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League of Legends Crowd Control

What is crowd control?

Crowd control (or simply, CC) is a term used to define an ability or spell that can temporarily reduces a unit's ability to fight. You do this by either restricting their contribution or means to escape.

However CC does not make an enemy untargetable, even in cases of airborne effects the target is considered to be on the ground for the purposes of skill shots and area of effect damage (such as Karthus' Lay Waste)


Crowd control is often categorized into two categories depending on whether or not the effect disrupts the channeling of an ability.

Hard CC — The following effects disrupt the channeling of abilities:

  • Airborne (Knock back, Knock aside, Knock up and Pull/Fling)
  • Disrupt
  • Forced Action (Charm, Flee and Taunt)
  • Silence (Polymorph)
  • Sleep
  • Stasis
  • Stun and Suspension
  • Suppression

Soft CC — The following effects do not disrupt the channeling of abilities:

  • Blind
  • Cripple
  • Disarm
  • Drowsy
  • Ground
  • Kinematics
  • Knockdown
  • Nearsight
  • Root
  • Slow

Types of Crowd Control

Airborne: A unit that is airborne is unable to move, attack, cast abilities, or use item actives for the duration.

Knock aside: A knock aside causes the unit to be made airborne in a direction perpendicular to the direction of cast.

Knock back: A knock back causes the unit to be made airborne in a direction away from the point of cast.

Knock up: A knock up causes the unit to be made airborne on the spot.

Pull/Fling: A pull or fling causes the unit to be made airborne in a direction towards or behind the point of cast.

Blind: A unit that is blinded will miss its basic attacks for the duration. Miss occurs on-hit, and does not prevent attacks from being declared.

Cripple: A unit that is crippled has reduced attack speed for the duration.

Disarm: A unit that is disarmed cannot declare basic attacks for the duration.

Disrupt: A unit that is disrupted has its channeled and charged abilities interrupted.

Drowsy: A unit that is drowsy is gradually slowed over the duration, falling asleep thereafter.

Sleep: A unit that is asleep is unable to move, attack, cast abilities, or use item actives for the duration as long as it doesn't get damaged.

Forced action: A unit that is under the effect of a forced action cannot control its own movement or attacks and is unable to cast abilities or use item actives.

Charm: A unit that is charmed will move toward the source with reduced movement speed for the duration.

Flee: A unit that is fleeing will move directly away from the source with reduced movement speed for the duration.

Taunt: A unit that is taunted will attempt to basic attack the source for the duration.

Ground: A unit that is grounded is unable to activate mobility spells for the duration.

Kinematics: A unit affected by kinematics is dragged to a unit or location.

Knock down: A unit that is knocked down has its dash or displacement interrupted and is placed on the ground.

Nearsight: A unit that is nearsighted has their sight radius reduced and loses their allied vision for the duration.

Snare / Root: A unit that is snared or rooted is unable to control its movement or activate mobility spells for the duration.

Silence: A unit that is silenced cannot cast abilities or use item actives for the duration.

Polymorph: A unit that is polymorphed is silenced and turned into a critter. The only example also applies disarm and reduces movement speed for the duration.

Slow: A unit that is slowed has reduced movement speed for the duration.

Stasis: A unit that is in stasis is unable to move, attack, cast abilities, or use item actives or summoner spells while being untargetable and invulnerable for the duration.

Stun: A unit that is stunned is unable to move, attack, cast abilities, or use item actives for the duration.

Suspension: A unit that is suspended is stunned and pretends to be airborne.

Suppression: A unit that is suppressed is unable to move, attack, cast abilities, or use item actives or summoner spells for the duration.

Countering Crowd Control - Prevention

Crowd control can be prevented. All forms of crowd control can be prevented.

Morgana's Black Shield prevents all forms of CC for 5 seconds or until the shield is broken.

Fiora's Riposte prevents all forms of CC (except Nearsight) during the parry.

Olaf's Ragnarok prevents all CC for 6 seconds.

Master Yi's Highlander prevents all slows and cripples.

Sivir's Spell Shield creates a barrier for 1.5 seconds which can block the next enemy spell that hits her.

Nocturne's Shroud of Darkness creates a shield for 1.5 seconds which can block the next enemy spell that hits him.

Countering Crowd Control - Removal

Crowd control can be removed after it has been applied. These effects can be activated while under the effects of the crowd control.

All forms of crowd control can be removed except knock back, knockup and pull effects.

Cleanse removes all CC except Suppression and Airborne.

Alistar's Unbreakable Will removes all forms of CC

Rengar's Empowered Battle Roar removes all forms of CC

Gangplank's Remove Scurvy removes all forms of CC.

Quicksilver Sash removes all forms of CC aside from Airborne.

Garen's Decisive Strike removes all slows upon activation.

Kalista's Fate's Call removes all forms of CC.

Mikael's Blessing has an active effect which removes all forms of CC aside from Airborne, Blind, Disarm, Ground, Nearsight, and Suppression.

Countering Crowd Control - Reduction

There are items, abilities, spells and so forth that can also reduce the duration of crowd control effects, which is called tenacity.


Tenacity is a stat that reduces the duration of all incoming crowd control effects (except Airborne, Drowsy, Kinematics, Nearsight, Stasis and Suppression). The stat is the percentage by which the duration is reduced. This reduction is limited, the duration can never drop below 0.5 seconds. The duration of the crowd control is calculated at the time of application and does not change if the tenacity changes.

All things that give tenacity:

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julka (1) | February 6, 2013 1:55pm
This is so outdated in terms of items and masteries.

Mikael's Blessing should be added to removal of CC. Quicksilver Sash now can be upgraded to Mercurial Scimitar.

You no longer can buy Cloak and Dagger. Eleisa's Miracle no longer gives tenacity.
Boots of Swiftness were buffed too. Zephyr gives tenacity.

Juggernaut should be upgraded to Tenacious . Oh, there is Relentless too.

Maybe I missed some, but I only wished to check if root and snare are the same :D.
Whirlnami7 (9) | August 11, 2012 2:53pm
The best way to play.
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