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Recommended Items
Runes: Meteor Version (Armor Pen)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Mortal Will (PASSIVE)
Pantheon Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
About Me
Hello everyone,
My nickname is BaLoRi, I am an Educational Content Creator/Streamer part of Fnatic and FNC Network.
This Mobafire profile and the guides I am creating meant to explain my unique playstyle and build theory to my Community and make my Balorians even stronger 🔥
All the guides that I am creating are ONLY for champions that will give you 70%+ win ratio and these are the very same builds that I am using to rank up without trying.
You can find me anywhere:
Live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/BaLoRi
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BaLoRi
Discord server: https://discord.gg/ag8tYgq
Lets now start with our OP

An introduction to Full Armor Penetration/On-Hit Build
Pantheon build is about combining everything this champion NEEDS and making you a total monster, from EARLY game till FULL LATE GAME! (
Eclipse and
Edge of Night) + 9 from
Sudden Impact = 31 | 57% ARMOR PENETRATION, 30% ARMOR REDUCTION from
Black Cleaver, 3000+ HP and insanely big sustain with the combination of your
Eclipse and
Elixir of Wrath damage to heal effects

Here is a game example of our Full Pen Pantheon Build guide:
Pantheon Build
If you choose the ON-HIT

Here is a game example of our On-hit Pantheon Build guide:
Now lets talk about Runes and then items to be ready to DESTROY ALL EASILY!
Secret Behind Runes
With these runes we focus on doing as much damage as possible, while having a combination of SUSTAIN as well(from items, look next chapter) at the same time and grow stronger as we go to full late game!
Lets talk about the combinations and why is worth:
We will be playing with Sorcery + Domination
For Sorcery
Arcane Comet By FAR the strongest rune in the game, with the combination of your Full Armor Pen plus your
Comet Spear you will make your
Arcane Comet doing PURE to any target. Remember that
Arcane Comet damage is adaptive, tha means when you got more AD than AP, it will do Physical damage instead!
Note: A lot of people asking "why
Arcane Comet over something else" the answer is simple,
Pantheon is a champion DESINGED to use his skills muliple times per fight,
Arcane Comet is the only rune that is fitting this, cause this rune will reduce its own CD (that is already only 8 seconds late game) the more you hit the enemy champions, that means in lvl 18, you will LITERALLY activate
Arcane Comet every 2 seconds just by hitting W-Q! Also cause of the stun that you got with your W you will secure hitting it 100% of the times, totally different than for example
Electrocute that got a huge amount of CD that you need to wait before using it again while you can activate
Arcane Comet at least 4 times in the same duration and do 3x the Damage!
Manaflow Band To spam your skills, you need ALWAYS EXTRA mana, most of people playing with "pots", we will play with something even greater,
Manaflow Band will let you have infinity amount of mana from early game till full late game. Super important especially with our gamestyle that will be to POKE THEM 24/7
Transcendence One of the most amazing runes for our build, bonus ability haste but also CD refund after each kill assist to use your Q-W-E faster, to understand how powerful this is, we will be going in, kill a target and then be ready to move to the next target INSTANTLY cause we will have our Q-W at the end of the combo after the kill and 1-2 seconds later even our E will be ready to use!!!
Scorch The perfect combination of rune for playing together with
Arcane Comet you think that
Scorch doing "small amount" of damage, but if you combine it with the continue poke with your
Comet Spear and
Arcane Comet you will realize that this rune is JUST AS IMPORTANT and will give insanely big amount of damage!
For Domination:
Sudden Impact This rune fits perfectly with our Full ARMOR Pen build, cause each time you using your W you will get 7 extra armor pen (lvl 18) to do EVEN MORE DAMAGE! And can be used from super early till full late game!
For the second domination rune, you got two options:
Ultimate Hunter R CDR will make you travel all across the map, help your teammates, reach targets that running, or come back to the lane EASILY!
Now we go for the Second rune set that will work for both ARMOR Pen build or the ON-hit One, and it will just as powerful as the
Arcane Comet Full Armor Pen one, but for different reasons and while playing with melee match ups!
Precision + Domination
Press the Attack This rune might be a little TOO GOOD for
Pantheon after hitting the target 3 times you will apply instant 180 of AD burst damage but also you and your team will do to this target 12% Bonus damage, this effect will be instantly got activated by empowered
Shield Vault and you will have this
amazing effect that not only will apply burst damage (180) instantly but also let you do more damage while fighting, that means your Q-hits-E, everything will do 12% damage that together with
Coup de Grace will go up to 20% to a target that cause of your On-Hit or FULL LETHALITY-ARMOR PEN build will get one-shotted instantly no matter if he is a tank or squishy target!
Presence of Mind Bonus Mana regain while damaging enemy champions plus mana refund after each kill/assist, with this rune
Pantheon will never have mana problems, from early to super late game! A great choice instead of
Manaflow Band for mana sustain and it can be used right away without stacking!
Legend: Bloodline bonus % lifesteal, in a game where sustain is everything and while your hit will also do TRUE DAMAGE or even BONUS DAMAGE that we saw in the example above, this means that you will heal with each hit and with this rune alone 12% of the damage that you are doing with your Hits or W!
Coup de Grace 8% bonus damage to below 40% HP targets, the perfect rune while playing with our style, cause all target will be below 40% HP either way!!!
For Domination
Sudden Impact as we said above, the lethality that this item giving you is just too important to not have!
And for this style, go always with
Ultimate Hunter R CDR will make you travel all across the map, help your teammates, reach targets that running, or come back to the lane EASILY!
These runes will give you amazing results and making you a TOTAL MONSTER that will dominate EARLY lane phase and terrorize Full Late game teamfights and also cause of the insanely big number of ability haste that we will have, you will also spam your skills more than ever!!
Now that you understood the power of our runes, it’s time to move to the item explanation and be ready to destroy all after that!!!
Lets talk about the combinations and why is worth:
We will be playing with Sorcery + Domination
For Sorcery

