This matchup is pretty difficult and you can consider perma-banning her as she is also annoying to play against. She will chunk you with a Q + W + Electrocute at level 2. Avoid her Q or at least the second part of her Q since it does true damage. And dodge/bait/predict her Charm. It's pretty hard to kill Ahri without investing quite a bit. since her ult gives so many dashes.
Level 1, try to poke him with your Q while avoiding his Q's. Your Q is both longer and wider range than Yasuo's. Dodge his tornadoes. Let Yas dominate level 2. You'll win from lvl 3 and up. This matchup is actually very easy, it all depends on who gets more hits onto each other. Your Passive bypasses his Windwall.
Because of Akali Q energy buff, you can trade more with Talon early. Upgrade your W lvl 2 so you can avoid his all-ins. Level 6, it depends on who gets the first hit and can do their combos the fastest. Shroud when he all-ins to avoid maximum dmg from him. I recommend engaging on him first as you will find it somewhat difficult to not be hit by his WQR combo. DO NOT GET W+FLASH+Q AT LVL 2
Bait or don't get hit by Fizz's E so you won't take any dmg and he doesn't have any escape. Dodge Fizz's ult since it reveals you from shroud. Fizz ult = certain death. Kind of like Talon matchup his he gets first hit you're dead.
Don't get hit by his W+E+Q combo as that does a lot of dmg to you. And immediately shroud when he ults you. Reposition yourself in shroud so Zed doesn't get his full damage onto you. Zed's Q do less dmg to the second target it hits, so stay behind minions.
Xerath will want to shove you in your tower and poke you. So don't let him do that. And don't let him line you and your minions up so that he cannot hit both of you and the minions. Try to bait his stun by walking straight to him and either side step or E. Once his stun is down you'll win easily as he is an all skillshot champ. Xerath E down = win lane :)
Vlad has a lot more sustain than you do. Do not get hit by Vlad's empowered Q that's the only way he can win trades against you. Once it's down, you can play aggressive against Vlad. His pool isn't a big deal. So just play around his Q's and Pool. Vlad scales really hard late game so try to abuse him as much as possible from level 3 to 14 as that is where he starts to get really strong.
This is a 50-50 matchup. Play aggressive against her. Trade Q's with her and trade E's with her. As long as she doesn't ult you to a wall, you win 90% of the time. 10% being you getting bursted by her and you aren't able to trade back giving her free dmg on you.
50-50 skill based matchup. Don't get hard combo by her. Predict her daggers and respond quick enough to her Shunpos. If Kat jumps to one of her daggers without hitting you, punish her for it by hitting her with a Q and look for a trade. As both her Q and W are on a pretty long cooldown so she won't be able to trade back. Remember that Katarina's R can hit you in shroud.
This matchup is annoying. He eats all your abilities. His Q deals a lot of damage so try to dodge it and avoid being hit by his E+W+Q combo. Make sure his Aftershock is down before you fight him. Also try to keep track of his ult.
DO NOT FIGHT LEBLANC! If you try to trade, she'll just respond with a better trade. Her chain reveals you from shroud and you won't be able to E out of the her chain range. Predict her W's. Play safe till 6. Beyond that, you **** on her. Land your E's when engaging and Ignite before her passive procs so you won't be tricked.
This matchup is unplayable before level 6. His WQE combo literally melts you and he can get away with it without taking damage. Predict his W and respond with your E. You will still take damage but at least he doesn't get the full value of his combo. Level 6, hit your E's, get behind him when he uses his E, and play the fight slow. You will eventually melt him down.
Viktor has been really strong lately especially with First Strike. Don't get overly poked out. You can win level 5-6. Akali has enough dashes to avoid his stun.
Play aggressive. Yone just hard loses to Akali. Try to always poke with your Q lvl 1 and dodge his knock up. Only time you won't abuse him with Q is when you don't have energy or need to use it for CSing. When he uses E and then tries to knock you up, respond with your E. Recast your E if he goes back to his body and combo him from there. Do be careful of his E+R as he can start to beat you down with his Qs and Auto. Though most of the time you win anyways as long as you have your ult and shroud.
