After her Mini Rework, she is quite annoying due to her passive heal and her 60000 dashes. Take first strike and play for scaling, and oneshot late game
Annoying to say the least. Can and Will kill you at 6, but abusable till then. your choice on the runes, but id recommend grasp and really poke her down.
Champ is turbo busted but is rarely seen mid nowadays. Still, take first strike and farm, and try and outscale.
Take First Strike and farm, look for good ults, try and back on boots and sheen. You can cleanse her q but not the damage buff, and her e will chunk you. Id personally say its very much a skill matchup.
Take the AP burst rune page and farm.
Respect her when she has passive stacks, but other than that shes fine. if she q's you its beneficial as she will run out of mana really quickly, so you outpoke.
Aurelion Sol
You can ignore this champs one way of dealing with you. He can outtrade lvl1, but once you get barrels you're fine. Note: a good asol will perma roam, so make sure to have good vision and punish him by taking tower.
The only problem with this matchup is if he goes poke, as he can and probably will bully you in lane. However, you hit your spike years before him, and will outscale exponentially. Take First Strike, because although you wont be using it too much early, it scales well.
Note: His soldiers interact with barrels.
Take the AP Burst Page.
Not as bad as Anivia, but good brands can be a problem. His cc is quite easy to dodge tho, and you can kill him at 6 if you play it right.
Id Take any page here.
You can be aggressive or scale, as he spikes later than you do. However, he can and probably will outscale you due to his range and the ludens build.
This Champ is Dumb. Take the AP Burst Page and try and poke a bit, although most players take bone plating mid. Once she hits 6 she will just straight up kill you for no reason, and her tankiness due to her more popular builds **** you over a good amount late. Look to impact other lanes with ult or roams, and AP is not a bad call into her if your team needs it.
Take AP Burst Page.
Champ is Surprisingly Outplayable. You Win any sort of extended trade early as his passive doesn't do too much, but he can and probably will one shot you late game. However, it goes both ways, and a well timed and placed barrel on his ult location will remove him. A skill matchup that favors you early
Dumb Fizz Players don't understand the power that the big man holds. So much so that, if you don't get hit by ult, you win everytime, just dont assume that you can kill him ever because, yknow, dumb champ dumb kit. Take the AP Burst Page and ignite.
Farm Baby Farm. Take First strike.
Aggressively Ping when he Roams. He's useful in comps but that's about it
First Strike and Farm.
He can one shot you, but what he gets for doing so isn't worth taking a rune for.
He's annoying, but he perma shoves so you can farm freely and outscale him. Take first strike TP
Is it Doomed? No. Do you outscale? Eh. With Irelia, you have a Tiny window to kill her around lvl 3 if you take grasp and ignite, but even then its a stretch. She's not a ban, but its not an enjoyable lane.
Take Any Rune page.
This is not a common pick, but if its played its quite easy. he can deny you a kill with his knockback, but any long trade you win if you abuse passive. he can do some damage late, but can rarely one shot, so you smack him with a barrel and he gone.
Take Any Page, Although Burst Page ruins his ult.
Its Karthus mid, you farm and outscale pretty well, or you can aggro and snowball. only thing is that he wins extended trades if he just leaves e on, and his isolated q's do chunk.
Take AP burst page.
This champ is kinda cringe, he'll disrupt your qs with silence, and once he hits six you cant kill him and he can just kill you. along with crown being a common item on him rn, this matchup is cringed. try and farm and be useful, but its kinda hard to do.
Take AP Burst Page and Ignite.
Skill matchup tbh. you win lvl 2 and can barrel her knives to zone her off. if she trades just abuse passive and you should be good. she can snowball by just roaming bot, so warn them ahead of time by pinging and warding bot river to avoid her getting fed, and then just take her tower.
Take Grasp Ignite.
Kill her early, if you try and scale with her you will not have fun. shes so easy to abuse before 6, but watch for her breaking barrels with auto reset. in the freak situation that you farm, you one shot her anyway, but she can run at you and kill you at that point in the game if you are not safe.
Take Grasp TP.
Oranges counter ult, he can burst you, he will poke you until you get sheen and then you can chunk him. I havent played against this a lot, but its relatively ok.
Take AP Burst Page.
