Bone plating + scaling HP. Super rough matchup in general. Freeze under tower whenever possible. Tank a few minions if needed. If she's freezing either ask for jungle/support assistance or just sit and soak xp. I just ban her.
Bone plating + scaling HP. Play with his passive stacks and stun. His stun is a base 13 seconds and by the time he starts levelling the stun, you should have enough waveclear to completely ignore him. Build Tabis also you outscale very hard.
Bone plating + scaling HP. She was super annoying during the ADC mid meta but after the fat nerfs, she isn't very common. Try and keep your bone plating up by staying out of your wave. Tristana E will do AOE damage from every minion kill so watch out for that. When she jumps, you can EW midair then Q for the movespeed and run. She outranges you at all stages of the game so she's gonna be your teams problem. Trist is more annoying than difficult. At the end of the day, she's an ADC so it isn't that serious.
Bone plating + scaling HP. Skillshots skillshots skillshots. Boots on first back is crucial. Try and slip in a Null-Magic after you buy Catalyst. Make sure to ward your river and PING whenever Ahri is missing as she is deadly to your side lanes. Most your spells are targeted so the three dashes shouldn't be a problem. Just play inside your wave when she ults to block her charm. Once charm is gone, just rapid fire spells on her. FoN 4th if you're building tanky.
Bone plating + scaling HP. Conqueror. Easy matchup. Must space properly or you'll get messed up. Respect her damage with ignite although that is quite rare nowadays. Once you have catalyst and the game is even, you shouldn't struggle too much against her. A single MR item is enough to ruin her day.
Either bone plating or second wind works here depending on your playstyle. If you're more inclined to trading early, bone plating will work wonders. Second wind is helpful for slower gameplay as it helps with his Q poke. Scaling HP. Annoying. Very annoying. I recommend going second wind and playing for scale. Akshan late game is quite busted conceptually but a Frozen Heart should be enough to kill him first.
Bone plating + scaling HP. Either Major or Extreme depending on your game knowledge and Anivia skill level. Must play around your bone plating cooldown. Most your spells are inside her wall range so you have to be very careful. Anivia has very low agency before she gets two items so you can use that to your advantage by ganking side lanes and speeding them up so they can deal with Anivia later. Boots first back is good. Try for a Null-Magic after Catalyst. Swifties or Merc's against double AP mid-jungle is good here. FoN helps out later in the game. Luckily Anivias are quite rare and they just nerfed her damage so there's a low chance to see one.
Bone plating + scaling HP. You should be more afraid for your team than yourself. Merc's is a must buy even if she's solo CC. Try and sneak in a Null-Magic once you buy Catalyst.
Aurelion Sol
Second wind + scaling HP. Very easy to bully early after his Q nerfs. Save your W for when he flies. When he EQs the wave, just walk up at start sending spells at him. May become an issue later in the game if he gets kills. FoN is a must and Swifties helps with the Rylai's slow.
No idea. Aurora is usually played top so I haven't seen her once. They're reworking her in patch 14.23 so we'll see how that pans out.
Second wind + scaling HP. Depends on the skill of Azir and the patch. Azir out ranges, out pokes, and scales great into the late game. One R from him is a Flash burned from you. In the current patch, Azir is in the dumps but that may change soon. Altogether a rough matchup. You'll have to advance the side laners early and fast.
Second wind + scaling HP. Zero damage, zero mana after Riot dismantled him. FoN is a must. Merc's if needed but Swifties can help with the Rylai's slow.
Bone plating + scaling HP. Pretty difficult matchup as her abilities just barely outranges yours. Very reliant on baiting out her Q and dodging her ult later in the game. The matchup is much easier with better movement. Boots first buy is very good, Swifties or Merc's depending on enemy team helps out. FoN will be massive. Your goal is to shove constantly, your waveclear is better than hers.
Second wind + scaling HP. Conqueror. Bone plating runs out before Diana's moonlight runs out. Null-Magic is good after Catalyst. Once Diana goes in on you, chase her. She only has maximum 3 dashes IF she micros correctly so you have much more chase. The extra damage and healing from Conq will help even out and eventually win the trade. Kaenic hits her really hard. In teamfights, keep an eye on the Diana and try to keep distance from your team just incase.
