Rengar mains will tell you this is a good matchup for Graves but that's mostly because they have a low IQ level (look at their winrates off rengar)
This matchup is terrible. Given equal footing, you do not win. He overpowers you with his burst, while able to heal your burst. If you end up in this matchup, your best bet is to avoid him in the river and force favourable 2v2/3v3. Get fed then you can pound him because Graves is good into him with a lead.
I personally ban rengar
Also start at red buff.
Another 5. Noticing a trend? Graves since his E nerfs doesn't do well vs these high burst assassins. A kha'zix can oneshot a graves even when he is behind. Simply put they output too much burst that you can't answer for in time.
Graves is not an early game champ and these assassins have too much burst for him to match in the early game with high sticking pressure.
How do you beat kha? Don't die early on, you outscale all these assassins. Your best bet is to not die at your red. So start your red buff
Another example of graves being stat-checked. It is not a 5 because you can beat her early. Particularly if you take ignite her, and Ignite her during the damage reduction phase.
She is a 4 because if she gets fed and builds kraken/bork she will oneshot you. If she goes tanky, she will outtank you and kill you.
It's hard for you.
Lee Sin
Lee sin is quite weak right now. You do hard outscale him too. The issue is if he gets fed you cannot do anything to him. It is a minor issue for you simply because he has to get autowin if he doesn't.
Graves E does not give AP. So there's no surprise this matchup is not ideal. I would rank Diana higher since once she gets fed she blows up Graves. However recent Maw of malmortius buffs makes this matchup quite manageable.
She is not bad, just make sure you don't fall behind otherwise she steam rolls you. Don't forget you have poor Magic resis and poor MR scaling. So if she is fed do not fight her without MR (preferably maw)
Dodge her Q or you are in a tough situation since she can dash, force your dash out, then dash on you again so you are forced to R. Dodge Q.
50/50 really, if he lands axe he kills you. if you facecheck him, he kills you. But truth is with heal reduction or ignite + your team to help he isn't too much of an issue. Early on without R or activating ghost he can't stick onto you. You kind of outscale him too if your team isn't vulnerable to him. He doesn't accelerate the game either since his ganks are meh just like yours.
In other words, he operates quite similarly to graves (bad ganks needs to scale a bit) the difference is graves is always useful unless into giga range comps...olaf can't play without going in so your flexibility and jack of all trades allows you to out-manoeuvre this Viking.
But be careful the viking can easily punish you for stepping out of line but don't be afraid to take the fight to him and use your range and his early game immobility to get some leads over him. His first clear is not great either and you can punish him particularly if you have ignite for the 1v1's or your team is rotating.
Gragas is easy, just E his E. Nothing else to it really. Sure if he gets fed since he is magic damage he can oneshot you. But again, just dash when he body slams you. If he is fed just go maw.
I don't like this matchup. It can go either way really. He is magic damage and outclears you. But you can beat him in 1v1. You need your team to not int free kills to him or die to his R often. If he does end up getting free kills..this matchup turns from fine into horrible.
I rate karthus as even because this champions ultimate is too obnoxious and he always does damage unless giga behind.
Bad matchup. Ivern is the pacifier of jungle. If you do not have tools to stick onto him, he seems to evade you. Graves wants to kill his opponent, he needs gold and experience. Ivern doesn't tend to die at least solo to graves. He can disengage with daisy or his E.
He can out-teamfight you with his shielding/daisy. And his slow from his shield just allows him to completely nullify you in the 1v1 scenario. Forcing you onto the defensive.
A good counter item is serpents fang, but as Graves is ranged you are stuck having to hit him through his massive shield while constantly being slowed and CC'd by daisy. This matchup would not be as bad if it wasn't for daisy. She won't let you stick to ivern.
50/50. Whoever gets fed wins...pretty self explanatory. I would argue graves has an easier time but truth is evelynn only needs 2 kills to completely dominate the game and oneshot you.
Don't int and ping your team away.
Also even if your fed build maw.
Matchup is easy if you know 1 thing. Hecarim Q stacks. If you fight him without his Q being stacked you will win (given you don't start fight melee and you're around equivalent in terms of items/levels) If you have ignite it is even easier. Only time this matchup is bad if is hecarim full clears into 2 kills. Then he can run your **** in for the rest of the game until you scale. Other than that, you really just beat him in all aspects really...