He trades very well against any AP Assassin. You will want to avoid pretty much all of his abilities, especially his W and E since he literally heals all his HP back. Don't try to fight him head on early. Sylas is not unkillable, so at level 6 use your dash advantage to kill him. Though he'll steal your ult and use it against you, as long as you don't get caught by his E, you win.
Aurelion Sol
His rework makes it harder to play aggressive. But he still has no kill pressure. You just play fairly safe and farm without taking too much damage. You can start to trade at level 4. Without his stun he is immobile. Level 6 you win.
Don't get stunned. If Ekko tries to E onto you, respond with your E. His R is the only problem as he can survive your all-ins and possibly turn the fight.
Irelia is super strong if she gets her passive off. Don't get stunned by her E or else she'll chunk you to half. Level 6 when fighting, play around your Shroud. Dodge her E, wait for her W to run out. And do a fast combo so she won't be able to dodge. Be careful of her level 1 cheese, where she Q's the three Caster minions and onto you giving her passive. Which allows her to just Auto you down. She kind of destroys you late game unless you are fed so try to end early.
Don't get stunned by cage and dodge skill shots. Most Veigar against Akali, bring Barrier or TP.
Twisted Fate
You won't be able to kill him pre-6 unless you somehow hit your E, but don't count on killing him. Level 6, if his W is down, you **** on him. Just keep and eye on him since his roam is insane.
You should ban him. He is super strong right now. But lets say you somehow go against him..It's okay if Kassidin hits you with his Q at level 1-3 as you really can't do anything. Wait for his shield to run out and go in for a Q. Either you get a better trade or he loses CS. At level 6, try to predict his R. Dodge his R by responding with your E. Try to win before level 16, before Kass starts to one-shot everyone.
Lissandra is easy. Like a Xerath matchup just don't let her line you and your minions up and hit you with her Q. Other than that, she can't really out trade you. Just don't get R'd under her turret. Do be mindful of her comboes as it does quite a lot of dmg.
Dodge Stun = Win.. you might not be able to kill her with her passive before level 6.
Watch out of her stun. Her Q cooldown is pretty low. But if she uses her Q, you can go for a quick combo Q+AA+Q. Wither her down little by little. At level 6, try not to fall below 70% hp. Her full combo can do a lot of dmg.
If you are unlucky enough to have ever had to face against AD Ranged champs mid, you know exactly how this feels. Literally cannot do anything pre-6. Biggest tip is to buy an early Cloth Armor into Steelcaps. Akshan with PTA and Bone Plating is unkillable pre-6. His swing counters you pretty hard as he can get away from you and attack you at the same time. Ask for ganks early and at level 6, try to get his Bone Plating off and then all in him if possible.
Orianna is pretty annoying. She will try to poke you out. Try your best to dodge her Q's. You won't really be able to do anything until level 6 unless you are able to hit your E. At level 6, Ori is an immobile champion so as long as you are on top of her, she cannot do anything.
For Diana, just don't try to hit her with her orbs up. Dodge her Q's early as it can do quite a bit of dmg and wither you down. You can bait her orbs by Q-ing her and walking to her as if you are trying to get your passive off. At level 4, you can bait Diana by letting her hit her Q and let her dash on to you. Respond with your E, and combo her from there. Level 6 and beyond you literally win assuming you don't make mistakes.
Bait and dodge her Q. Don't go for a trade if you get hit by her Q first pre-4. Predict her Ult and face away from it or get behind her. Do be careful of her W, as it negates half of your abilities. This matchup is more in Cass favor.
Corki's will try to auto you and hit you with his E. Don't try to trade at level 1-2. Level 3-5 you can trade if you hit an E assuming you didn't take too much dmg. At level 6, Akali slams.
Brand will try to poke up out with his W, or spread his E onto you and then stun you. His passive burn will show a afterimage of you in your shroud. At level 2-6, as long as Brand doesn't stun you and you hit your E he can't do too much as he is an immobile champ.