Note: A lot of people asking "why

For Domination:

For the second domination rune, you got two options:

Now we go for the Second rune set that will work for both ARMOR Pen build or the ON-hit One, and it will just as powerful as the

Precision + Domination

amazing effect that not only will apply burst damage (180) instantly but also let you do more damage while fighting, that means your Q-hits-E, everything will do 12% damage that together with

For Domination

And for this style, go always with

These runes will give you amazing results and making you a TOTAL MONSTER that will dominate EARLY lane phase and terrorize Full Late game teamfights and also cause of the insanely big number of ability haste that we will have, you will also spam your skills more than ever!!
Now that you understood the power of our runes, it’s time to move to the item explanation and be ready to destroy all after that!!!
Secret Behind Items
Lets start with the Items and our Items Strategy (and detailed explanation about WHY we are getting them). I come up with this build after hundreds of different combinations, to create this final build that cant lose vs ANYTHING and ANYONE!
So lets get go down to details and numbers about HOW and WHY we will play
Pantheon with the strongest build that ever created!
Start items, you will always buy
Doran's Blade together with
Health Potion
The reason is simple,
Doran's Blade will give you what you need to start dominating your enemy top laner. AD, HP, Damage to Heal, and cause of the
Manaflow Band or
Presence of Mind you wont have MANA PROBLEMS at all!
at your next back you will get 2 more
Doran's Blade and refillable position (1050 Gold first back) this will give you everything you need to OVERPOWER any kind of champion against you in lane phase and you won’t sell your
Doran's Blade till your 3rd core item that is
Edge of Night.
But lets talk about WHY we playing with 3
Doran's Blade and why its important to do the SAME no matter what.
Doran's Blade As all start items, got 137+% to 400+% Gold efficiency for their stats. That means that the actual gold of the stats that it gives are not worth of 450 Gold, but 600+ Gold gold instead! (Its 200% for
Doran's Ring and up to 424% for the fully stacked
Dark Seal)
To win a game you need to win lane phase EASILY, then be insanely powerful MID-Game and the STRONGEST LATE GAME. Thats how important this is, lets go into more details
With only 900 Gold (Plus 1 from lvl 1) you will have the following stats:
24 AD, 240 HP and 2.5% Omnivamp, remember, that these items are "temp" items and you will sell your FIRST ONE at 20mins+ of the game, no sooner. Then moment you will sell it, you will get 180 gold, that means the ACTUAL cost of each item is 270 Gold, while its STATS worth over 600 Gold! This will simply make you POWERFUL sooner than the ENEMY. This game is about "item stats" and how "fast" you can get them, our style is to always overpower our enemies by this simple strategy.
Also, our next two core items will be only "damage" type, that means the
Doran's Blade will serve as a sustain type of items till you start getting your 3rd Core item that is
Black Cleaver and start adding more HP to
Pantheon. And this is going to be the FIRST TIME that you will sell your first
Doran's Blade, that means after 20+min of the game, making you using these 3
Doran's Blade for at least 16+mins and you will keep selling them after getting your next core items!
After your 3 dorans you will start building your
Eclipse so your next item will always be
Serrated Dirk you got now your first Lethality item, you got AD-SUSTAIN-Damage to Heal with
Doran's Blade and DAMAGE and Lethality with
Serrated Dirk even like this, the damage you will be doing to the enemy cause of the 10 lethality from
Serrated Dirk and another 7 lethality from
Sudden Impact and also another 10% Armor Penetration from your Ultimate is BEYOND understanding! If your enemy do the mistakes (most of them wont) get cloth of armor you will tear them apart with
Comet Spear and
Aegis Assault EASILY!
After finishing
Eclipse you will have everything that
Pantheon needs, AD, Lethality, Damage to heal effect, Max Hp Damage and a shield-movement speed effects, a super powerful item that will let you SURVIVE MORE and have more mobility at the same time!
Our next item will always be
Serylda's Grudge, this will give you the ability to one-shot even the strongest tanks in the game, just by having your second item completed. The stats that you will get will be: AD, TONS of Ability Haste, SLOW EFFECT and 30% Armor Penetration!
Now cause of
Eclipse mythic item passive, we will also increase our Armor Penetration by 4% for every Legendary item that we are finishing, we also got our Ultimate
Grand Starfall that will be (most of the times) lvl 2, that means ANOTHER 20% Armor Penetration, plus the lethality that you got from