Rough one not gonna lie but I don't think it's unwinnable. If he gets fed he does what ivern does to you. Nullifies you, the difference is he can also one shot you. He has insane teamfighting too and since you are not an early game champ you can't nullify his early game too well. The good thing is though, you can kill him, and he is also letting you scale so with some good decision making and mechanics you can outdamage and out utility him if he doesn't get free ults off.
Jarvan IV
You dash his E-Q then kite him, if he R's you, you use his wall to guarantee Q. and then R to get out of his R.
Dr. Mundo
You just dash his axes, freely scale and in 1v1's you beat him too since he can't land axes easily on you. You kite and kill. He is only an issue if he is giga fed or you have no heal reduction.
This matchup used to be ok...until kindred got buffs. It is not playable, she has better range, higher damage and is able to dodge your Q and smokescreen with her own dashes (which are on a lower cooldown)
It's bad you don't want to face this, she only needs 1-2 kills to run your **** in or a few marks.
You can kill her if fight starts melee but she just dances away forcing only 2-3 of your 4 pellet auto to hit her significantly curbing your DPS.
If he gets fed he can carry but you still freely scale. if you get fed you mess him up and he cannot fight you.
You dash his W and can kite him. From behind you still manage him from ahead you destroy him.
It's fine matchup for you unless she gets fed in which case you can't catch her while she breaks you. The good thing is you win 1v1's pretty easily early on and with lethality builds you can blow her up.
She has no real damage output to kill you. You have faster clear speed and can run her down when she fails to kill you. You can hit her in her invis with your Q W R. Not really fun for qiyana since moment your a little fed she can't even touch you.
Bad matchup. She gets level 3 and goes to gank a lane. Your countergank isn't good vs her. You lose 1v1 early even if she misses coccoon and she brings way more to the 2v2's and 3v3's. Your best bet is to play safe early, outscale her. She isn't a extreme threat cause you do outscale.
50/50. The consensus people have is that nidalee counters Graves. I don't subscribe to this theory. I believe it is an even matchup. It is only a bad matchup if your behind or if nidalee has massive winning lanes or abundance of CC to land her spear. If your fed you beat her to a pulp too. It's 50/50. Build maw if you can.
As with qiyana, zed isn't a massive threat since he does not really have the burst to kill you.
50/50 if she gets fed she wins, if you get fed you win. Just E her Q and kite her. I don't think it's that bad but you really need to know your ranges well into her.
Xin Zhao
Not a good matchup. He sticks onto you pretty well while denying any kill pressure of yours with his R. If he gets fed he rolls you over. Good thing is if your fed you do the same to him.
You have issues kiting him and keeping him in that range advantage pocket you have. My recommendation is careful early and outscale.
Not really an issue unless he snowballs. You take a maw if he's slightly strong and it should nullify him. However, if he is fed it is completely unplayable for you. But more often than not...the prince of zaun can't do much to el graves
You outscale. Nothing much to say farm better and his ganks are pretty meh. In the 1v1's you win too unless he's strong or you giga facecheck him.
Note. If you are behind he will statcheck you though
50/50. Don't facecheck him and look to outscale. Plated steelcaps is your best friend against this heavy autoattacker. Once you have a few items and levels, you can kite him. Make sure he doesn't fear you though (through your usage of W E and R). Also don't blow your Q R into his spellshield.
This matchup would be very easy if rek'sai didn't have the ability to mind control your teammates and make all his ganks work... Jokes aside. You beat him on equal footing as long as you don't facecheck him. The issue is he tends to get very fed and at that point graves does nothing to him. The aim of this matchup is to stay close to him in levels and exp via counterganks and good farming/vision/pinging his ganks.
You're an AD champ and rammus is an armour AD absorbing tank. You have no kill pressure against him until pen items(Lord dominiks preferably) Just scale, he farms poorly. As long as your team doesn't die you will end up being more useful since youll be up in gold and rammus is kiteable for your team.
Careful, he can kill you
This is pretty bad. If your teammates don't die and you don't you can outscale him. The issue is the moment wukong gets 1 kill. It is not playable for you.
His stacking armour and max health regeneration on his passive is a superior version of your E and far easier to stack. He sticks onto you easily with his E and then W. While outdpsing you the whole time. His R can cancel your dash and allow him to close the gap
You can't kite him and he beats you in the close quarters fight.
Don't die to him early. Don't draft full AD into him. and play cleanly..
Before zac got a few nerfs this matchup was worse. However, you can outscale him and dash his E and Q. The matchup isn't bad but it's not great.