Bone plating + scaling HP. You out waveclear, out poke, and out scale. As with most melees, EQ wave when he goes in for farm. If you react fast enough, EW his dash before he blinks and you can dump spells on him. Once he hit lvls 8-9 his roam is very dangerous so keep your team aware with pings. Another spike would be Rocketbelt if he builds it. Be wary of his range.
Bone plating + scaling HP. Complete skill matchup. Search up his ability cooldowns on lol wiki and count down his leap whenever he casts it. Null-Magic after catalyst is good. Merc's not needed if he's solo AP, Swifties works well to help dodge his ult. You outscale super hard as long as he doesn't kill you in lane which is very rare. PING your team whenever he's missing. Kaenic or FoN will ruin his day.
Bone plating + scaling HP. Conqueror. Respect his ability range, his Q will hurt. His passive + Q poke will shove wave early on so you'll be safe to farm up. Once you hit an item or two, you'll start dealing some nice damage and out scaling. Void is a must buy either 3rd or 4th.
Second wind + scaling HP. Annoying. Keep your distance when he QE the wave, try and bait out his EE by walking up and down the side of his QE. You outscale quite hard so just play safe and clear waves. He can match your waveclear with Blackfire Torch so thats rough. Try to set up a gank on a side lane as you won't be doing much until 2nd or 3rd item. FoN better than Kaenic.
Bone plating + scaling HP. Phase rush. Pretty annoying. A good Jayce will shove you in and poke while you farm under turret. Sit back and clear waves. He out trades pretty hard. Cloth armour first back is nice if the Jayce is aggressive. If he's pretty passive, you can wait for Catalyst to buy cloth. Consider a Zhonyas 4th item if needed after getting Frozen Heart 3rd.
Bone plating + scaling HP. Conqueror. You must bully pre 6 and get a sizable lead. Keep an eye on his R range. Play for objectives with jungler. Ask for ganks from jungle you have really good setup. BUILD MR. Swifties good, FoN is good. One of the rare cases where Abyssal is decent as a 3rd item.
Bone plating + scaling HP. Pre 6 you demolish her. Make use of your early advantage. Keep in mind your EW is a root so it can't stop her R. PING your team when she's gone. Ping hard. Abyssal before Seraphs is funny and will piss her off so go for it.
Bone plating + scaling HP. Very dangerous first 5 levels. DO NOT hit the wave. Just last hit. Let her push you in, buy Null-Magic first back. Kaenic will ruin her day. You outscale very hard. PING your team for her ganks as that is the biggest threat to you. Just be patient and grab your cs.
Second wind + scaling HP. You have even AA range but her Q out ranges all your spells so bait out the Q. A few missed Qs and she'll be down mana. Merc's is a must buy against her. Null-Magic after Catalyst is good enough. Try and ward river off cooldown. Just simple macro gameplay. She has really good gank setup so be wary of the jungle positioning. You out scale her pretty decently. Either FoN or Kaenic works depending on the enemy team comp.
Bone plating + scaling HP. Just a bunch of skillshots. Boots first back, build T2 AFTER Catalyst. Swifties are nice, Merc's if needed. Depending on the Lux, they will either play very aggro OR just clear waves from across the map. If aggro, you can easily set up a gank with jungle due to her being immobile. If the Lux is perma shoving waves, you can sit back, farm under turret and wait for a gank. Either way, Lux will have shove until you get some mana. Play safe and scale. Lux has almost zero pressure on your sidelane other than maybe her ult. Kaenic is good vs her.
Second wind + scaling HP. Very annoying. Watch his ult. Merc's is good but you wont need it until after RoA. Try and look for some roams early game as he can burn mana like paper. Late game he matches your wave clear with two button clicks. Keep your distance until he ults someone else then freefire on his team. FoN is good here.
Bone plating + scaling HP. You can be silly pre 6. Bounce your E off her wolves for some nice Q damage. Cloth armour after Catalyst is nice. Once she gets the Dirk, be wary of her ult. Consider Zhonyas 3rd item if you really need it but Frozen Heart before it is preferred. Remember to PING when she disappears as her roams are very good.
