His champ is stronger than yours all you can do is play around your setup champs ( most likely your support / mid ) and learn how to avoid him in jungle because you will never win 1V1.
Really easy to play into as long as you punish him by invading him early on due to him being weak. It becomes harder in mid/late game especially if you didnt punish him
Xin Zhao
Easy matchup however make sure to dodge his W and kite him the right way. If he somehow manages to dash on you with his E you can just jump away with your W
Easy matchup as long as you keep your distance with him and play with your range. Be careful with his low hp damage and healing output combined with his E that gives him % damage reduction and fears. Basically dont jump on him right after you hit a spear unless you know you can oneshot him.
Easy matchup but can be difficult due to him having 2 gap closer combined with his x2 Knock ups from his ultimate ability that will cancel your W in cougar form.
One of the 50/50 matchups and by that I mean that its an easy one but can become really complicated if he gets fed. He can easily chunk / kill you with 1 rotation if you get hit by his stun, Zhonya can help prevent Viego from getting resets
Vi is a really strong champion so do not underestimate her. The key of the matchup is to play with range and not jump right away since your W can get canceled by her Q . This matchup can get really hard if she gets ahead and can just straight engage on you with R and hold her Q for when you dash out.
This is a one of the hardest matchup if not the hardest due to him stat checking you + he has an insane jungle clear speed so I would recommend to avoid him and play with your laners and by that I mean to take skirmishes with your teammates ( 2V2 / 3V3 ) .
Easy matchup because of the fact that he has a really unhealthy jungle clear which makes him really vulnerable to invades so just abuse him early on.
why are you playing normal games
She isnt really played in jungle anymore sadly but the key in this matchup is to not jump on her when she presses E
Not really played in jungle but the matchup itself is realy easy due to him having one of the worst jungle clear in the game. However can be annoying if he gets fed for no reason.
Easy matchup, really easy to invade and abuse early on. Try securing drakes with your team
Easy matchup for nidalee due to your passive giving you true sight. Shaco can become a problem if he gets fed enough to just Q and oneshot you, Zhonya can help
Easy matchup, I'd recommend to go conqueror if enemy team have a fair amount of tanks/bruisers.
Definitely not an easy matchup due to him being able to cancel your dash with his W + He's really meta right now with stridebreaker. Id recommend building protobelt over nightharvester to cancel (cougar form) W animation in mid air and bait his W but that requires a bit of experience.
Rammus is really good vs ad champions but really bad against ap's
make sure to invade him early since you are stronger than him and you'll be fine.
Poppy is by far the most annoying champ for nidalee since you cant dive in. Only thing you can do is adapt your playstyle and play for poke.
Nunu & Willump
Not much to say beside that its really easy 1V1 for nidalee, try to countergank him. Consider going conqueror if enemy team has a decent amount of bruisers/tanks
Can be annoying to 1V1 due to his spell shield and his E forcing you to dash away from him , you have to look for early invades before he gets 6 and starts abusing your teammates
Lee Sin
Skill matchup ( strongly favored for lee sin especially after the buffs ) play with your range , dodge his Q and you'll be fine
One of nidalee's easiest matchups due to lillia being really weak in early game. Look to abuse her as much as you can. However can be hard to hit spears on that race car.
Easy matchup , look to invade him early on. Can be hard to kill if he goes phase rush and it can be really hard to start neutral objectives due to his E
Master Yi
Really hard matchup because of his W giving him damage reduction. Avoid fighting him 1V1 because you will never win. Play with your team and ask them to pick champions with CC. Zhoyna can help stalling time and denying resets
50/50 matchup ( nidalee favored ) the one that gets an early advantage usually snowballs.
50/50 matchup ( nidalee favored ) due to her passive giving true sight. The one that gets an early advantage usually snowballs.
Really easy matchup in early game, you HAVE to abuse him. However it becomes rly complicated whenever he gets his form especially the red one.
Another straight forward matchup where he's gonna look to fullclear . Really easy if you know how to track and invade him the right way
Decently easy matchup when it comes to 1V1 but what really matters is lane priorities . If you have strong laners with prio you'll be able to invade him a lot and make his game unplayable BUT if he has the strong laners then hes allowed to freely farm and outscale you.
not much to say just invade him but he will give his camps away and be usefull by shielding his teammates no matter what happen BORING.
Jarvan IV
Easy matchup when it comes to 1V1 for nidalee, you can invade him a lot but make sure to track and countergank him since what he wants is to gank a lot early on.
Easy matchup for nidalee since graves is a really good pick against ad champs but struggles against ap's
Second most annoying matchup for nidalee after poppy due to his E making you unable to dive in . Id recommend building protobelt over nightharvester to cancel (cougar form) W animation in mid air and bait his E but that requires a bit of experience.
Decently easy matchup when it comes to 1V1 but what really matters is lane priorities . If you have strong laners with prio you'll be able to invade her a lot and make her game unplayable BUT if she has the strong laners then she will be allowed to freely farm , get level 6 and outscale you.
Skill matchup ( elise favored ) can be hard for nidalee to hit spears because of the spiderlings. Make sure to play around your laners and cover them from getting dove. Would recommend to go Resolve secondary in runes with Bones plating and Revitalize.
Really easy matchup the champion has a terrible first clear which makes him really vulnerable to invades. He's really abusable pre lvl 6 so make sure to take advantage of that.
Pretty easy matchup for nidalee because amumu is really weak early on so invade him and make him cry
Mercury's Treads can help especially if enemy mid is ap.
Another straight forward matchup where she wants to fullclear over and over so make sure to invade her during the first full clear otherwise it will become harder.
This matchup is pretty straight forward, hes always gonna look to full clear so put down a ward on his raptors at 1 min to track and invade him. Mercury's Treads are a must.
Really hard matchup if u are not used to it. Play with your range and never ever dive in unless her E is on cooldown. Contest neutral objectives with your team to deny her souls
Twisted Fate
Really good point and click CC
Good CC with her chain, can be hard to hit though.
Insane point and click CC
Zoe's E is insanely strong with nidalee due to the magic resist shred.
3rd Q + R forms an extended CC
Good slow + snare
not my favourite CC but still decent.
Her W has one of the best synergy with nidalee's spear
Rell's Q is really nice for nidalee's spear same goes for her W and R but they are not as ideal as her Q
imperial mandate + E .
Point and click CC + good ult
Point and click CC + good ult
Not bad but not the best either since it doesnt snare for that long
Twisted Fate
Really good point and click CC
Good CC with her chain, can be hard to hit though.
Insane point and click CC
Zoe's E is insanely strong with nidalee due to the magic resist shred.
3rd Q + R forms an extended CC
Good slow + snare
not my favourite CC but still decent.
Her W has one of the best synergy with nidalee's spear
Rell's Q is really nice for nidalee's spear same goes for her W and R but they are not as ideal as her Q
imperial mandate + E .
Point and click CC + good ult
Point and click CC + good ult
Not bad but not the best either since it doesnt snare for that long
Really easy to play into as long as you punish him by invading him early on due to him being weak. It becomes harder in mid/late game especially if you didnt punish him
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