The bright side is he ganks your lanes and doesn't focus on abusing you early game. So it is definitely playable, sit back farm...put some wards to show where he is and ping your lanes for potential ganks.
Master Yi
Yi outright beats you in 1v1's. He can dodge your abilities with his Q. Chase you down with his R + Q. And tank your damage and heal with his W.
The trick is to build aggresive items a plated steelcaps and go ignite as a summoner spell. You play to oneshot him. Since you'd never win extended fights.
Same as reksai. The matchup is easy but he gets 1000 kills randomly and once he is fed he is much harder to face as graves.
Build your plated steelcaps. Accelerate ahead with your superior farming and look to countergank. You outscale him hard same as reksai. and your E negates their burst potential if you're even
Not exactly your best matchup. Volibear isn't meta but when he was he had the ability to stick onto you and outheal/tank your burst/dmg.
Needless to say volibear jungle isn't really meta and with better heal reduction options and Graves items receiving some buffs he is more manageable
Whoever gets ahead wins this matchup to be honest. You can dash his W and be pretty ok. The issue is, even if he is behind. If you facecheck him into a W he will oneshot you if he has BORK. Even if he doesn't and has sunderer he kills you.
An argument can be made to put him on major since he can chase you down and beat you in all out 1v1.
If you pilot graves well and be aware it's not too bad
To be honest maokai is really easy for graves. The issue is maokai is really broken. His saplings one shot everyone and provide insane zone control. Allowing him to both tank a lot of damage, deal a lot of damage CC and provide zone control.
However this doesn't mean he is good into graves it just means he is overpowered. Graves can easily kite him and hit him with some serious damage. He has no real kill pressure on you either unless you eat saplings.
He should be ranked higher but he will be nerfed and honestly. The champs overpowered the actual matchup into graves is not favourable but he will win 55% of the time simply because his items/abilities are broken in a team game/damage sense.
50/50. She prevents you from dashing. Deals magic damage which you are weak to. On the flipside you kill her if you catch her out of position and if you're fed she does nothing to you (if you have MR).
Even from behind you can kill her too.
It's imperative you do not dash into her E. or be thrown into it through her E W combo. Failure to do this makes this matchup a nightmare.
Sejuani gets outscaled. You can't kill her early or at any stage of the game until you have penetration (BC/Serylda) She's far too tanky and the onslaught of slows CC and dashes makes her a nightmare for you to chase.
You do outscale her but be advised, if she accelerates her team early she can transition into the supportive tank role for her DPS in which circumstance you HARD lose the game.
The trick is to prevent sejuani from having a backline to play with. Without a strong backline sejuani is just a general without an army
50/50. You kite him and kill him or he closes the gap and kills you.
Your ability to kite him is what determines the matchup. Whoever is ahead also wins the 1v1,
50/50. If he uses his ultimate you can't kill him. Without his ultimate you kite him hard and you do outscale him with some items.
In the early you can also kite him hard until he procs his which circumstance you dash.
A very neat trick is to fight mordekaiser against walls and dash over if he presses R
All about the kiting. I recommend ignite or some heal reduction versus him.
Kite kite kite. If he lands his bite on you, it will reduce your attack damage. Don't let him close and have some heal reduction and you win.
Be advised. he has a slow and movement speed buff. So kiting him requires good autospacing and items.
Nunu & Willump
He outganks you hard. While negating any potential kill pressure you may have with his phase rush that he procs easily.
Once nunu is fed he really becomes a menace. You can't kill him, you can't outsmite him you can't escape him.
He is a graves kryptonite. He is not in Extreme tier because he scales with how bad your teammates are. Not that it is all your teammates fault but if they feed this yeti...Graves has no option but to pray for shutdowns.
Terrible matchup. He statchecks you and controls your movement with his R.
You can't kite him due to all the stuns/speed ups/slows nor do you really kill him in an upfront 1v1,
Hello bros. It's your boy Strike - Best Graves EUW here. BACK WITH SOME BUFFS and CHALLENGER (Yay)
If you want a quick run-down just look at the item builds and scroll down to the Lethality/Crit Build section (will be calling it critality). The guide is still in the works for S14 with a lot of recent changes.
I have been playing Graves for many years now hitting Challenger in S10/S11/S12 peaking rank 4 and holding best graves on several websites. So far hitting Challenger in s14. I am back on the grind in S14 (a little late I know) I have realised Graves is quite weak currently sitting at around 48% winrate across all elos and we are lacking a good graves content creator. Irrespective of this I am currently sitting at Challenger and will impart you ways to make this champion work.
