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Rumble Build Guide by Boydzilla

Rumblade - A MOBAFIRE Exclusive.

Rumblade - A MOBAFIRE Exclusive.

Updated on November 3, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Boydzilla Build Guide By Boydzilla 4,380 Views 3 Comments
4,380 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Boydzilla Rumble Build Guide By Boydzilla Updated on November 3, 2015
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Hello fellow League Of Legends™ players, my name is.

I imagine you have been brought here since you are struggling to overcome the hardships of League Of Legends™, but fear no more, since I am here to solve all your problems. (Disclaimer: This guide will only solve all of your problems if your problems are limited to those of struggling in League Of Legends™)

Rumblade (patent pending) is a very simple, very effective Rumble build, that is easy to learn AND EVEN EASIER TO MASTER. The general idea behind the build is that it is much like the Bladez, the Ezreal Blade build*, but for Rumble, hence the name.
But where it shines and where Ezreal falls is that this Rumblade build can also be said to be Rumble, with AD. Get it, like RumblADe. (See where we added the AD) AD is "attack damage" in League Of Legends™, so Rumblade. Ok.

*Bladez guide here, worth a read
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Wait until level 3 to put your skill point into Flamespitter again, this way you can max it sooner!
Try your best to max all spells to get the most out of Rumblade.

To level up an ability, either press "ctrl+[corresponding key]" or click the + button above it's name. For example, press "ctrl+Q" to level up Flamespitter.
For some reason it doesn't let you level some abilities up at some points, so just be patient and you will be rewarded, for example most people will level up another ability at level 2, but if you wait you can have level 2 Flamespitter before you even have another move!

To use abilities either press the corresponding key, or click on the ability icon.
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Items can be found in the shop, you use gold to purchase them.
Gold can be acquired by killing minions, waiting patiently, killing turrents, defeating enemy champions in combat, killing monsters, and more!
In short, you should be very rich very quick.

You can also upgrade some items to increase their effectiveness, so go ahead and spend spend spend.
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Runes and masteries

Put your mastery points into skill trees to activate masteries. This isn't a guide on masteries though so I won't go into any more detail.

I'm not entirely sure how runes work, pm me if you have details or know of a good guide.
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So, as there really isn't much explanation needed, you probably have already tried and won with it by now, you're welcome.

To sum up, Rumblade > Bladez.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Boydzilla
Boydzilla Rumble Guide
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Rumblade - A MOBAFIRE Exclusive.

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