Second wind + scaling HP. The main issue with Neeko is her poke and range. You have a way better clear than her so use that to your advantage to ignore lane and roam. Make sure to buy Null-Magic first back and consider upgrading to Merc's after RoA. Banshee's 3rd into Frozen 4th is good against a mix damage team comp. If Neeko isn't that fed, you can consider going Verdant Barrier > Frozen Heart > Banshee's. Keep your farm up and you'll outscale hard. In teamfights, keep distance from your team and use them as a bait for Neeko ult. A must-use trick against Neeko is to always spam tab when she's missing as her icon won't have a ? so you'll know she's in disguise. Once you know she's missing, PING your side lanes like crazy.
Second wind + scaling HP. She outranges, out trades, and has lower cooldowns than you. Play safe and you'll outscale. Boots first back is amazing. Aim for T2 AFTER Catalyst buy. Swifties preferred but Merc's are good if the situation fits. In teamfights, keep an eye on her ball as that determines everything. Same with Diana or Neeko, keep a nice distance from your team and use them as bait for Orianna ult.
Bone plating + scaling HP. Cloth armour first back is good. Keep in mind her cooldowns and range. She will destroy you if you walk up without spells. Use your EQ bounce to poke then back off until E is backup. Never greed when you're under 40% HP. Zhonyas 3rd is pretty good. Be wary of her ult range during teamfights and just pop Zhonyas once she ults.
gg give up
Second wind + scaling HP. Haven't played against one yet. He out ranges and scales decently. Smolder in his current state (14.22) is pretty trash mid due to the Fleetwork and Grasp nerfs.
Second wind + scaling HP. Conqueror is probably better than Phase Rush. Unknown. Rito recently reworked Swain and they're still trying to figure out how to make him useful. Current state (14.22) he's pretty useless. FoN will make him very sad. Swifties are good for his slows. Merc's are fine when needed.
Bone plating + scaling HP. Conqueror good. Keep in mind his cooldowns. Once he uses his spell at lvl 1, run him down with autos and zone him until the ability is up again. The main thing with Sylas is he needs to snowball with gold. The way to prevent this is hard shoving two or three waves at a time and roaming.. Very important to keep mind of the enemy jungler's positioning. As long as he doesn't get a kill pre 14 you should be okay. Banshee's is pretty useless against him as his ult just refreshes after it gets blocked by Banshee's shield. FoN or Kaenic works fine depending on team comp.
Second wind + scaling HP. VERY annoying. Phase rush is helpful but Conq will be more useful later in the game when she can't kill you with her combo. Boots and Null-Magic first back is a must. Consider T2 BEFORE Catalyst. Merc's are preferred. Use lol wiki and count down her Q cooldown. A lot of Syndras play inside their wave so look for easy EQ poke whenever their Q is down. You will eventually outscale her in damage and you'll be tanky enough for her entire combo. Both Kaenic and FoN are good depending on team comp. Syndra is a good ban.
Second wind + scaling HP. Haven't seen much of her so I don't have much experience laning against her. Her ult can match your roams and she can match your wave clear. Her lvl 1 clear is very good and most likely will shove you under turret to poke you. Boots first back is very good. T2 AFTER Catalyst is good. Her scaling is very good but a FoN should put her in her place. Use your ult and tp to out-side lane her and find a cs lead. Keep in mind her EW range as thats an easy way to get rolled in a gank. She's also low mobility and squishy so if your jungler is up to it, you can set up a gank when she shoves you in. PING your laners when she's missing. Even if she's gone from a back.
Bone plating + flat HP. Conq is good here. Don't get rolled lvl 2. You can EW AA/Q to proc Phase Rush and run away. Cloth first back is nice. Your goal this lane is to freeze wave so Talon can't roam. His Q is really good at clearing waves so when he roams, hard shove and look for plates. DO NOT match his roams. Good Talons will just ignore you and go gank your team so make sure to PING when he's gone. Zhonyas AFTER Frozen Heart is very mean and Talon will be unhappy.
Twisted Fate
Bone plating + scaling HP. Play around your bone plating. PLEASE don't get hit by his Q poke. Only real threat is a jungle gank + gold card so bone plating will be helpful for that. Cleanse is not worth. Boots first back into Merc's AFTER Catalyst is perfect. Just farm and PING when he tries to roam. Once he disappears, hard shove wave and start punching his turret. He either loses plates and cs OR can't gank. It's up to your team to not die. DO NOT match his roams you won't catch up.
