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Runes: Resolving All Problems
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Chilling Smite
Ability Order Q>E>W
Shepherd of Souls (PASSIVE)
Yorick Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Rek has been a problem all season her early game gets her fed fast and she can be anywhere she wants with her tunnels. No one is worst to fight against. She can Also escape your W making her a real problem.
When Yuumi Latches on you will become an unkillable jungler. Highly recommend it. Taking Objectives is also much safer with Yuumi.
When Yuumi Latches on you will become an unkillable jungler. Highly recommend it. Taking Objectives is also much safer with Yuumi.
Champion Build Guide
First off you get instant cast which makes missing abilities way harder as where ever you have your cursor you cast at the spot no confirmation needed. Yorick's W is still a bit tricky since memorizing where your ability rtange is makes it different. But the ability to quick cast (get it?), his E makes life so easy to trigger your ghouls to raise and can turn the face of a battle in your favor.
Second Point, Warding a bush as you walkj by or if you are farming is way easier in the sense that you just press 4 and boom you have sucessfully placed your ward down and again you don't need to confirm your placement. Now yes sometimes you miss the bush while walking by but it happens I missed it about 2 games out of the 100 I played with quick cast on.
Lastly, Maiden placement is way easier you just drop and go it also helps when you already engeged and need the ghouls to chase for you since you can go R into E and the ghouls engage the champion and you caused a slow which lets you catch up and if in the river its even better.
I highly recommend quick cast for all Yorick players as it will allow you to engage and gain vision way easier and will also improve your gameplay experience.
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