Idk my opinions on this matchup. Try and farm, but if she over pushes then punish, if she roams then punish. lots of punishing. she can one shot you and you can one shot her.
Take AP burst page.
Lots of Poke, CC on top of CC to nullify orange use. She can roam and is useful late, and has a built in zhonyas. Punish Positioning and try and farm, and if she all ins you, wait for both her ult and w unless it will kill you, and then flash to safety.
Take AP Burst Page OR Grasp Ignite. Cringe champ, Useless pre 6, You're dead post 6. cant get out of it with orange, and he has a shield. Malph players are so boring. Best bet you have is level 2 and 3 to kill him. you can outscale, but if he builds ap then this **** just sucks.
This champ is a joke. Take Grasp Ignite, look for kill lvl 2. Oh no he ulted you? orange and hes useless. hes gonna shove wave for you to get cs freely. the ONLY problem with him is his burn/poke, it will whittle you down if you're careless.
Take Grasp TP.
Farm, Always orange root pre 6, wait for ult follow up to orange post 6. Lots of poke.
Take AP Burst Page.
Skill matchup. anticipate her root, and try not to stand behind minions. her ult does do damage, but you can orange the cc and deny follow up, although a good neeko will immediately root you so wait for that.
Take first strike.
Champ is mad stupid with his ult, but you can actually orange the nearsight, so do this to provide intel to your team on whereabouts as no one knows how to ping noct ult. orange fear, auto shield, abuse passive to win 1v1.
Take AP Burst page or Fleet Page.
average mage matchup, just farm, she'll poke a lot and its annoying but shes squishy late too. you cannot w her slow while its on the ground, but you can orange ult stun.
Take First strike.
Poke and bully, pre orange his w, and do not get overconfident when theres a chance to kill him, as he can just e and ignore the damage. his e will cuck you a lot, but its generally an ok matchup.
Take First Strike.
Farm, and once she hits 6, run. although she got nerfed recently, she can and will still one shot you out of nowhere. the only reason I dont ban her is becuase you can orange her ult stun and can play around her ice and bush with orange and barrels.
Take Sustain Page and/or maybe Bone Plating Somewhere. Any Ranged Bursty Champ is kinda unplayable, but I put Quinn in Major because she isn't picked mid a lot.
Idk about this Lane. Ive played into it a few times and he cant really pin you down, but he can't really die either. Id say just take Grasp and tp and Farm, Grasp can give that bit of trading power needed.
I play a good amount of Rumble mid, but have not played into it a ton. Bone Plating with revitalize and maybe a Doran's shield? but also the Fleet page is good too. He can burst you quite hard at 2,3 and 6, but has no real escape, so hes kinda easy to hit with barrels, ults and ganks.
Apparently this matchup is hell Toplane, but of the few games I've played into Ryze, I have had no troubles dealing with him in lane and late game, so idk if its the elo or what. Take any page and really just farm, as you can either stay even or pass him in cs.
I havent played against this champ mid in so long, but shes not that much of a problem. Her CC is quite telegraphed, and although her poke is annoying, you can dodge it quite easily. Take any page.
He's only on this list because he's being played mid right now a lot. Lucky for us, he's AP and not AD, so orange boxes and stuff, and make sure to not immediately burst him when he ults as the clone can chunk you
Bro if this champ didnt heal he'd be minor, but he can. Take Ignite and Grasp or Fleet, and you can farm or recover from trades. Him getting your ult doesnt affect you alot. You can trade with him lvl 2 with ignite barrel, but either pre ignite and commit or dont ignite at all, you need to capitalize off of the healing cut. He is quite annoying and can just burst you out of nowhere, but is dealable.
Take Fleet.
Pokey Mage with Burst, very annoying, zhonyas is a good buy, however I dont see crown on her alot so you probs can one shot her late.
I play Taliyah mid a lot, but don't play into it that often. Farm and be aware of her flicks after being poked, as she can just burst you. You outscale, and if she builds Everfrost you're fine, but beware.
Idk, I don't struggle with Talon. Bruiser is back (I think), So his ability to oneshot has been dampened. Take Bone Plating somewhere, and whenever he W's, walk left or right of them, not away. If you get two passive stacks pre 6, play back until they're gone, and if his ult is up watch out at one stack.
