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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Short Fuse (PASSIVE)
Ziggs Passive Ability
LoL you mad, that will never work.
Thats what most people say me when i lock in my Ziggy with smite but then they stop laughing at me when i carry the team to victory.
And now, I want to share my awesomeness with you.
Start with a spirit of the wraith as you are a jungling mage.
Then get the athene for the mana regen and the cooldown reduction and the boots to run faster and penetrate better (sounds strange).
Then you need to get some AP. yay there's a perfect item for this, rrrrrrabadon.
Then a void staff to penetrate even more.
And at the end an amazing lich to make your passive even more OP.
If you reach late game and full build, sell your jungler item and buy a Zhonyas or a Grasp.
I prefer Zhonyas as you're never close enough to use Grasp's active and Zhonyas kinda counters your squishyness
Then get the athene for the mana regen and the cooldown reduction and the boots to run faster and penetrate better (sounds strange).
Then you need to get some AP. yay there's a perfect item for this, rrrrrrabadon.
Then a void staff to penetrate even more.
And at the end an amazing lich to make your passive even more OP.
If you reach late game and full build, sell your jungler item and buy a Zhonyas or a Grasp.
I prefer Zhonyas as you're never close enough to use Grasp's active and Zhonyas kinda counters your squishyness
Take the Q 1st because blue doesnt like bombs.
Get the E at level 2 because jungling will never be easier.
At level 3 you will take one more point in the Q to deal even more dmg early game.
Then take W at lvl 4.
You will master your Q 1st because its Ziggs's main dmg source.
Master the E next to anihilate jungle camps and lanes
Master the W at last because you dont care about its damage you just need it to bump your enemies
Oh yeah, take your ultimate too. (6,11,16)
Get the E at level 2 because jungling will never be easier.
At level 3 you will take one more point in the Q to deal even more dmg early game.
Then take W at lvl 4.
You will master your Q 1st because its Ziggs's main dmg source.
Master the E next to anihilate jungle camps and lanes
Master the W at last because you dont care about its damage you just need it to bump your enemies
Oh yeah, take your ultimate too. (6,11,16)
Jungling has never been this easy.
With 4 AOE abilities...
You will always spam both your E and Q on jungle camps.
1st the E then run in circles while spamming Q so the monsters will trigger every single mine.
I normally kill blue to get lvl 2 then immediately gank mid (Ziggs is really strong in early and you dont want to miss this opportunity)
Then i go kill wraiths. E, Q and smite the big one (thx to smite's new CD).
Then one more gank and go kill red.
At this point the hardest part of the jungle is done.
Just play like a normal jungler and win the game.
With 4 AOE abilities...
You will always spam both your E and Q on jungle camps.
1st the E then run in circles while spamming Q so the monsters will trigger every single mine.
I normally kill blue to get lvl 2 then immediately gank mid (Ziggs is really strong in early and you dont want to miss this opportunity)
Then i go kill wraiths. E, Q and smite the big one (thx to smite's new CD).
Then one more gank and go kill red.
At this point the hardest part of the jungle is done.
Just play like a normal jungler and win the game.
Thanks to your E's op range you dont even need to get out of the bushes to gank!
Ganking with Ziggs is quite easy.
1: throw your E at the enemy for the slow and the damage
2: spam him with your Q and passive
3: If the enemy tries to run away use your W to bump him back to the party.
4: keep spamming Q
5: IF he isnt dead and you're lvl 6....BOOOM and win
Ganking with Ziggs is quite easy.
1: throw your E at the enemy for the slow and the damage
2: spam him with your Q and passive
3: If the enemy tries to run away use your W to bump him back to the party.
4: keep spamming Q
5: IF he isnt dead and you're lvl 6....BOOOM and win
If the enemy jungler is also a squishy (Evelynn...) dont hesitate to go counter jungle
never forget that ziggs is OP in early.
Kill your blue and then run to their red and wait for their jungler to come.
then you have 2 choices.
1: Smite KS his red and run away (coward option)
2: Wait for the red to hurt him then use an amazing E, Q, passive combo to instakill him.
never forget that ziggs is OP in early.
Kill your blue and then run to their red and wait for their jungler to come.
then you have 2 choices.
1: Smite KS his red and run away (coward option)
2: Wait for the red to hurt him then use an amazing E, Q, passive combo to instakill him.
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