Eclipse and
Sudden Impact you got, remember, with only 2 ITEMS, the following pen effects:
24 Lethality plus ~42+% Armor Penetration, with these stats alone, you will be able to easily overpower and one-shot the WORLD ITSELF, we will have a full detailed exampled below for you to understand and if you want to learn more about how the "Armor Penetration" effects works, then be sure to check our League masterclass that you can find below
The next item will be
Black Cleaver, and this is going to be the first time to sell your
Doran's Blade in order for you to have the slot to build it. The reason we need this is to add some more HP to our build, but NOT ONLY CAUSE OF that
Black Cleaver is another important items cause it will give you the following stats, AD, HP, Ability haste but most importantly two more INSANE passive effects:
30% ARMOR REDUCTION and bonus movement speed after fully stacking it!!
That means together with your 18 lethality from
Eclipse plus 7 from
Sudden Impact and the AT LEAST 45% Armor Penetration (If you got the lvl 3 ultimate you will reach 55%+ Armor Pen at your 3rd item) you will be ready to destroy your enemies!
Black Cleaver will reduce the armor of the target by 30%, that means less damage for your "lethality" to penetrate and do TRUE DAMAGE TO EVERY TARGET!
Black Cleaver you will start building your
Edge of Night, that means you will sell your Second
Doran's Blade and get your
Serrated Dirk, another 10 Lethality for you, making you have right now 12+10+9 = 31 Total Lethality!
We building
Edge of Night cause of the following reasons:
Lethality-Damage, HP(Sustain) and its item effect, this shield will save you multiply times from hard CC or SKILLS that can kill you, if you use it right in your engage, you will make your enemy unable to do anything to stop you!
Our build is not only about doing damage, but also sustain even more, cause of your combo of items you will have enough HP and shield effects with
Eclipse to survive much longer than anyone else, also cause of
Transcendence after killing something you will have back your E, that means more Immortality for you, cause your
Aegis Assault will dodge literally any damage from the direction you will use it, while at the same time heal from the damage that its doing cause of the damage to heal effects you already got with the combination of items!!
After finishing
Edge of Night its time to get last item, as our final choice we got some more options:
Sterak's Gage a very powerful item that will give you AD, HP and a SHIELD while fighting against your enemies that will help you sustain and survive their burst damage!
Death's Dance A similar item as
Sterak's Gage but it will give you Ability haste, Armor, AD and two passive effects, one will let you transform the 30% burst damage to over the time effect that will let you survive longer and the second is that with each kill/assist you will clear any damage effect and heal instead % of your MAX HP, cause of the Ability haste I am really not against playing with it, cause what we really need is MORE ABILITY HASTE to spam-Do more damage with our skills
Chempunk Chainsword an item that you will choose to reduce the healing effects of the enemy team AND NOT ONLY THAT, cause of it will give you Ability haste, AD and HP, making you have all the stats that we need at this point to overpower all and also the Grievous Wounds that will reduce the healing effects of your enemies from 40% to 60%!!
Now that we are at full build, its time for you to fully understand the TRUE POWER of the MAX PEN KING
Example target of 100 armor
First you will apply the 30% armor reduction from
Black Cleaver that means the target will be left with 70 armor. Then you will apply the 57% armor penetration that means the target will be left with 30 Armor, then you will apply the 35 Armor pen, that means the target will finally remain with ZERO ARMOR, you want to know the difference between your damage from a target with 100 ARMOR and 0 ARMOR?
Let me tell you in numbers, with 100 armor the target will avoid 50% OF YOUR DAMAGE, that means if you skill doing 1000 damage, you will do only 500!!
With ZERO ARMOR now, the target will receive the FULL DAMAGE from your SKILLS-BASIC ATTACKS and overall any physical damage type that you are doing, this INCLUDES the damage from
Arcane Comet that we already said above that will have CD of only 2 seconds in full late game, imagine to do PURE DAMAGE with the
Arcane Comet AS WELL!!!!!!
So the 100 Armor Target is not somthing to be surprised from??? How about a 400 ARMOR TARGET?
Example target of 500 armor
The target without any PENETRATION effects will receive only 16.5% of your damage, that means, from the 1000 TOTAL DAMAGE that you are doing, you will actually do only 165 DMG!! So even if you got 1000 AD and your skills doing 2000+Dmg, your actually damage to a 500 armor target, will be only 330 DMG~!
