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Yorick Build Guide by Whasian

Jungle Read Them Their Rites(12.20+)

Jungle Read Them Their Rites(12.20+)

Updated on October 24, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Whasian Build Guide By Whasian 3,886 Views 0 Comments
3,886 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Whasian Yorick Build Guide By Whasian Updated on October 24, 2022
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Runes: Resolving All Problems

1 2
Grasp of the Undying


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3 4
Best for Premade Groups.
LoL Summoner Spell: Chilling Smite

Chilling Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
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Champion Build Guide

Read Them Their Rites(12.20+)

By Whasian
Shovel Knight Gameplay
So your interested in playing the shovel knight(Yorick), well he isn't the easiest champ to play. Hopefully this guide can help you with that. Your going to want to play very passive until you hit level 4 then choose either top or mid which ver champ has the ability to 1 v 9 mid game when fed, once you decide on that champ just gank them if you can't kill the enemy try to get them to burn flash so the next time you show up which is at level 5 or 6 then you can secure the kill. Your going to want to set up camp since that's the only lane that you believe matters. If you see that bot or top is losing kind of badly then go help since now its a gold mine and the Shovel Knight loves his gold. After your mid lanner is pretty fed its time to get rift herald and dragon. You should be level +6 by now so you can solo both herald and dragon in the same run drop herald in the winning lane aka the lane you are camping and bring rift all the way to 3rd tower. If you can't get to third tower its okay rift will be up soon.
Jungle Pathing?
Yorick has a really important jungle path like how i explained in shovel knight gameplay camping lane top or mid lane as at level 4 is important. But getting to level 4 can be a bit much right? Well, you are gonna want to start blue no matter what unless your being invaded then red is fine but just for this example lets go with you are going for blue buff with no problems. Take blue buff do not smite your blue save smite then go directly to wolves and E the alpha wolf. This will some a ghoul to engage the wolf, then your gonna want to make sure you smite to kill the wolf droping a grave and last hit the remaining wolves with your Q to then rase 3 Ghouls. Now make your way to Grog the Frog and take him. Then head to Red buff from red buff take Scuttle (The top and mid scuttle is the most important one as its your high way.) after that gank top or mid then after the gank check if other scuttle is taken. If not then take it, if so use your control ward to place under dragon symbol on wall (Hardest place for enemies to remove from other side of wall). Then continue to gank and clear camps at the top by level 6 you can start counter jungling since you have your maiden to help out. Also, make sure you create as many ghouls as possible incase you need to engage the enemy or take rift earlier then expected or if there's a fight at dragon that has pulled bot lane into it.
Vision is it really needed?
I'm gonna be honest i have the worst vision score on the planet and I use oracle to clear wards and take objectives only but you don't need the best vision a lot of the time you'll have that starting control ward active and glittering at 25 minutes. But oracle is the only thing that Shovel Knight Really needs to be useful since you can clear. Now yes you do have teleport but you can just teleport to your team mates wards since they won't normally.
My Thoughts on Quick Cast Yorick
Alright so I've never been a fan of quick cast. I always thought it punishes players as some team fights can be hard and you need perfect movement and ability placement but since Playing over 100 games f quick cast I've grown to understand the perks of it.
First off you get instant cast which makes missing abilities way harder as where ever you have your cursor you cast at the spot no confirmation needed. Yorick's W is still a bit tricky since memorizing where your ability rtange is makes it different. But the ability to quick cast (get it?), his E makes life so easy to trigger your ghouls to raise and can turn the face of a battle in your favor.
Second Point, Warding a bush as you walkj by or if you are farming is way easier in the sense that you just press 4 and boom you have sucessfully placed your ward down and again you don't need to confirm your placement. Now yes sometimes you miss the bush while walking by but it happens I missed it about 2 games out of the 100 I played with quick cast on.
Lastly, Maiden placement is way easier you just drop and go it also helps when you already engeged and need the ghouls to chase for you since you can go R into E and the ghouls engage the champion and you caused a slow which lets you catch up and if in the river its even better.
I highly recommend quick cast for all Yorick players as it will allow you to engage and gain vision way easier and will also improve your gameplay experience.
Why start Potion + Control Ward?
So i used to play a bit of warwick and found that you could run health potion and control ward with oracle and have a larger advantage than starting with refillable potion. The thing is warwick hasinsane life steal through out the game, which allows for a non-refillable potion start. But does Yorick have life steal? Yes he does on his Q when he strikes an enemy he gains a small amount of health back, but if he strikes an enemy when he has less than 50% health it doubles the life gain back. This also allows yorick to stay out in the jungle longer. Like for example I remeber when scuttlecrab gave health back apon killing it. Well now that you have your Q you can gain the health back but over time when using your Q.
How to Break scuttle Crab's shield!!
So Scuttle Crab has a shield which can be annoying as it takes longer to take the crab leaving it open to be stolen, but did you know Yorick can break the shield? So, Yorick's W makes the prison well if you time it right you can have SCuttle walk over the wall as the prison is coming up if done correctly it will stun and break scuttle's shield the game treats it almost like a knock up as terrain is being pushed through an enity.I am unsure if this is a bug or not but I will post a video about it and link it into this chapter. Check ot my Youtube Channel.
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