W. Thats it.
This really applies to most, if not all, ADCs mid.
Its Cringe, Stop it.
Trist, Akshan and Zeri are by far the worst, as they have burst and peel to boot. Dodge is recommended, but if you're a masochist, take fleet to make it bearable.
Take Ignite and stopwatch, and build into zhonyas at some point.
Due to his crit chance and the simplicity of his kit, he can farm quite easily and just spin into you and slap you at any moment. play safe and poke, and once he hits six respect him unless he tower dives. you want to farm up so you can back on a sheen and a stopwatch, as it will give a big advantage for lvl 6. ignite him halfway through his ult and he usually isnt a problem late, and w his slow. dont assume ignite will kill him.
Twisted Fate
Take any page, poke page might be quite good.
This is a major matchup not because of laning against him, but his ability to affect the map and get his team ahead. The best thing to do is to farm and, once he hits six, to ping him and ult wherever he ults to. you can w his stun, and id save it for that.
Take AP burst page.
Into a veigar that only farms, you outfarm and win the game. Into a veigar that pokes, just make sure to w cage and avoid poke, and make sure that he doesnt get ahead by roaming.
Take poke page.
He pokes. A lot. His damage can be quite absurd at any point in the game, but that does mean hes quite squishy. the only problem is that to get a good shot at killing him, you have to wait and let him come to you.
Take AP burst page.
shes quite annoying with her entire kit. W her fear, and make sure to not take any extended trades unless you have sheen and null magic mantle or hexdrinker, as her autos chunk. zhonyas is also quite good into her, but youre gonna need to decide between that or maw.
Take fleet.
I dont find viktor that much of a problem laning wise. You both kinda have **** mana problems and his W is countered by your W. The only problem I find is if he gets ahead and gets crown, then he wins every teamfight.
Take AP burst.
Vlobdomear. You can outfarm him easy, as, unless he took electrocute and ignite, hes not going to be a problem until 25 minutes. That being said, dont underestimate a vladimir, as one poorly played teamfight can get him turbo fed, and then you will die on sight.
take poke page.
I just hate xerath in general, dumb champ, but hes not that bad to deal with. Hes very much like velkoz, in the sense that you can't really get close to him, but he's an even matchup as his cc ability is countered by w. Just farm, and use your mega Giga brain to outwit his skillshots.
Take any page.
This guy is not a problem once you get sheen. you win any trade past 2 as you just abuse passive reset. I would recommend getting serpents if you are even or behind, as your ult, q and barrels prock it.
Take first strike.
Unlike his brother, yone is a bit more of a problem. He gets a shield way more consistently with W, and his E is the most forgiving ability in the game. If you get hit by a knockup Q you are probably dead past 6, but yone players are stupid and are very easy to bait into doing dumb ****. buying serpents is also good here.
Just ban this champ. He is so unbelievably hard to play into, and once he hits 6 you're dead. If you forget to ban him, dodge or take the grasp page and build triforce and hull, But just ban him please
Take poke page.
Mans got mad damage, but you can get ziggy with it and kill him quite easily. Just watch out for a full combo, as it will kill you at any time.
Apart from his stupid dumb slow (which you should always orange always), he's a support mid, so he will either let you farm or attempt to deal with you and fail. Just keep in mind that past 6 his ult is always up, so uif you fully commit, expect to get cucked
Take AP burst page.
Shes annoying, but you have orange, which deals with her biggest problem. You can orange drowsy, so dont worry about timing it. If youre really scared, just take cleanse as well, it doesnt hurt too bad.
Take poke page.
Dumb character, burn damage is ridiculous and her plants are stupid. you should be able to q them to one shot them and get a bit of gold, but **** its annoying. W her root whenever possible.
Hi I'm Sam, a silver midlaner with an affinity for dumb **** and who can't seem to stick to a main. I've put time into every class and roll in league and have a reasonable understanding of the game, but mid lane is by far my most played. Yes I'm silver, but ignore that and read my funny guide if you're interested in playing "The Plank"
Gangplank offers a strong, skill-driven kit that allows you to either int your cheeks off or out play everyone and nuke a small country."Big Citrus" is an incredibly fun and rewarding champ to play who is incredibly strong if played correctly. this guide is less of a guide and more of a general outline of what this champ does, what to build on him and why we build it.
