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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Warding Totem Removed

Warding Totem Removed
Total Price: 0 | Sell Price: 0

LoL Item: Warding Totem Removed

Active: Consume a charge to place an invisible Stealth Ward which reveals the surrounding area for 90-120 seconds depending on the average level of all champions.

Store one charge every 240-120 seconds depending on the average level of all champions, up to 2 maximum charges.

A player may only have 3 Stealth Wards on the map at one time.

Active: Consume a charge to place an invisible Stealth Ward which reveals the surrounding area for 90-120 seconds depending on the average level of all champions.

Store one charge every 240-120 seconds depending on the average level of all champions, up to 2 maximum charges.

A player may only have 3 Stealth Wards on the map at one time.

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Isolanporzellator (20) | December 14, 2013 2:20pm
Simply the best Trinket to start with. Better nerf Irelia.
RikudouDovahkiin (9) | April 5, 2017 7:06am
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