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Ezreal General Guide by Max4536

ADC [S7.1] Ez is real! Blue and Marksman build!

ADC [S7.1] Ez is real! Blue and Marksman build!

Updated on January 18, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Max4536 Build Guide By Max4536 44,134 Views 2 Comments
44,134 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Max4536 Ezreal Build Guide By Max4536 Updated on January 18, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Hi everyone,im Katsuz0r,and this is my first serious Ezreal guide.I worked hard to make this guide,and i hope you like it.


Ezreal - the Prodigal Explorer
Ranged, ADC, Mid

Synergy: Leona, Nami and Braum.
Speciality: Burst and Quick shots, infinite POKE.
Explanation: Ezreal is an Amazing Champion, one of the best in League of Legends if right played, not to mention, VERY FUN TO PLAY!
He is the new META on MID from season 6!.
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Ezreal was born with the gift of magic flowing through his veins. Ezreal, however, was also born with a much stronger sense of wanderlust. Put into school to become a skilled techmaturgist, Ezreal quickly became bored with magical studies. By the time the boy genius was eight years old, he had fully mapped out the underground tunnels of Piltover. The quality of his work was so great that the government of Piltover purchased his maps and salaried his services as Piltover's Grandmaster Explorer. This sealed the deal on Ezreal's path in life - he would eschew the arcane arts in favor of archaeology. Since then, countless of Ezreal's adventures have been written about as romanticized stories.

One of Ezreal's latest adventures, however, has brought him face-to-face with his other legacy - his latent magical power. While exploring the pyramids of Shurima Desert, Ezreal uncovered an amulet of incredible power. Aside from the sheer size of the amulet (it was made for a being easily twice Ezreal's size), it allows the wielder to control and shape magical energy - provided a source of magic is in the vicinity. This allowed Ezreal to tap into his natural talent for magic without having to put any serious effort into it - a big win for the Prodigal Explorer. The drawback is that for some unknown reason, the amulet is attuned with summoning magic. Without warning, Ezreal may find himself acting as a champion for, as he puts it, a summoner hell-bent on resolving some irrelevant world-shattering League conflict. Still, Ezreal feels being summoned into a Field of Justice on occasion is a small price to pay.

"There's little time to study musty tomes when you're busy crawling around where the musty tomes originally came from."
-Such is Ezreal's credo
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Pros / Cons


+ Many ways to build
+ The most versatile Marksman
+ Great attack speed steroid passive with Rising Spell Force
+ One of the best blinks in the game
+ Has strong poke with Mystic Shot
+ Great for taking objectives with Essence Flux


- Hard to master
- All Skillshots
- Extremely vulnerable when Arcane Shift is down
- Squishy
- Extremely mana hungry early
- Bad Early / Needs Items
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Summoner spells

Flash is a Summoner Spell that was and will always be used trough out the entire existence of League, unless it will get gutted down.
The ability to jump a small distance is so good, that even Ezreal a Champion who already has a Build in Flash takes it.

Heal Being the most reliant DPS source of your Team, surviving is a major part of your Gameplay.
Staying alive over a longer period of time will increase the successful outcome of any fights.
Heal is a Summoner Spell, which allows you to be more reliant in such.
The burst Heal is great to prevent yourself from dying and staying a live longer.

Let's you have more presence in lane, opponents will always be more wary of players who carry Ignite because of the fact that they have much higher kill potential as opposed to having other summoner spells in its place. If you are confident you'll be able to get a kill early, then ignite is the way to go.

Cleanse is a spell I would offer on nearly any carry in those really CC/explosive comps to give you the best chance of surviving. Ezreal though is one of the last carries to be taking Cleanse on due to the fact he has a built in Flash on a decently low cooldown.

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Greater Mark of Attack Damage
// Higly Recommended
// Attack damage marks give strong early game stats and are more efficient than other runes.

Greater Seal of Armor
// Higly Recommended
// Armor seals are good because you'll be taking a lot of physical damage from minions and autoattacks early game.

Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
// Higly Recommended
// Magic Resist glyphs are used to mitigate harass from their support.

Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed
// Higly Recommended
// Attack speed quints are really efficient compared to other runes and give you a strong mix of offensive stats when combined with attack damage marks.
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  • Fury (x5) : The 2% extra damage from spells Sorcery has isn´t much, so Ezreal gains more from the attack speed.
  • Feast(x1) : You have super sustain with it, which gives you a big advantage on the lane, if the enemy ADC uses Double Edged Sword or Expose Weakness .
  • Vampirism (x5) : You have 2% extra lifesteal which gives you extra sustain. You have already 3% lifesteal with your Doran's Blade so 5% is better than 3%. Natural Talent is better in the late game for you but the early game exists too!
  • Oppressor (x1) : If you get kills the whole time, Bounty Hunter is better for you, because you have no CC with Ezreal. But if you have a Supporter that has hard CC, Oppressor will be better.
  • Battering Blows (x5) : You deal almost no magic damage, so Piercing Thoughts is not as good as Battering Blows is.
  • Fervor of Battle (x1) : Warlord's Bloodlust is very strong at the moment, but you already have lifesteal with Doran's Blade and Vampirism so Fervor of Battle is better for Ezreal. So Fervor of Battle adds a lot of DPS (Damage Per Second) for a masterie, so take it.
  • Savagery (x5) : You won´t roam as a ADC so Wanderer is useless for you. Savagery improves your last-hitting and it will be easier to lasthit under tower.
  • Secret Stash (x1) : Runic Affinity is useless for you, because it extend the duration of the redbuff (you won´t get red in early game). Assassin is not this usefull for you, because you are almost 2v2 on the lane, so Secret Stash is the strongest option here. You 15 HP and 15 Mana instantly and the duration of your Health Potion is 10% longer.
  • Merciless (x5) : Merciless is the better choice for you, because you are an ADC and you want to do damage. Meditation is good for the early game but is no this usefull in the mid / late game.
  • Dangerous Game (x1) : Bandit is nice, but 1 Gold per lasthitted minions which are nearby is not this usefull like Dangerous Game is, because you get 5% of your missing Health and Mana back, if you kill a champion or you get an assist.
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Ezreal Abilities

Ezreal gains 10% bonus attack speed for 6 seconds every time he hits an enemy or ally with his abilities, stacking up to 5 times.
This is the Ezreal passive and to be honest, it's extremely useful, giving you up to 50% attack speed if you stack it 5 times.
Depends on the builds you are choosing during the game, this passive can be very useful to be max stacked when attacking a target.[/center]
  • Note that Essence Flux gives you some attack speed burst as well in a very easy combo (I will speak below about it).
  • Summoner spells do not grant any stacks.
  • Starting the fight while you have 5 stacks gives you greater odds to end a target extremely fast. You can do it by attacking minions if you plan to engage.
  • Yet Ezreal will gain them by hitting allied champions (including himself) with it.
  • Essence Flux does not affect minions or monsters and thus will not grant any.

  • Cooldown: 6 / 5.5 / 5 / 4.5 / 4
  • Mana cost: 28 / 31 / 34 / 37 / 40
  • Range: 1150
  • Ezreal fires a bolt of energy that deals 35 / 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 (+100% per attack damage) (+40% of ability power) physical damage and applies on-hit effects. If it strikes an enemy unit it reduces all of Ezreal's cooldowns by 1 seconds.
  • This is the main ability on BLUE Ezreal
  • It has a low cooldown and if you succeed to hit a target, it's cooldown is reduced and to all other Ezreal abilities by 1.5 SECONDS!
  • Mystic Shot will apply on-hit effects as a ranged attack (including life steal, Spellblade, Icy, and Duskblade of Draktharr) but cannot Critical strike icon critically strike or affect structures.
  • Does not apply spell effects.
  • With full CDR, you reach around 0.9 sec CD if you hit a target.
  • Mystic Shot damage will be mitigated if the attack is dodged,parried,blocked, or if it Blind icon misses.
  • POKE a target TO INFINITE with BLUE Ezreal, slowing him all the time.
  • It applies passives like Trinity Force, Iceborn Gauntlet and Lich Bane giving you an insane burst or extreme poke slow.
  • If you have cooldown on other Ezreal Abilities, like "E" or ultimate, spam this on minions, so it reduces the cd to all skills by 1.5sec, and again you restore quickly your ultimate.

  • Cooldown: 9
  • Cooldown: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90
  • Range: 1000
  • Ezreal fires a fluctuating wave of energy at a targeted area. Any enemy champions it passes through take 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+80% of ability power) magic damage, while any allied champions (including Ezreal) it travels through have their attack speed increased by 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 % for 5 seconds.
  • It has insane burst damage and easy to shoot an enemy champion
  • It passes through units, so you cannot farm with.
  • Magic damage will be mitigated by magic shields.
  • Applies spell effects as an area of effect ability.
  • Rylai's Crystal Scepter will apply a 40% slow for 1 second.

  • Cooldown: 19 / 17.5 / 16 / 14.5 / 13
  • Cost: 90
  • Range: 475
  • Ezreal teleports to a target nearby location and fires a homing arrow at the nearest enemy unit dealing 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 / 275 (+75% of ability power) (+0.5 per bonus attack damage) magic damage.
  • This skill is basically a Flash every few seconds which does damage to first target within range.
  • Is his main mobility SKILL which makes him a hero, and sometimes a GOD.
  • Arcane Shift + Flash do an impossible escape combo.
  • Arcane Shift cast time cannot be interrupted by anything other than Ezreal's own death. He will still suffer any crowd control effects, duration permitting, after it ends.
  • Arcane Shift homing projectile does not prioritize champions.
  • Quickly TELEPORT ( Arcane Shift, your E) Into that direction you cast.

