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Is not a big threat for yasuo
In this matchup i recommend to go or fleet or conq with resolve and let her shove the lane
A very easy matchup
U can dodge the e without windwall go full in and if u want to be protected from her abilities put the windwall and continue the fight
Akali before lvl 6 is weak
If u can beat her before lvl 6 and getting advantage is not gonna be a problem on the lane
After lvl 6 u are gonna have some problems with her
This matchup go doran shield
U need to let her shove the lane and freeze it
U can her sometimes with your jungler help and supp help if ur supp roams
U have ur windwall for her ult and her e's
If u dodge her q and u don't get slowed by her it's an easy matchup
This matchup i recommend to go for fleet
It can be hurt for u to fight this guy lvl 3 and after
Just be carefull to not get stunned by his w and u can win the trade
In this matchup after getting lvl 6 is u can win easy fights if u use ur windwall
Be carefull when u use it because u can get bait from fizz and then he ults
This matchup go fleet cause u need sustain for this can
His laser autoattacks and his sands mans are gonna be a problem to u
He is gonna poak the **** out of u
Very easy matchup if u know when to use ur w for her e
It can be a very easy matchup for u or for her
Depends on the skill of eachother
this matchup fleet footwork all the way
take fleet with resolve cause after lvl 6 is gonna beat the **** out of u
U can beat her lvl 3
Easy matchup for u right here
Just avoid getting hit by her blades or if u can't windwall her q
Stay away from her shunpo to blade
and then u can engage her
Hard matchup again
U can beat her till lvl 6 if u know how to use ur windwall for her e and etc
After lvl 6 it can cause u a very big problem and i recommend to go sustain right here
What to say about this matchup?
It can be very easy for u or for her
Depends on the skill of eachother
U can windwall his autos after using his q and e
Be carefull for his ult u can windwall for that too
The easiest matchup i have ever seen
Just be carefull for his jungler and try not to dive him under turret after lvl 6
It can cause u some problems if u don't dodge her e
Just dodge her e and u can win a trade easily
Easy matchup for u
Just windwall her r and q's and u can win an easily match
Not a hard matchup
It s a skill matchup right here
Just windwall his e q and easily win a trade
He can poke the **** out of u with his q
Be carefull to him stealing ur ult cause he can e to u and ult u
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