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Renata Glasc Build Guide by Peerat

Support Make hyper-carries even a bigger problem. A guide to Renata

Support Make hyper-carries even a bigger problem. A guide to Renata

Updated on February 20, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Peerat Build Guide By Peerat 9 0 13,981 Views 1 Comments
9 0 13,981 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Peerat Renata Glasc Build Guide By Peerat Updated on February 20, 2022
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Runes: When ADC hyper carry (samira etc,)

1 2 3
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band

Font of Life

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
Against heal
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Make hyper-carries even a bigger problem. A guide to Renata

By Peerat
Renata? Who is this
Renata is a entchanter-type support, who combines greatly with hyper-carries, on any team. I think she a potential to be top tier, but ill give a verdict on the end of a guide.
What renata is about?
Renata's kit is about controlling. Either controlling enemies with your Q or controlling your ADC's life with your W and finally controling the battlefield with your R.

You benefit the most from spamming abilities to control as often as posslible. So i recommend building Ability haste. (See the builds)

Renata should be played with or against hyper carries because you are a weird cousing of taric, so taric mains should be really happy about this champion.
Renata's kit
Passive: your passive is essentially an Imperial mandate, your attacks mark enemies for 6 seconds, when your allies hit enemies, they destroy the mark, dealing max% health damage.

Note:You can only mark one enemy at the time

Q=You fire a missle from your arm stunning an enemy stunning them for 1 sec, after hitting you can recast to move the target to a coursor location. If you recast a champion into a champion, both targets will be stunned for 0.5sec.

Note:This can be abused if enemy team picked Miss Fortune, and she ults, you can stun her with her own support. Very useful and funny

W=You give a boost to selected champion a movement speed and attack speed boost. The timer resets after a kill. If a target dies, he resurrects basically as a sion passive, and their health decreases over 3 secs. If dying target kills an enemy champion, the "Sion passive" is cancelled.

Note:I usually use W when my ADC is at 50%hp, then i have the lowest chance of the effect wearing off before target's death. Also worth noting, that there is no "Delay" between death and "Sion passive", so samira doesn't loose her style point, Jhin doesn't reload his gun, Jinx keeps her attack speed from the minigun etc....

E=You shoot 2 missles that shield you and allies, after travelling a distance, the missles explode dealing damage. Missles also shield allies in the explosion site.

Note:There are no tricks with this ability. I use it as a tool to speed up pushing wave and poking your opponents.

R=You fire a wave of poison that doesn't deal damage, but causes targets (that includes minions) to go berserk, that means they will attack anything near, that includes their own men.
Remember the priority goes like this Ally champions>minions>jungle monsters>Renata's allies>Renata. Also targets went berserk recieve 100% attack speed bonus.

Note:Berserk enemies also recieve a movement speed buff... I learned that by solo-ulting a rengar while running away from him....he eventually caught up.
Also when enemies kill an objective while on your R, your team will get the objective.
Do's and don'ts
Priotite your W on most fed champ on your team
Move enemies with your Q into your R or to hold them in place
Try to use R when enemies are in one place (for example after orianna's R)
Have fun

Don't do things that won't work as Nami or as Taric, Renata is very similar to them.
Don't try to force hitting Q, you can die easily while trying
Potential problems
1.Your Q's range can be a little bit short so you have to get used to it.

2.Renata is very squishy, for someone who has to go a little bit close to hit her enemies with her abilities, that why I recommend buying evenshroud.

3.You are dependent on your ACD, cus you really dont deal damage, unless you go full AP.

Apart from these 3 thing, Renata is really good, I hope you will enjoy playing her, and pissing enemy team off, when enemy master yi makes you a pentakill.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Peerat
Peerat Renata Glasc Guide
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Make hyper-carries even a bigger problem. A guide to Renata

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