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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Gustwalker Smite
Ability Order Ability Order
Sovereign's Domination (PASSIVE)
Viego Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Kindred can both invade and kite Viego very easily. Her ultimate is also very difficult to play against since she can deny your resets. Very hard matchup
Shen is a great champion to play with for any Jungler because you can use Shen R to make all kinds of plays. Shen makes invades and tower dives a lot more possible. Shen is the perfect Top Laner to enable an aggresive Jungler.
Shen is a great champion to play with for any Jungler because you can use Shen R to make all kinds of plays. Shen makes invades and tower dives a lot more possible. Shen is the perfect Top Laner to enable an aggresive Jungler.
Champion Build Guide
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Hello my name is Elekktro, aka Dylan. I am a Grandmaster Tier Jungler in Season 15 and a dedicated League of Legends Content Creator. I have been playing League for about 11 years now and have been maining jungle for the majority of that time. I have previously held the title of Rank 1 Viego NA. I created this guide because there are so many different builds, runes and playstyles for Viego that it can be difficult to understand which one is correct. When I was learning Viego I decided to try out all the different variations of Viego until I found the most optimal way to play him. My hope is that through this guide I am able to share my unique insight on Viego and lead you on your path to becoming the best Viego player you can be. If you have any specific questions you would like to ask me, please feel free to stop by my Twitch Stream at https://www.twitch.tv/lolelekktro . I stream every day at 2:00 pm PST! ![]() |
Viego is a pure carry champion which means when you pick him you need to be looking to 1v9. Recognizing his weak points is extremely important to not setting yourself behind in the early game. If you are able to get a lead your ability to carry is second to none.
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This will be your standard Top Side start full clear. In games where I decide to do a full clear I make sure that I take a 2nd point into my Q


This will be your standard Bot Side start full clear. In games where I decide to do a full clear I make sure that I take a 2nd point into my Q

Doing a full clear can be both enticing and rewarding, however many players make the mistake of doing a full clear in a game where they really should not. First off what are the pros/benefits of doing a full clear?
[2] All your camps will begin their level 4 respawn timer
[3] Simplifies the clear
[4] Gives you a window to make plays while all your camps are down (post first clear)
With those positives in mind, what are some of the cons/negatives about going for a full clear early game?

