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Jayce has a VERY hard time against a fiora who knows what they are doing. fiora can use her q once wait for jayce to e her away and dash back to him. it makes trades hard from him early. and once they hit 6 she gains a huge advantage from her ult.

- Has good lane phase because the range and poke he has with his Cannon form.
- Can fill many rolls in a team comp.
- Can split push and teamfight with great success.
- Provides decent utility for a mid lane carry.
- Snowballs SUPER well.
- Can 3 shot squishies late game with IE and Hyper Charge.
- Very susceptible to all in champs.
- Has a slow start when building tear.
- Sacrifices safety with ad build when using hammer stance to jump into a team.
- CD reliant.
all the options are dependent on your lane opponent. Whether you need MR, Armor, Armor Pen, or health.

Passive: Hextech Capacitor; Every time Jayce switches forms, he gains 40 flat move speed and ignores unit collision for 1.25s. Makes you run fast and gives you the ability to walk through minions.
Cannon Form:
Shock Blast(Q): Shock Blast is an AOE skill shot nuke that does (70/120/170/220/270/320 + 120% AD) Physical damage, with a range of 1050. Shock Blast can also be shot through Jayce's Acceleration gate to increase the damage and range by 40%(range w/ gate= 1470). This is the ability Jayce is known for, His best wave clear/poke ability, and a great tool that also gives him vision in the blast zone. This ability can be used to scout bushes from a great distance. (especially when used with Acceleration gate)
Hyper Charge(W): When used Hyper Charge gives Max attack speed on Jayce's next 3 auto attacks, for the next 4 seconds. Hyper Charge does (70/78/86/94/102/110) percent of his auto attack's damage. Late game Hyper charge is where a lot of Jayce's damage comes from. When maxed, the 110% auto attack damage combo's with Infinity edge's passive and the active from manamune, gives Jayce very good sustained damage along with the chance to 3 shot squishies late game.
Acceleration Gate(E): The only one of Jayce's abilited that doesnt do damage, his Acceleration Gate! Acceleration Gate appears for 4 seconds, It gives Jayce and his allies (30/35/40/45/50/55%) move speed that decays over 3 seconds once you step out of the gate. The gate is great for helping you and your team get to/get out of places quickly. When using your acceleration gate in lane stand in it, don't just shoot your Shock blast through it and walk away. Use the Move speed to your advantage, to help re-position yourself for a Accelerated Q, or to help evade skill shots thrown at you during trades. Also when using it to get to a fight or lane cast it parallel with the way you are going and run through the length of the gate to get the most time with the MS you possibly can.
Hammer Form:
To The Skies!(Q): To The Skies! is a targeted leap with 600 range, that deals (30/70/110/150/190/230 + 100% Bonus AD) AOE physical damage and applies an area affect slow of (30/35/40/45/50/55%) for 2 seconds. This is Jayce's only gap closer, the tricky thing about To The Skies! is that it is not completely "targeted"; meaning when it it is cast, it goes to the location of where the enemy was. SO what that means is people can flash out of your To The Skies! after you cast it, and you will just look dumb slamming the ground for nothing. With the way i build Jayce this ability can get you into trouble (jumping into the enemy team, and getting stuck there), so use it sparingly.
Lightning Field(W): Passive: Every time Jayce auto attacks while in hammer form, he regenerates (6/8/10/12/14/16) mana. Active: Jayce generates a Static field dealing (25/40/55/70/85/100 + 25% ap) magic damage per second, for 4 seconds. This ability can be used all the time. it doesn't do a great amount of damage, but can be just enough at some times. Like to prep a wave for your Q.
Thundering Blow(E): Thundering Blow is a targeted knock back for .75s dealing (8/10.4/12.8/15.2/17.6/20% target's max health +100% Bonus AD) Magic damage. This Ability is an interesting one. Besides Lightning Field this is the only other ability that does MAGIC DAMAGE even though it scales with Attack damage. this ability can proc manamune's active affect. (which is awesome, more damage right?) This knock back has a wierd function and cannot be used like Lee Sin's Dragon Rage, so you can't E flash to get the instant knock back in the opposite direction. (I've tried, its awkward, Don't do it. they just fly the same way they would have if you didn't flash.)
Last but not least, His R passives.
Hammer form: Passive #1: While in hammer form he gains bonus armor and magic resist (5/15/25/35) which level up passively at level 1, 6, 11, and 16.
Passive #2: After switching to Hammer Form, Jayce's next auto attack will deal (20/60/100/140 + 40% AP) magic damage, on top of his base auto attack damage.
Cannon Form: After switching to Cannon Form, Jayce's next auto attack will shred armor and magic resist by (10/15/20/25%) for 5 sec.
What abilities to max/ Early laning strategy:
Start with Q for Poke and to help CS early. Level 2 put a point into E for the power spike with acceleration gate Q and the knock back and slow from Q and E in hammer form. After that Max Q, then W, Then E. As far as maxing E second, there isn't really a reason to. the only benefit you get is Upgrades to E in hammer form. (ie. damage and CD) It's really not worth it seeing that your Acceleration gate has a fixed CD and only gives a little bit more MS. the points in Hyper Charge for the Percentage damage, it's too valuable.
A second combo that i like to use if i have the drop on them is to start in Hammer Form. Auto once with your passive while also using your W for the passive damage, use your E and right after your E, follow up with your Q. Then Switch to your Cannon Form, use Hyper charge immediately and auto 3 times, then finish it off with an Accelerated Shock Blast.

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