  • Cooldown: 120
  • Cost: 100
  • Range: GLOBAL
  • Ezreal channels for 1 second to fire a powerful barrage of energy missiles, which deal 350 / 500 / 650 (+100% per bonus attack damage) (+90% of ability power) magic damage to each enemy unit they pass through. However, it deals 10% less damage for each additional unit it hits (30% minimum damage).
  • It's a skillshot ability, so there's a high chance to miss.
  • Trueshot Barrage projectile grants sight in a small radius around its current location.
  • Unexpected, you can shutdown enemies from fog of view / long range when they expect less.
  • USING IT to NUKE a team fight is more benefit than waiting to snipe a low HP.
  • Still, can be blocked by Yasuo Wind Wall and Braum Unbreakable

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Ability sequence

Skilling Order

> > >


When you ADC Ezreal your Mystic Shot is your #1 ability whether your blue build or Trinity build so you want to max that first. Since your Essence Flux is your least used move that will be the last ability you level so your Arcane Shift will be the second ability you want to level up.
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I will try to stick to 3 main categories of farming


When you play against an very aggressive champion and you cannot stand too much in lane against him, PLAY SAFE!
Playing safe under tower is the best option in this case, allowing you to defensively farm and avoid getting killed.
  • Melee Minions get 2 hits from the tower, getting very low hp, and can be taken by one Ezreal auto-attack.
  • Caster Minions get 1 hit from the tower, getting around 25% health and CANNOT be taken by one Ezreal auto-attack. Depends on attack damage you have, you can first hit the caster minion, tower hit 2nd time, and you last hit to take him down.


Almost every game starts with a "passive farm".
Passive farming is normal laning and farming along with enemy champion without to be very aggressive or you have to play defensively.
Mostly this kind of farm last long time until someone decide to push the lane.
  • While farming passively, try just to last hit the enemy minion with auto attack, dealing only death blow.
  • Try to keep moving all the time around and stand beyond your minions, to avoid getting shot by the enemy champion.
  • Use whenever you can Mystic Shot to make sure you take the final blow to the Siege minions (at least I do it and almost never miss the death blow).


With Ezreal you can play aggressive, aiming objectives solo on your lane but make sure of few things:
  • Your enemy presence is not there, or if your opponent is, make sure you own him in a 1vs1 duel, and he cannot kill you (you have secured kills, you know how to play against that champion, the opponent is pretty weak etc.)
  • Make sure you have warded the whole area around (bruises, river etc.) and the other enemy team members are on their lane / low chances to get ganked.
  • Don't push very aggressive if they have champions like Twisted Fate, Nocturne, Shaco, Evelynn on their team.
There are not so many things to say about, just be very careful when you push aggressive because is risky.

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Tips and Tricks/Facts

Tips and Tricks
  • Ezreal's Arcane Shift can be used to help line up your skill shots, but avoid using it in situations that leave you vulnerable.
  • Use Smartcast. I mean it. Don't say to yourself that it's not a huge deal, it's a BIG deal. Smartcast can give you that extra 0.25 second reflexes which will get you that extra kill on Mystic Shot or allows you to Arcane Shift gtfo of a bad situation.
    Please, trust me on this one, use it.
  • Don't hesitate to use Trueshot Barrage to clear a wave to defend your tower
  • Trueshot Barrage can be used at the beginning of a team fight to instantly gain 5 stacks of Rising Spell Force.
  • Watch your passive stacks. Whenever your killing mobs and your low on mana, conserve your mana and refresh the passive just before it wears off so you can keep it at 5x stacks while using the minimal amount of mana.
  • Using your Ult when you are about to be CC'd by ( Malphite, Malzahar, Lee Sin, Skarner, Anivia) you can cast your Ult it will not be interrupted which proves to turn the outcome of the fight
  • Ezreal's Essence Flu used to heal allied champions it passed through while decreasing the atk spd of enemy champions hit for 5 seconds.
  • "Its all skill" is a reference to the three of his abilities being skillshots.
  • Notthingham Ezreal is a reference to Robin Hood.
  • Ezreals taunt asking about power levels is a reference to Dragon Ball Z.
  • He was the first to have a Champion Spotlight on the Riot Games YouTube channel.
  • It was assumed Ajuna ( Ekko Ekko's friend from 'Seconds' and 'Chronobreak') was Ezreal.
  • He was also the first IP 6300 champion released after the game's official launch on 27-Oct-2009.
  • It is believed that Explorer Ezreal is a reference to the web browser Internet Explorer. He seems to be part of a set of skins that have a browser reference, including Chrome Rammus, Safari Caitlyn, and FoxFire Ahri.
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  • I'd like to thank you for reading this build, don't hesitate to post a comment so I can maybe correct/add informations on this build !
  • Hope you learned how to play Ezreal and have a nice day.
I think :D
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Thank you again, and GL&HF!

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