[2] Full clearing is a very predictable path which can lead to you getting invaded
[3] It can take too long and cause you to lose out on early game ganking windows
[4] If the enemy jungler matches your full clear you lose out on any potential invade windows
When I am deciding if I want to do a full clear I consider all the positives and negatives associated with full clearing. These are some of the main questions I will ask myself in the loading screen to determine whether or not I want to full clear:
- Do any of my lanes have good early game gank set up? (if none of them do I will full clear)
- Is the enemy jungler a champion that wants to do a full clear such as
Kayn or
Hecarim? (if the answer is yes I will usually match the full clear as to not fall too far behind early game)
- Is the enemy jungler susceptible to being invaded? Can I interrupt their clear successfully by invading? (If the answer is yes I will not full clear and will look to invade where I believe they are pathing)
- Is the enemy jungler going to look to gank at level 3? Can I successfully counter this gank if I am there?(if the answer is yes I will not full clear and will look to counter gank)
I know this is a lot to consider, so I will try to simplifiy it a little bit for you. If you feel as if the first 3 minutes of the game are going to be relatively low action I would do a full clear. If you see a lot of possibilities for ganks, invades, and counter-ganks; I would avoid full clearing. After enough practice and experience, you will be able to easily identify when it is a good idea to do a full clear and when it is not.
As Viego you have a very average clear speed, followed by average early skirmishing power and average ganking ability. In the early game Viego isn't necessarily weak, but he doesn't do anything particularly special. This makes it incredibly important for you to choose the easiest path to you gaining some sort of advantage in the early game. When you start on one side of the map you are pathing TOWARDS the lane on the other side of the map ie. The lane that you are pathing TOWARDS is the lane you believe has the best chance of succeeding if you gank them. So how do you determine which lane you want to path towards? Here are some checklist items you want to ask yourself before camps spawn:
- How much CC/Set-up does my laner have? (Can they lock down the enemy champion during the gank?)
- How easily can the enemy escape a gank? (How much mobility does the enemy champion have?)
- Is my laner in a good 1v1 or 2v2 matchup? (You will want to gank for your teammates that are in a favorable matchup)
- Where is the enemy jungler most likely to gank? (Can I safely counter gank them if I am there?)
- Will the lane that I am pathing away from be safe without early jungle help? (Am I screwing over my lanes by not helping them?)
These are all important questions that you want to be asking yourself not only as a Viego player, but a jungler as a whole. Remember that the ability to read an early game properly is a skill that will develop over time. The more you play Viego the more you will learn his limits and early game patterns. Do your best to analyze where you want to start while loading into the game and trust your gut when deciding where to path. After some practice you will easily get your pathing down!
Simply put your goal on Viego is to get as fed as possible. Like I have mentioned before Viego is a true 1v9 carry champion which means the more of a lead you put onto yourself, the more likely you are to win. Viego struggles with playing from behind especially in bad matchups so it's extremely important to go for plays with a high % chance of succeeding. The key mistakes you want to avoid making are these:
- Don't overforce ganks, if you miss your W stun the gank is unlikely to succeed
- Don't force early skirmishes with the enemy jungler unless you can easily beat them
- Don't afk farm, Viego wants to get a lead ASAP and doesn't have a very fast clear speed
- Be careful where you use your E
Harrowed Path in the early game because it can reveal your location when you don't want it to
- Don't avoid objectives, Viego can do objectives pretty quickly especially after you get
Credit to SkinSpotlights
Viego's unique "Possession" mechanic is a combination of his passive

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Viego's passive ![]() ![]() |
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Viego's ultimate ![]() |
The three most beneficial things to consider when taking a possession are:
1.You become untargetable for a short duration of time
2.You will heal back a percentage of your HP
3.You will gain a free cast of your ultimate ability
The three most harmful effects of taking a possessions are:
1. You take the stats and items of the champion you are possessing and run the risk of being significantly weaker/squishier while possessing them
2. If you possess someone pre 6 you need to wait 10 seconds before returning to normal form
3. You have to know how to play the champion you are possessing
Viego's passive is without a doubt one of the strongest abilties/passives in the entire game when used correctly. It is important to keep in mind that in 95% of scenarios when you possess an enemy champion you do not want to stay as them for long. A good rule of thumb is that when you take a possession you want to do one full combo and then use your ultimate

In pre 6 fights it is very hit or miss whether taking a possession is a good idea. Always take a possession if you are 100% about to die if you don't, that way you can survive a little longer and hopefully get some additional damage off. Other than that unless the person you are possessing is an insane early game champion such as

In post 6 fights it is almost always a good idea to take a possession with a few exceptions. The main reason it is a good idea to take every possession is because in most fights the enemy team won't be in position to one shot you even if you possess a squishy target. Getting a free usage of your ultimate in a teamfight as well as additional spells has the capacity to solo win you teamfights. However you still have to be very mindful of who you are possessing. If you dive the ADC and you possess them in front of the enemy team there is a good chance the enemy team turns around and kills you.
This will take some experience and discipline to understand when it is a good idea to take a possession and when it's not, but remember to LIMIT TEST. Viego is a champion who has a near endless skill ceiling due to his possession mechanic, so it is imperative that you test your limits as much as possible when learning him.
Anything else you want out of the guide? Comment and let me know! Make sure to vote on the guide if you liked it!
If you would like to check me out elsewhere, You can find me at:
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lolelekktro
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@LolElekktro
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LolElekktro
Discord: https://discord.gg/pYJNFK7
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