Graves is a shotgun short-range marksman that can be played as an assassin/bruiser/crit marksman. Currently, the meta style you can play him is Critality and will be the ones I go through in this guide. As you know lethality now
grants the full amount and is no longer scaling, alongside the crit buffs to graves I recommend a duo combination!
Although Graves has fairly basic abilities their is a big gap between an OK graves and a good Graves. These stem from understanding his limits/animation cancels and executing his playstle correctly with good builds.
The guide will have a few chapters and go quite indepth. For more things Graves visit my twitch I stream daily and be willing
to answer any questions you may have.
Lets get into it.
Graves can start blue and full clear or start red and full clear. Both are fine. It depends on the side of the map you want to be. Is your botlane ezreal yuumi and you know they won't have priority + you can't gank...while top is Riven vs GP? Start on the side your botlane is and path to the top laner who has the volatile snowball matchup.
In other words, you path clearing all the camps in the way towards the lane you want to end up at.
However, your path can be changed. Vs champs that can invade you, start red. Red is the premium combat buff early and not having your red vs someone who does feels really bad. It also helps you gank. In addition, you can start red specifically to invade enemy jungler - More on this later.
Make sure to go 2 points Q skipping your W level three if you are full clearing. This will allow you to finish your full clear before 3:30. Only go W lvl 3 for invades/early ganks.
That is about as deep as early game pathing gets I'll highlight some invades you can do on graves though.
Pathing has become quite one dimensional with full clear being the most optimal (most of the time) However, with the removal of 20% damage debuff on enemies camps, counterjungling is more meta than it was. Below I highlight an example.
E.G You see hecarim start blue lvl 1. And you start red getting a strong leash from your shen. Whilst the hecarim seems to have started solo (You see him on the early ward you placed). Due to the leash discrepancy, you are up tempo + hp. Since graves has an E, he can dash over the wall and invade hecarim on gromp (He knows hecarim loves to full clear). At the gromp Graves can kill the hecarim particularly if you have ignite.
The objective of invades in S14 particularly early on is to setback a jungler (full clear ones mostly) from getting a safe start for them to execute their full clear into gank strategy. Or if its a gank jungler, to prevent him from ganking.
Invades early on are not really about developimg massive farm leads particularly on graves who clears really slow until he has levels and items. In other words we wanna delay our invades until we have some items preferably.
In other words. Invading is niche but under right circumstances where you have a vulnerability you can exploit (due to superior leash/matchup/summoner spell advantage/lane priority) it is highly effective.
Lethality or Crit?
With the recent Crit Buffs that Graves has received could crit be good on him? How does it work? Well Graves previously had a multiplier of 20% bonus damage per pellet on crit (Formula I am not entirely sure on) which NOW scales upto 30% bonus damage per pellet on crit at level 18. So from 20-30 from level 1-18.
Graves also fires 6 pellets on a crit as opposed to 4, vastly increasing his damage although each subsequent pellet after the first one hits does between 23%-33%
With Buffs to Lord dominiks, Mortal Reminder and Infinity Edge..could crit be back?
It is indeed. Mixing lethality and crit is BiS and allows you to have the utility and burst of lethality items with the consistent DPS of crit items.
Below I will go through my standard build in s14.
The Critality Build
So what is the Critality build? The critality build focuses on rushing your opportunity as soon as possible then 90% of time opting for a collector second (rare instances of going LDR 2nd if vs giga tanks)
3rd item I take edge of the night. Simply because a 3rd lethality item allows me to hit everyone except tanks with a truckload of damage while simultaneously the utility and defensiveness provided by edge of night allows me to execute my one shots safely.
4th item varies greatly, need more pen? LDR, need more burst? Infinity Edge...need more survivability? Shieldbow.
At this point you're free to look at the other recommended items I have and just pick and slot w/e fits into the game.
That is the core build, and nothing much else to say in regards to it, do I think my dark harvest critality build is easy to play? no lol. Expect to die a lot but I think it is the BiS way to play him.
That is all for this guide. I will be updating it and improving it as time goes on especially now that I am back. I will update it for upcoming patches as I know he will change a little. I will also add some more chapters and format it better so stay tuned for it. (Mechanics and late game section coming soon)
Other than that have fun, I love Graves and play it every season...and stay safe junglers we get a lot of slack XD
Like and comment! drop stuff you'd like me to add and make sure to tune into my stream, I will attempt to get Challenger as Graves OTP even if he is a D tier champ
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