Lux will poke you from base. If a Lux plays safe, you can't kill her. At level 6, you can try to dive her, but that is if you can dodge her stun. If the Lux plays super safe and stays under tower, just shove and roam. Give her a reason to leave her tower.
Malzahar literally can't do anything pre-6. Just dodge his Q and his virus spell. His voidling can be one shotted so you get free gold. At level 4, if you hit your E, he can't do anything if you get on top of him assuming you aren't low. At level 6, his ult does no dmg and won't do anything to you unless he catches you under tower.
From level 1-3, try to avoid his flamethrower, if he tries to Harpoon, just get behind minions. Level 4-5 if you aren't too low, you can beat him. Level 6 you destroy him.
Getting hit by Ryze's E+Q will hurt if you take too much. Try your best to CS and stay healthy. Just avoid his combos pre-6. Level 6, if Ryze doesn't respect you and is close without a minion wave, you can all-in him as he has no escape.
Syndra is pretty annoying. She'll Q everytime you try to last hit minions. Play safe and try your best to farm. If she walks up past her minions you can actually trade while your minions help you. Try to avoid her Qs and her stun.
Just play safe while farming. Don't get poked with his Q. At from Level 4-6, Vel'koz is immobile so you can beat him.
I find Vex pretty difficult as most of them stay behind their minions so you cannot hit your E or walk up to Q. Just dodge her fear and you should win every single trade. Try to trade as much as possible until her fear comes back and then back off unless you can kill her. If Vex holds her fear, you can't kill her. Just try to safely last hit minions, shove if possible, and look to roam.
He ***** on your early game. He out-ranges and out damages you. Level 6 you literally cant kill him unless you are able to dodge his Q and E. Even then his Ult heals him for so much that killing him is still a challenge. I recommend rushing Oblivion Orb.
My favorite Jungler. Amumu's engage and stun just goes so well with Akali's kit. If Amumu hits his stuns you'll be able to hit all of your abilities.
Morgs stun lets you get free dmg off
Yuumi is just straight up broken. She'll enable you to 1v5.
Very good TOP lane if the player is good. Great engager and can carry.
Great scaling and split push. Can 1v9 if fed.
Great engager. Good for tanking enemy team while you flank the back line.
Yorick is my personal favorite Top Laner. He abuses HullBreaker very well. If he isn't super far behind, he'll pressure the map a lot and it'll always take 2+ enemies to stop him. This means that you and your team can take objectives and also pressure the map very hard as well.
My favorite Jungler. Amumu's engage and stun just goes so well with Akali's kit. If Amumu hits his stuns you'll be able to hit all of your abilities.
Morgs stun lets you get free dmg off
Yuumi is just straight up broken. She'll enable you to 1v5.
Very good TOP lane if the player is good. Great engager and can carry.
Great scaling and split push. Can 1v9 if fed.
Great engager. Good for tanking enemy team while you flank the back line.
Yorick is my personal favorite Top Laner. He abuses HullBreaker very well. If he isn't super far behind, he'll pressure the map a lot and it'll always take 2+ enemies to stop him. This means that you and your team can take objectives and also pressure the map very hard as well.
Hello. I am a Diamond 3-1 Akali one trick. I peaked Low Masters in season 10 and have been in Diamond elo ever since. I am also a Talon, Ryze, Zed, and LeBlanc player but I mainly play and climbed up to Masters with Akali. Here, I'll teach you what runes and build to go on Akali in which situations. And how to play Akali at all points of the game. I will try my best to teach you micros and macros. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll answer when possible.
Pros and Cons
- High mobility
- Huge carry potential
- Has a lot of teamfight pressure
- High one-shot potential on squishes
- Execution ult
- High safety
- Bad early
- High mechanic champion
Akali's Abilities
Akali's ability damage against enemy champions creates a ring around them for 4 seconds and grants her 40 / 50 / 60 / 70% (based on level) bonus movement speed for 2 seconds while moving away from them. Subsequent ability damage while a ring is active will only refresh its duration.
