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Yasuo Build Guide by chillin kenshi

Middle "Killing is a bad habit... But i just can seem to quit&

Middle "Killing is a bad habit... But i just can seem to quit&

Updated on May 6, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author chillin kenshi Build Guide By chillin kenshi 1,983 Views 0 Comments
1,983 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author chillin kenshi Yasuo Build Guide By chillin kenshi Updated on May 6, 2019
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Runes: Option 1

1 2 3 4
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
Mid or Top
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Ability Order Max Q, Then E. Then W, But always R first

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

"Killing is a bad habit... But i just can seem to quit&

By chillin kenshi
Here it is
Bro do not ask me why. I may not be high elo but i do know this champ well. This build is kinda dumb but hella fun so give it a try. If you didn't wanna have fun dont sit here and get in my *** about how this is bad. This is for fun if you wanna play it play it, if not dont.
What can this do?
Well for one you will have lower cd even though yasuo doesn't need cdr its nothing to cry about. You r cd will be lower and the same with wind wall cd. Split is pretty good as you will have the only 5% less attack speed but a sheen to hit turrets with. The damage is really good due to bonus ad plus sheen q does 500+ damage on a crit once the spike is hit, as well as non crit q's and aa's hit harder. you will be faster and tankier for some high damage high dash speedy bursty plays. Get used to a higher dash speed cuz the phage will speed up your dash speed. Early game you will have a lot more attack speed due to stinger buy. after the 3 items you will hurt like crazy. Do as you please with the last 2 items, i like life steal and tankieness but if you like more damage or are cdr capping try your hand at some odd buys.
5% less attack speed and is expensive but if you can farm well split and team fight as well as play your lane correctly you will be fine as each spike really helps with snowballing and killing both turrets and people. The build finances itself if you know how to play yasuo. owo have fun!!!
How to play
arm till you can get grieves. Getting them first back is ideal but boots and 2 daggers is ok as well. Replace health pot with refill pot and get control wards. Play for all in and long trades due to the high attack speed from stinger and grieves. Caulfield's will make you do some more damage but not too much. At this point get ad not crit go for pickaxe and other before cloak more damage rather than a chance at crit. Once you get reaver you will be fairly strong. You can take 50% hp with r and q alone aim for picks and fights while farming. Get trinity next and side lane you should have a lot of crit damage and d,age over all, and you r buts and turret pushing is really good with sheen. Q then hit turret for sheen proc. Next go for ie. Lastly buy anything you want tank, more damage, life steal, ap? Really its up to you.

Very Important...
HAVE FUN!!! I dont know how good this build is in terms of viability and tbh i got lazy while making this but the whole point is to try this out have some fun. If you dont like it that's ok. I found this build to make my yasuo build more damging as well as tanky idc if it suck its for FUN.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author chillin kenshi
chillin kenshi Yasuo Guide
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"Killing is a bad habit... But i just can seem to quit&

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