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Recommended Items
Runes: Tankmere
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
His W makes it extremely challenging to trade against early. If he rushes steelcaps you might as well just sit under tower and farm until end of laning phase. A good shen makes top lane absolute hell for you
This cat can turn you into a perma chonked tryndamere with the same levels of testosterone and absolute disregard for human life as the crusaders taking Jerusalem. If you get fed and your cat is smart it's game over
This cat can turn you into a perma chonked tryndamere with the same levels of testosterone and absolute disregard for human life as the crusaders taking Jerusalem. If you get fed and your cat is smart it's game over
Champion Build Guide
Using these all at the same time will be useless, as slows dont stack, but being able to time these slows to activate after each previous slow ends will keep your enemy slowed the entire fight or trade. Finally, the other big part of this build is the damage reduction. Tryndamere's W has flat AD reduction. The exact scaling is 20/35/50/65/80 AD. Add on the Randuin's Omen Active which reduces the AD of each champion hit by it by 10% for 4 seconds. These 2 effects stack. For example, I tested this against a Renekton with 198 AD with Max Rank W and Randuins. His AD got reduced to 178 on Randuins activation, and then down to 106 AD on W activation. With just W and Randuins I took out 92 AD for 4 seconds.
AD Reduction: This build also takes advantage of an underutilized but interesting part of Tryndamere's kit, his AD reduction. You can reduce an insane amount of AD with the combination of Trynd W and Randuins Active, allowing you to go in, nerf the enemy carry, and start beating them senseless.
Split Pushing: With this build you essentially have the same split pushing power as a normal tryndamere, meaning you could side lane for a while if you really wanted to.
Early Crit: The one issue I've found with this build is just that you lose out a little on early crit because you're only getting PD up to mid game, but your rage passive helps mitigate it a little bit.
For this build Grasp will be our main rune so we can build up for mid and late game. The sooner you get beefy the better, and with how often you can trade you'll be getting a good amount of grasp stacks. -
Demolish is going to be a helpful tool for split pushing and getting those early plates. -
Bone Plating adds some defense to make trades easier and ward off any quick poke champions that might try to get under your skin early. -
Unflinching adds Tenacity at low hp which is perfect for us as you're going to be low hp a lot in both Ultimate and from constant early trading. -
Sudden Impact is one of Tryndamere's most consistent runes so it only makes sense for us to run it as you'll be activating it often. It'll be a nice boost of armor pen and make the game feel better as a whole. -
Ingenious Hunter works to lower the cooldowns of your items like stridebreaker so you can use it more often for wave clear or for killing enemy champions.
Alternative Runes
New Lethal Tempo is kinda busted right now, so I might as well make it a rune page on this guide, because it's always fun to be able to smack enemies around at mach 5 and be tanky enough to blatantly ignore frontlines without fear of getting locked down. -
Triumph gives us health back on takedowns and a little extra gold for our troubles. It's a solid rune and works just fine on Tryndamere. -
Since one of our biggest issues is hard CC, why not double down on tenacity to fix that problem. It's especially helpful for late game as that's when you're going to get targeted more. -
Last Stand is going to be effective the same way Unflinching is, the lower your HP, the higher your damage boost, and with ultimate you're going to be low hp a lot. -
Conditioning is good for bonus tank stats to get us beefier sooner. It's also a nice early game push the make farming and dealing with poke a touch more bareable.

Sterak's Gage is a great bruiser item on tryndamere if you feel that you need it, as he has one of the highest Base ADs in the entire champion pool, making the best use of its passive, and getting a solid amount of health. The added shield allows you to dealy your R longer so you can have the best chance of killing your target and getting out before the duration ends.
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