If Akali leaves the ring within its duration, she regains the bonus movement speed towards enemy champions for 2 seconds and gains Swinging Kama for 4 seconds.
SWINGING KAMA: Akali's next basic attack is ranged and is doubled, deals 39 − 180 (based on level) (+ 60% bonus AD)(+ 50% AP) bonus magic damage and restores 10 / 15 / 20 (based on level) energy.
Akali throws a flurry of kunais in the target direction, dealing magic damage to enemies hit. Enemies hit at maximum range are also slowed by 50% for 0.5 seconds.
Akali restores 80 energy, gains bonus movement speed that decays over 2 seconds, and detonates a smoke bomb a fixed distance away in the target direction, creating a circular shroud that expands over the next 5 seconds into a ring. The shroud does not permeate terrain. Akali is also invisible while in shroud and can only be revealed by attacking enemies and by true vision.
Akali flips in the opposite direction and fires a shuriken in the target direction that stops upon hitting an enemy, dealing them magic damage. Shuriken Flip marks an enemy or the last Twilight Shroud section hit for 3 seconds. Recasting Shuriken Fliplets Akali run towards the marked target or Twilight Shroud section hit, regardless of the distance, dealing magic damage upon arrival.
Akali dashes 675-825 units toward enemy champions dealing physical damage to any enemy champions in her way. Recasting Perfect Execution, Akali dashes in the target direction dealing magic damage to all enemies in her path. Damage is increased by 0% to 200% (based on target's missing health).
Akali Combos
Akali has hundreds of combos you can do. But I will only be showing the important and common ones.
Short-Trade Combos.
1. Q, Passive Auto
2. Q, PAuto, Q, W, PAuto, Q, PAuto
3. E, E2, PAuto, Q, W, PAuto, Q, PAuto
Full Damage Combos
1. R, E (backwards), E2, PAuto, Q, W, PAuto, Q, R2, PAuto
2. R, E+Q (backwards), E2, PAuto, Q, W, PAuto, Q, R2, PAuto
3. R, E+Q (forwards), E2, PAuto, Q, W, PAuto, R2, PAuto, Q, PAuto
Runes More In-Depth
For this season, there are only 3 essential Rune Pages you should consider bringing.
Conqueror is statistically the best Akali rune page to run for this current season. This rune page gives you both Sustain and Damage.
Electrocute is my personal favorite rune page for Akali. This rune page is better if the enemy team is more towards the squishier side for more one-shot potential. You get a lot of burst and First Blood potential. This rune page is also good for hard snowballing games.
Fleet Footwork is my least favorite of the three. I rarely ever bring this rune page unless I am up against very hard matchups or against hard poke. I recommend bringing this rune page, if you are not an aggressive player and rather play safe.
So you may ask.. Why is the secondary rune page only Resolve? Going Precision and Domination is still good but Resolve is just super strong with Assassins this season. The sustain you get is very good and you can duel a lot better with Resolve.
Builds More In-Depth
Starting Items:
For the starting items, I always buy Doran's Ring and 2 Health Potion first. The only time I will buy a Doran's Shield is when I'm up against a counter matchup or a pokey champion. You can start Dark Seal if you are super confident about your matchup and can stack the item. But I'll still recommend buying Dark Seal as an "extra gold" item instead of starting.
First Back:
On your first back, buy a Hextech Alternator or Haunting Guise depending on which ever build you are going. If you cannot afford the item, then I recommend just buying whatever you can. For example, you can buy an Amplifying Tome, or Aether Wisp. Akali doesn't really need a Control Ward because ganking her is already pretty hard, so rather not waste money. But you can still buy it if you prefer.
Full Builds:
For the full builds, if you bring Conqueror, the Stormsurge build is more
universal. But go with the Riftmaker build if you are against tanky teams.
If you bring Electrocute, go with only the Stormsurge build. This build is meant to oneshot the enemy squishies and do a ton of damage in a short amount of time.
