits updated May 18, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide

Lissandra MID

Build by zanionDK updated April 30, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide

Lissandra Guide by Ex Vi

Build by Arcxzor updated May 16, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide

Lissandra - The Litch *****

Build by phoboy97 updated May 15, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide

Lissandra Heart of black ice

Build by juniorlameida22 updated May 13, 2013
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide
LoL Champion Lissandra Build Guide

Cold Enough? - Lissandra The Ice Witch

Build by hbib1 updated May 12, 2013
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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