Gangplank Abilites
| Trial By Fire| Cooldown: 15s STATIC ||
INNATE: Gangplank periodically empowers his next basic attack to burn the target, dealing them「 55 − 310 (based on level) (+ 100% bonus AD) bonus true damage over 2.5 seconds. 」 Turrets receive 50% reduced damage.
Trial by Fire cannot be applied with Parrrley nor Powder Keg.
| Parrrley| Cooldown: 4.5s | Cost: 55 / 50 / 45 / 40 / 35 MANA |
ACTIVE: Gangplank fires a shot at the target enemy that deals physical damage upon arrival and applies on-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness as a ranged attack. Parrrley can critically strike for (175% + 35% Infinity Edge) total damage.
If Parrrley kills the target, Gangplank plunders Gold and Silver Serpents. Each enemy killed by a Powder Keg explosion that was originally set off by Parrrley also counts for the plunder.
| Remove Scurvy| Cooldown: 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14s | Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 MANA |
ACTIVE: Gangplank consumes a large quantity of citrus fruit, cleansing himself from all crowd control and healing himself.
| Powder Keg| Cooldown: 0.5s | Recharge: 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14s | Cost: 1 CHARGE |
ACTIVE: Gangplank consumes a charge to place a Powder Keg at the target location that lasts for 25 seconds and will connect to other kegs with overlapping connection radius with a trail of black powder. The keg starts with 3 health and loses 1 every 2 / 1 / 0.5 (based on level) seconds until it is left with 1 health. He periodically stocks up on a new keg up to a maximum amount.
Kegs can be basic attacked by enemies or Gangplank (including his Parrrley), dealing 1 damage to it. When an enemy destroys it, it is safely defused. When Gangplank destroys it, it explodes and also triggers a chain reaction that explodes other nearby connected kegs with a 0.33 seconds-delay between explosions. The explosions also grant sight in their radiuses for 2 seconds.
Enemies caught in an explosion are slowed for 2 seconds and are dealt the triggering attack's damage, dealing bonus physical damage against champions. Each enemy can only be damaged once per chain and the damage dealt ignores 40% of their armor.
If the triggering attack was a critical strike, the explosions deal 25% more damage on top of the critical damage.
| Cannon Barrage| Cooldown: 180 / 160 / 140s | Cost: 100 MANA|
ACTIVE: Gangplank shoots a flare into the air, signaling his ship off-shore to fire upon the target location for 8 seconds, calling down 12 waves of cannonballs in clusters of 3 every 2 seconds, and granting sight of the area for the duration. Each wave deals magic damage to all enemies within the area slows them by 30% for 0.5 seconds.
Gangplank can purchase upgrades for his ship in the store at the cost of 500 Silver Serpents each, which improve Cannon Barrage:
Death's Daughter: A large cannonball lands in the center of the barrage after the first cluster of waves occur, dealing a cluster's worth of true damage to enemies within the impact and slowing them by 60% for 1.5 seconds.
Fire At Will: Cannon Barrage fires 6 additional waves over its duration; 18 waves of cannonballs are called down in clusters of 3 every 1.33 seconds.
A: Gangplank, when learned, is an incredibly fun and rewarding champ to play, offering several buildpaths and playstyles that allow you to play him how you want to play him. On top of that, even if you lose lane or are a couple of kills down, you will have similar or even sometimes more gold than the enemy, and are almost guaranteed to outscale them. TLDR; he's a skill expressive champ with a knack for citrus
What summoner spells do you take?
A: Flash and Teleport are your go-to sums in most situations, as flash should always be taken unless you're memeing with galeforce, and Teleport allows you to hit your Sheen spike without losing too much xp and gold while offering you map pressure with sidelaning late game, Although, Teleport can be switched out for Ignite in more favourable matchups if you take Grasp of the Undying.
What Summoner Spells should I take?
A: Flash, Cleanse, Ignite, Exhaust and Heal are the best defensive/offensive Summoner Spells on Ashe, and it's up to personal preference on which you'd rather get. If you are not yet level 12, pick up Ghost and Heal.
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