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Strong Laner, much Dmg. You can Block her Q, but thats mostlikely not a viable option. Stay defensive, ask your Jungler for help and only take the safest Creeps when she is lv6. You can outplay her pre 3 with enough practise.
Malzahar got much Dmg, but isn't that hard of an Opponent, his moves are predictible, get Cleasne or an easy qss when having an lead. Watch out for enemy ganks.
She got much Dmg, but isnt unbeatable. Very Strong laner, if your unexperienced dont fight her. (Remeber her Sustain + Stealth)
If you can Dodge/Dash his skillshots, you'll be fine. (Insane Burst)
Skill matchup, properly try dodging his Ult and not getting too much dmg out of it. (You can Sustain if you survive his Ult)
Feels like unkillable with the new Mage Update, hope that she has got +600ms and 0,1 Fps. Just chill and don't feed. ^^'
Fine matchup, you still can be outplayed, so don't underestimate her.
Strong lv6 Champion. You can Block everything, if you screw up she will mostlikely just Combo you to death.
Not too hard, not too easy.
Its a passive/defensive lane so you won't get to do much, just Farm and be sure to not ger ganked. (Pink Wards OP!)
No problem at all, stay focused and Dodge/Block around and kill her. If she hits you however, hope you wont get Oneshotted, since you can easily outsustain her.
He hasn't got any Skillshots except his Ultimate, but it doesnt dissappear when Blocked, it just lays infront of the Windwall. Mostly a Skillmatchup, but in every scenario, Fizz has the better Cards to win the Lane.
Isn't that hard, block her Q's and you should be fine. Watch out for Ganks + she can dodge your Q and EQ Combo fairly easy.
Outplay with your Sustain and try Block/Dashing his Skillshots, get a Vampiric Scepter if you have to sustain more. If he misses his Stun, go for it.
Rarely seen, but just like Xerath, dodge/block his abilities and you should be fine. He is fairly squishy, usually you could just go all-in and get him. Dont forget to Ward, Junglers may appear when you start attacking.
Maybe he doesn't Kill you, but so don't you. You can try fighting him, but mostly its not worth it since he will stay in range.
Orianna can be a very annoying opponent. Her Q can be blocked, but other than usual Skillshots it wont dissappear, if she Activates her W she will mostlikely hit you anyway. Her Ult will be a perfect Setup for enemy Junglers to come ganking. Watch out for Shield engages by her Allies, as her Ult works that way too. She can Kite fairly well, so dont overextend. (She can use her Ultimate + Flash Combo you, be sure to expect it always!)
You are not able to engage (unless you got enough experience to Block his Ultimate) and he will Poke you as much as he wants to. It is a Skill matchup, the better you are with Yasuo, the easier Azir gets. I give him a high Threat Level anyway, since he can always stay ranged while you sadly try to dash through minions to reach him. If you get in reach, you should be fine. (Try playing around his soldiers by dashing away from them)
I am a Yasuo main since Season 5 , and reached my first time Gold Elo and Platin Elo with him.
This is my first Guide, feel free to suggest Ideas!
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
+ Strong Assassin, can fight a whole Team in the right Hands
+ Great Gapcloser with his E
+ INSANE Outplay potential
+ His Ultimate is a great Teamfighting tool
+ Passive: Shield + Double Crit Chance (With only 2 Items 100%)
+ Overall a very fluid Kit
+ High Mobility with E
+ Can be played in the Toplane too! (Even Jungle works)
+ W can Block Ranged attacks
+ Strong duel Champion (+ Points because of my Build)
- Once behind its hard to get back
- All-in Champion
- Can be hard to reach the backline of the Enemy team without sb who Engages with Knock-ups
- Weak vs much CC
- Missing your Tornado can get you killed in many situations
- Enemy Ganks are cruicial
- Without Minions his E is.. meh
- Windwall got a high Cooldown, can be problematic at some points
More Chapters + Detailed Information incoming soon! Stay tuned! =)
More Chapters + Detailed Information incoming soon! Stay tuned! =)
Feel free to tell me what you want to see in this Guide! I will Update it as fast as possible!
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