For Fleet Footwork, you can build both the Riftmaker build, or the Stormsurge build. Because in my opinion, there isn't a "best" build path for the Fleet Footwork rune page. Just build whatever feels good for current state of the game.
Situational Items:
Situational items are items you buy according to the situation of the game. For example, if the enemy team is building Magic Resistance, you will build more Magic Pen to counter. Or if the enemy team has a lot of healing you would build Morellonomicon to weaken their healing. When to build these items, depends on the enemy. If they build Magic Resistance early, you will want to build Magic Pen early as well. What's cool about Akali is that she can build AD and AP, since all of her abilities scale with both AD/AP. So if the enemy team is full AP, you may want to buy Banshee's Veil plus a Maw of Malmortius. If they are extremely heavy AD, you'll buy a Death's Dance or a Guardian Angel if they have kill pressure on you. You can also buy both if you absolutely need the Armor. In conclusion, build whatever it takes to make you stay relevant in all points of the game.
Summoner Spells
Standard Summoner Spells:
You will be bringing Flash and Ignite 90% of the time. There really aren't any needs to explain why..
So What About Teleport?:
Only time I will ever consider bringing Teleport is when I play TOP Lane because the lane is longer. The reason why pros always bring Teleport is because they want to get to lane as fast as possible so they won't miss out on gold, and they are communicating with all 5 players and so they know that nothing will happen before 14 minutes. I am not saying that Teleport is bad. It is still good, but Mid Lane is pretty short so just having a good base timing and wave management is already enough for you to get back to lane on time without losing much. It's just the fact that the Spell is basically useless until 14 minutes, and so joining early skirmishes will be pretty difficult to achieve.
(For all the points of the game, I'll put an estimated time to indicated the Early, Mid, and Late game)
Early Game: Akali in the early game loses to 90% of matchups. There are only very little matchups that you win which are against Yone and Ekko. So with that in mind, when farming, it is okay to trade some HP for CS. Just remember to stay above 75% HP when against Burst Champions. Play AGGRESSIVE if possible, but don't count on killing anyone before level 6. Remember to always check your map constantly so you can help your Jungler. Get vision as deep as possible in the Jungle so you and your team can see where the enemy Jungler might path to. When Rift Scuttle is up, depending on which Rift Scuttle your Jungler is trying to take, stay on that side of your lane so you can help if the enemy Jungler is trying to contest. At level 6, look to kill the enemy. Find an opportunity to ULT someone. Level 6 Akali is one of the STRONGEST champions in the game. Whenever objectives are up, whether it's Rift Herald or Drake, you should be there 10 seconds early. If you are fed, try to force a fight when the enemy comes to contest the objective since Akali level 6-10 is really strong especially when you are fed.
Mid Game:
Mid game is usually marked when first turret is taken down. A HUGE TIP is to NEVER farm a wave, and wait for the next wave to come at Full HP. ROAM! If you do not like to roam then Akali is NOT your champion. Look to force fights at Dragons and Heralds. Be AGGRESSIVE. Look to fight whenever your ULT is up. In teamfights, you'll want to always do the same thing. Your job is to stay in bush to zone, flank and kill important targets. You place so much pressure in teamfights for just placing your Twilight Shroud in the center of the enemy team. Mid Game Akali is super strong as long as you are not behind. Do not split push too much unless there are no objectives to take.
Late Game:
Late Game starts at the 25-30 minute mark. Late Game isn't too different from Mid Game. Only thing is that the enemies are getting stronger, so you will want to group up more. You will also want to look towards assassinating enemies squishies from bush. In teamfights, you want to go in a few seconds after the fight starts so that the enemy team uses all of their CC before going all in. Then you can look to kill the enemy back line. You can also engage in fights by Ulting in and using your shroud to put pressure for the enemy team and combo from there. That being said, do not go into the enemy backline if they have a lot of CC and can lock you down. If that is the case, help your frontline instead.
Worst thing you can do as an Akali is poorly using your shroud in a teamfight
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