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Ability Order
Eternal Hunger (PASSIVE)
Warwick Passive Ability
In this section i am gonna explain why i chose these runes....
i chose att dmg marks becaus its hard to get a first blood at start of game so the more ad you have at start of game the better!
i chose flat armor runes for the same reason as the att dmg runes....the more armor you have at start of game, the harder it is for the eniemy to kill you!!
i chose magic resist per level glyphs so that in late game u have at least 75 magic resist so the ranged carters dont do too much damage before you kill them ;)
The quintessence is manly for ad nothing else(thats kind of obvius) but ist best to have 79 ad at start of game!
i chose att dmg marks becaus its hard to get a first blood at start of game so the more ad you have at start of game the better!
i chose flat armor runes for the same reason as the att dmg runes....the more armor you have at start of game, the harder it is for the eniemy to kill you!!
i chose magic resist per level glyphs so that in late game u have at least 75 magic resist so the ranged carters dont do too much damage before you kill them ;)
The quintessence is manly for ad nothing else(thats kind of obvius) but ist best to have 79 ad at start of game!
THis is very inportant so pay attention to this because its a little complikated.
Don't worry about health because between the attackspeed attack damage and lifesteal you will kill you opponents and still have enough health to solo drac ^o^!!!
I start of with either boots and 3 health pots or dorans blade(for ad and health)
After fb and a little farm i buy madreds razors for armor and attack dmg..
then i go to they most important parts of the build i finish off berzerker greaves and madreds bloodrazor and move on to black cleaver and bloodthirster..(P.s. once you get madreds bloodrazon and the B.F.sword of blackcleaver its gonna be easy to kill enemy champions even tanks)
To Finish i buy nan infinity edge and a frozen mallet....
In all you are looking at a very high attack speed when using w(about 2.123) and an immense attack dmg (about 350 for sure tested and tryed its great)!!!
Don't worry about health because between the attackspeed attack damage and lifesteal you will kill you opponents and still have enough health to solo drac ^o^!!!
I start of with either boots and 3 health pots or dorans blade(for ad and health)
After fb and a little farm i buy madreds razors for armor and attack dmg..
then i go to they most important parts of the build i finish off berzerker greaves and madreds bloodrazor and move on to black cleaver and bloodthirster..(P.s. once you get madreds bloodrazon and the B.F.sword of blackcleaver its gonna be easy to kill enemy champions even tanks)
To Finish i buy nan infinity edge and a frozen mallet....
In all you are looking at a very high attack speed when using w(about 2.123) and an immense attack dmg (about 350 for sure tested and tryed its great)!!!
I know what you are gonna say, those skills are not good because i am emphasising on the q but they are awsome in battle. Maximise the q first so you have a lot of heal and magic damige then go for the w gor attack speed and e last to chase(in middle and late game its gonna be easier to level up because of the great farm from the great build) and as always level up the ultimate at 6,11&16.
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