Let's now see how much damage our build will do.
As we said above, first 30% armor reduction from
Black Cleaver, the target will be left with 350 Armor, then we will calculate the 57% of the armor penertation and the target will be left with 150 ARMOR, then we are calculating the armor pen flat numbers, and the armor that is left to target for you is going to be 115 Armor.
From the 83~% Damage reduction that the target had with 500 Armor, now the target is left with only 115 Armor and 53% Damage reduction, that means your 1000 DMG will be doing 470 DMG and the 2000 DMG will be 940 DMG!
So even with this EXTREME example of 500 armor target, you will still be able to tear him apart easily without even a problem, this is the true power of ARMOR PENETRATION effects and you can learn about all these in our league masterclass episodes!!
No matter what you will choose as last item, you will also have the
Eclipse mythic item bonus effect, making you insanely powerful cause you will have just from completing the Legendary items 20% armor penetration, that together with
Serylda's Grudge you will reach 40%+ Armor pen to be sure to DELETE any target easily!!
So your FULL Lethality Armor
Pantheon BUILD will look like this:
Black Cleaver
Serylda's Grudge
Edge of Night
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Sterak's Gage plus
Elixir of Wrath
As for the PTA On-Hit
Pantheon Build
things are pretty simple, we will play with the same start items and first back items, but instead of
Eclipse we will play with
Kraken Slayer this item will give you literally everything that you need to OVERPOWER ALL, every 3rd attack you will have bonus TRUE DAMAGE that will also going to be applied if you use your empowered W and making the target take an insane amount of damage instantly!
The second item will be
Black Cleaver the reason we are going for this item (as we explained above) is to have more SUSTAIN and of course more damage from the two amazing passive effects, the armor reduction and bonus movement speed!!
Remember you WONT SELL your
Doran's Blade but only while starting building your third core item that will be
Blade of the Ruined King and only then you will sell your FIRST ONE and keep the other two,
Doran's Blade are there to help you have more sustain and more damage as you go to full late game and selling them one by one!!
Third item will be the
Blade of the Ruined King, this item will give you insane effects, AD, Attack speed, LIFESTEAL that together with
Legend: Bloodline will help you reach 24% and sustain much more than ever before, our builds is not only about DAMAGE but also about SUSTAIN and how to survive more than all the rest, this item will give you just that and also On-hit 12% of their current HP effect, with your empowered W you will apply this effect 3 times, making it do 30% of their CURRENT HP DAMAGE instantly plus the true damage, missing hp damage from
Kraken Slayer and
Black Cleaver
And now you are ready for your next item that will break this game completely,
Guinsoo's Rageblade this item is about the passive effects, it will turn the CRITICAL STRIKES that you got into On-Hit INSANE damage effects, and with our full build we will have 60% critical strike, making it doing an INSANE damage with each hit and of course instant activating this effect with the Empowered W!!
Our Last item will be
Lord Dominik's Regards and it will give you what you need to overpower then EVEN MORE, %Armor Pen, AD, Critical strike that will be turned into On-hit damage and another effect that you will do up to 15% increased damage to HIGH HP TARGETS, making it super useful against tanks that will literally MELT AS WELL with just one of your W, cause imagine that you will be doing 20% Increased Damage from
Press the Attack and
Coup de Grace as well!!!
You also got the option for last item to go for a sustain type cause we already got damage to kill everything either way, so for more sustain to SURVIVE Longer, you got are the following options:
Death's Dance as we talked above a powerful item that will let you heal and survive after each kill/assist!
Sterak's Gage another item for sustain but also bonus damage, that will give you heal and a shield effect that will save you most of the times!
Guardian Angel an item that will let you revive and try again for one more time, while giving you armor and AD, I am not really a fan of this item cause of the really LONG CD (300 seconds) but it will also be an option for you!
Our Full On-Hit
Pantheon build will look like this:
Kraken Slayer
Blade of the Ruined King
Black Cleaver
Mercury's Treads
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Lord Dominik's Regards and
Elixir of Wrath
So lets get go down to details and numbers about HOW and WHY we will play

