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Recommended Items
Runes: Dunkin Demacian
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Standard Abilities
Martial Cadence (PASSIVE)
Jarvan IV Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
She can cancel your early combos with W and completely negate you unless her W is on cooldown or you catch her off guard. Her R allows her to get away even if you R her first. Not to mention she can pin you to your own wall. She's going to be extremely difficult to fight and is my perma ban at the moment.
Champion Build Guide
Easy Farm: Farming with Jarvan is pretty easy because of his passive and his Q wave clear being pretty nice. Makes it so you can get more gold sooner and get further in your build before the end of the game.
Good Teamfighting: This build makes teamfighting a lot better, as you can go in and destroy half the enemy team with a well placed R. With Axiom Arc you can also repeat your full combo more and more, making it great for aggressive team comps and idiotic enemies trying to chase.
Struggles Vs. Sustain: One issue with this build is just that you struggle against champions with high sustain, such as nasus and warwick. If you dont get anti-heal asap you'll have a hard time winning lane.
electrocute is really good on Jarvan as it's easy to trigger with your Q+E combo and can be triggered by your W despite it doing no damage. It's going to be an essential addition to your damage as a majority of your trades are going to start with your Q+E combo. -
Cheap Shot will deal bonus damage on your Full Combo and on the auto after your Q+E combo for some solid additional power. -
Eyeball Collection gives bonus AD to add to our build for a little boost in power. -
Ultimate Hunter will pair with Axiom Arc to make your R available as much as possible so you can dunk on people constantly. -
Absolute Focus gives you adaptive power when you're healthy, which is great for jarvan since you're going to be doing a lot of trading when you're healthy. You gain AD as long as you're above 70% health so you can go into a lane, Q+E+auto before they can even hit you. -
Gathering Storm is a solid scaling rune to help champions that fall off later to increase their damage output more throughout the game. We'll be picking this rune up to ensure that we dont stagnate or fall off once we get to late game.
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