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How to lane
Even if the enemy Mid plays aggresiv, you can Q the whole minion wave and run in middle of it to hit them with ur passiv.
Once u hit 6 u can do whatever u want.. If u play against enemys like Azir,TF and Vel Koz you can smash them instant on lvl 6 if u use ur W at the right time
The special thing about Noc is his "mid air Q".. You can do your skills right before you land ur ult and you can use it on different ways.
You can ult the carry and Q an other target somewhere in the air to finish it or just ult the enemy carry and Q right before you land.
Once i killed an enemy in 0,38 sec from full HP.. you can Q,E,Ghostblade and BORK right before you land your ult, it will burst the enemy carry down in just a sec..
Sometime they flash or jump away, but u dont care about that because of ur key mastery..
With ur Q+Ult u do always more than 30% of enemys health so u gezt the massiv movment speed..
You have Ghostblade as well for the chase
You never wanna ult in First.. Try to ward as much as you can so u can pick the enemy carry out as often as u can
If the enemy team is grouped you have to wait until most ults are out.. Let ur team engage First and wait for some ults
Ult in if the enemy carry stays alone or if most cc of the enemy team is out and clean up all others.
It need some practice to land ur Q before u land ur ult, but once u got it you will see that the enemy carrys cant even flash away.
I can OS everyo0ne, even carrys with escapes.. I OS Tristana before she can press w or Vayne before she can use her First ult Tumble
If the enemy team is grouped you have to wait until most ults are out.. Let ur team engage First and wait for some ults
Ult in if the enemy carry stays alone or if most cc of the enemy team is out and clean up all others.
It need some practice to land ur Q before u land ur ult, but once u got it you will see that the enemy carrys cant even flash away.
I can OS everyo0ne, even carrys with escapes.. I OS Tristana before she can press w or Vayne before she can use her First ult Tumble
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