Start items, you will always buy

The reason is simple,

at your next back you will get 2 more

But lets talk about WHY we playing with 3

To win a game you need to win lane phase EASILY, then be insanely powerful MID-Game and the STRONGEST LATE GAME. Thats how important this is, lets go into more details
With only 900 Gold (Plus 1 from lvl 1) you will have the following stats:
24 AD, 240 HP and 2.5% Omnivamp, remember, that these items are "temp" items and you will sell your FIRST ONE at 20mins+ of the game, no sooner. Then moment you will sell it, you will get 180 gold, that means the ACTUAL cost of each item is 270 Gold, while its STATS worth over 600 Gold! This will simply make you POWERFUL sooner than the ENEMY. This game is about "item stats" and how "fast" you can get them, our style is to always overpower our enemies by this simple strategy.
Also, our next two core items will be only "damage" type, that means the

After your 3 dorans you will start building your

After finishing

Our next item will always be

Now cause of

24 Lethality plus ~42+% Armor Penetration, with these stats alone, you will be able to easily overpower and one-shot the WORLD ITSELF, we will have a full detailed exampled below for you to understand and if you want to learn more about how the "Armor Penetration" effects works, then be sure to check our League masterclass that you can find below
The next item will be

30% ARMOR REDUCTION and bonus movement speed after fully stacking it!!
That means together with your 18 lethality from


We building

Lethality-Damage, HP(Sustain) and its item effect, this shield will save you multiply times from hard CC or SKILLS that can kill you, if you use it right in your engage, you will make your enemy unable to do anything to stop you!
Our build is not only about doing damage, but also sustain even more, cause of your combo of items you will have enough HP and shield effects with

After finishing




Now that we are at full build, its time for you to fully understand the TRUE POWER of the MAX PEN KING

Example target of 100 armor
First you will apply the 30% armor reduction from

Let me tell you in numbers, with 100 armor the target will avoid 50% OF YOUR DAMAGE, that means if you skill doing 1000 damage, you will do only 500!!
With ZERO ARMOR now, the target will receive the FULL DAMAGE from your SKILLS-BASIC ATTACKS and overall any physical damage type that you are doing, this INCLUDES the damage from