Bone plating + scaling HP. Conq OR Phase Rush is good here depending on how good you are at dodging his skillshots. Generally a skill matchup. Boots first back is nice. Swifties or Merc's are good too. If needed, you can build Kaenic 3rd then Frozen Heart instead of the other way around. If Veigar is struggling, you can just buy a Negatron Cloak and you should be okay until Kaenic. He can't kill you late game once you get an MR item. Your only issue is getting into range to damage him.
Second wind + scaling HP. Skillshots on skillshot on skillshots. Boots first buy into Swifties or Merc's AFTER Catalyst is good. FoN helps a lot. Your main goal is you scavenge as much cs or xp you can get in the early game. Once you get out of early game, split push the sides and avoid Vel'Koz. If you get your hands on that purple thing, you can blow it up. Lots of HP and MR will make Vel'Koz's life miserable.
Bone plating + second wind. Conqueror may work in this situation. Boots and Null-Magic first back. Merc's AFTER Catalyst is cool. Your only goal is to keep the lane EVEN. You outscale her late game even if she's fed. Kaenic will make her cry. Play for side lanes during the mid game and get a cs lead.
Second wind + scaling HP. Annoying poke matchup. Conqueror is good if you get extended trades. Boots and Null-Magic first back will help a lot. Look to farm safely and scale up. FoN or Kaenic is good depending on the game. Some Viktors build Blackfire and some build Ludens. Once you get some MR you should be okay.
Second wind + scaling HP. Look for easy trade when his Q is on cooldown (the bar under his HP). Back away when he has empowered Q. Once he uses it, go right back to bullying. He has no business out csing or levelling you. Keep your wards up as you will be pushing into Vlad. DO NOT buy heal cut. It is bait. Look to crash 2-3 waves and roam on side lanes. Vlad can't follow you anywhere but make sure he doesn't get any plates. FoN 3rd item is enough MR for the game unless the team comp requires more.
Second wind + scaling HP. Rune page depends on the enemy team. Go Conqueror if you don't need the Phase Rush in teamfights. Don't get hit. Boots and Null-Magic is good first back. Either Swifties or Merc's works in this matchup it depends on the team comp. Kaenic or FoN is dependent on team comp, again. Look for a wave crash into roam. The biggest threat of Xerath is him killing your team with his ult.
Bone plating + scaling HP. Conqueror is good here. His wall can block Q and E so watch out for that. Boots first back is good. Consider cloth armour IF the Yasuo is an E spammer and plays really aggressive. Tabis are good here. Sit back and farm for items. Watch for knockups. Frozen Heart and possibly Zhonyas will make his life miserable.
Bone plating + scaling HP. Not fun. Be wary of his EQ3 range. Boots first back is good. Consider cloth armour if you're getting hit a lot. Tabis are really good here. Try to crash multiple waves and go for roams. Frozen Heart and Zhonyas will make him sad. Look to scale up and use your ult for unbalanced team fights.
Bone plating + scaling HP. COUNT DOWN HIS SHADOW COOLDOWN. Boots and cloth armour first back is essential. Zed wants to snowball hard to take over games. Do not let him do that. Play safe until he uses shadow. Once the shadow disappears, count down from fifteen. During those fifteen seconds, you can do whatever you want to him. Chase and poke him down. Consider Zhonyas 2nd into Seraphs. Once you get Frozen Heart 4th, you should be okay for the rest of the game.
Second wind + scaling HP. Annoying at most. Boots Null-Magic first back. Either Swifties or Merc's works AFTER Catalyst. Try your best to match his clear. If possible, stack a few waves and crash for a good roam. Your main goal is to not let him get plates. FoN or Kaenic is amazing depending on the team comp and Ziggs build. Look to out farm him mid-late game and out cs.
Bone plating + scaling HP. Merc's rush. Play around your wave to dodge her missile. Once you get T2 you should be free to farm and scale up. Kaenic combined with Merc's will make her irrelevant. Consider a Zhonyas if you really need it.
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