So the 100 Armor Target is not somthing to be surprised from??? How about a 400 ARMOR TARGET?
Example target of 500 armor
The target without any PENETRATION effects will receive only 16.5% of your damage, that means, from the 1000 TOTAL DAMAGE that you are doing, you will actually do only 165 DMG!! So even if you got 1000 AD and your skills doing 2000+Dmg, your actually damage to a 500 armor target, will be only 330 DMG~!
Let's now see how much damage our build will do.
As we said above, first 30% armor reduction from

From the 83~% Damage reduction that the target had with 500 Armor, now the target is left with only 115 Armor and 53% Damage reduction, that means your 1000 DMG will be doing 470 DMG and the 2000 DMG will be 940 DMG!
So even with this EXTREME example of 500 armor target, you will still be able to tear him apart easily without even a problem, this is the true power of ARMOR PENETRATION effects and you can learn about all these in our league masterclass episodes!!
No matter what you will choose as last item, you will also have the

So your FULL Lethality Armor

As for the PTA On-Hit

things are pretty simple, we will play with the same start items and first back items, but instead of

The second item will be

Remember you WONT SELL your

Third item will be the

And now you are ready for your next item that will break this game completely,

Our Last item will be

You also got the option for last item to go for a sustain type cause we already got damage to kill everything either way, so for more sustain to SURVIVE Longer, you got are the following options:



Our Full On-Hit

Strategy To Follow
The strategy to follow with
Pantheon IS EASY, let me tell you step by step how to totally destroy your enemies!
To totally dominate your lane phase you will FULLY USE the power of
Comet Spear the strategy is simple, farm NORMALLY and each time you got your passive full stacks poke your enemy with
Comet Spear either by hitting him from close range and reduce the CD of the skill by 50% making you having it sooner so you will SPAM IT MORE, or just throw it to him and make use to hit him! Overall to hit the target is not going to be hard as long as you practice a little bit!
The moment you will hit your target, you will activate the following runes:
Arcane Comet,
Manaflow Band and
Arcane Comet and
Scorch will apply PHYSICAL damage to the target, that means that its going to use the Lethality and Armor penetration you got and also you will stack your
Manaflow Band remember to spam your Q each time you got this rune activated it stack it first and then start spam ALL DAY LONG your skills!
So you will hit the creeps, then hit the target every single time, its simple to use and EASY TO KILL any kind of enemy. You dont even need to "go close to the target" to apply a huge amount of damage!
When the target is at the right amount of HP (around 30%) go in with your full combo. Use your
Shield Vault then HIT to activate the
Sudden Impact and instantly release your
Comet Spear then hit once again and the moment he is about to "react" activate your E to avoid any kind of damage, then simply use your
Ignite and kill the target!
Overall, no matter what champion you playing against you, there is no possible way to sustain the insanely big damage from
Pantheon and cause of your runes you will be able to deal this amount of damage EVERY SINGLE TIME without mana problems!
Full late game the things are simple as well, you can easily just poke your enemies with
Comet Spear from RANGE or go in with your W-HIT-Q-HIT-E combo and kill the target and also avoid ALL THE DAMAGE from the enemy team that will focus you!
Pantheon now can sustain the damage from ANY KIND OF Skills that is infront of you cause of your
Aegis Assault if you use it right and at the right moment you will for sure TILT your enemies that will focus you for sure the moment you will engage!
And cause of our FULL ARMOR PEN build you will also deal a huge amount of damage to all the target in front of you!!

To totally dominate your lane phase you will FULLY USE the power of

The moment you will hit your target, you will activate the following runes:

So you will hit the creeps, then hit the target every single time, its simple to use and EASY TO KILL any kind of enemy. You dont even need to "go close to the target" to apply a huge amount of damage!
When the target is at the right amount of HP (around 30%) go in with your full combo. Use your

Overall, no matter what champion you playing against you, there is no possible way to sustain the insanely big damage from

Full late game the things are simple as well, you can easily just poke your enemies with

And cause of our FULL ARMOR PEN build you will also deal a huge amount of damage to all the target in front of you!!
Different Match ups vs My Darius Build
Season 13 Pantheon vs K'sante (On-hit)
Season 13 Pantheon vs Kled
Older Pantheon Match ups
Pantheon vs Jax (First Strike Max Pen)
Pantheon vs Camille
Pantheon vs Graves
Pantheon vs Olaf (On Hit Build)
Pantheon vs Jax (First Strike max pen)
Pantheon vs Yone (Max Pen)
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