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Choose Champion Build:
Standard Build
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Fury of the North (PASSIVE)
Sejuani Passive Ability

My objective is to get as in-depth with the nuances of

space |
+ Excellent late-game tank + Good at engaging and locking down opponents + Reliable in team fights + Best initiating ult in the game + Prevents escapes |
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- No natural tankiness - Doesn’t fit well into any particular role - Weak early game - Very item-reliant - Requires a lot of patience |

get as much health as possible – dumping the full amount of points into
Veteran's Scars
, then taking the full 3 points in
afterward. After that it’s pretty much up to you, though you definitely want to make sure you get a point in
, which gives armor and MR for each nearby enemy.
Sejuani’s skill setup means that she’ll spend most of her time locking down groups of enemies, so this mastery is important.
For your secondary mastery tree, you can really go with either Offense or Utility based on your play style. I personally prefer putting points in the AP side of the Offense tree. Getting cooldown reduction right off the bat, as well as some magic penetration, goes a long way in improving the usage of
Sejuani’s skills. If you instead decide to put your points in the Utility tree, your goal is to get
Sejuani’s poor early game makes that free item necessary for lane sustain.
Of course, these mastery setups are general and may not fit your play style or needs. If you want specific masteries for a specific role, see the Gameplay section below.

For your secondary mastery tree, you can really go with either Offense or Utility based on your play style. I personally prefer putting points in the AP side of the Offense tree. Getting cooldown reduction right off the bat, as well as some magic penetration, goes a long way in improving the usage of

Of course, these mastery setups are general and may not fit your play style or needs. If you want specific masteries for a specific role, see the Gameplay section below.


Main Summoner Spells


This ability is what I’ll usually refer to as

When a nearby enemy has

This is the ability that makes

Skill Order
At the start of the game, your first ability is going to be either

When a fight breaks out,

Season 3 items are still fairly new, but the general idea of building
Sejuani is mostly the same: Health combined with damage and debuff auras. You are mostly going to want to buy things that are effective when surrounded by enemies, such as
Sunfire Aegis and
Frozen Heart. Additionally, you want to buy health items to improve
Northern Winds, further emphasizing the AOE builds. Here’s the breakdown:
Cloth Armor: Improves your sustain during lane, allowing you to take a bit more punishment from enemies. However, it means you’re relying entirely on
Arctic Assault for mobility, which doesn’t always work out.
Null-Magic Mantle: Similar to the
Cloth Armor, this is useful for improving sustain against AP champions such as
Vladimir. Only allows for you to take two
Health Potions at the start, though.
Boots: If you take
Boots instead, you’ll be able to move around and dodge skill shots more easily, but might run into problems staying in lane. You definitely want to have
Boots by the first time you recall, but starting with
Cloth Armor is generally the much better option for staying in lane.
Hunter's Machete: Use only when jungling. It puts some extra damage on neutral monsters, helping you clear faster.
Mercury's Treads: My preferred boot upgrade on
Sejuani due to the tenacity. It also helps with magic resist, which
Sejuani tends to lack somewhat at higher levels.
Ninja Tabi: The other boot option. Only take this if you need some extra armor to help against your lane opponent, or if the enemy team has very little crowd control.
Philosopher's Stone: The very first thing you want to buy after you have
Boots. Because
Sejuani has very little lane presence early on, taking the gold-producing item helps her not fall behind too much when she can’t farm.
Rod of Ages: A bit of an odd choice compared to other builds, but it's very useful for
Sejuani during the early game. One of its components, Catalyst the Protector, helps with sustain by restoring some of your health and mana when you level up. Additionally, most other items that are useful on
Sejuani cost a lot of gold, making
Rod of Ages one of the items that you can build reliably while laning. If you get to a full six items, you can sell this item and build something that's more useful for the late game.
It's important to note that however you build
Sejuani during lane, she's going to seem weak.
Sejuani's power doesn't really start picking up until you're able to finish building your first late game item.
When you start building later items, you want to hold on to that Philosopher's Stone for as long as possible for the income. You’re eventually going to upgrade it into
Shurelya's Battlesong to provide improved mobility for yourself and your team. However, that item will not be useful early on, so don’t start building it until team fights have begun breaking out regularly. You really need to make the most of that gold passive.
Shurelya's Battlesong: Provides you with some regeneration, but the most useful part is its active ability. You get to temporarily increase the movement speed of you and your surrounding allies, which helps with many situations in the game, especially initiating and escaping.
Sunfire Aegis: This is a huge health item that does exactly what
Sejuani needs by giving her armor and health (for
Northern Winds). The fact that it does AOE damage too synergizes well with her usual positioning.
Sunfire Aegis is not a strictly necessary item for
Sejuani, and can sometimes emphasize her weakness to casters, but I consider it essential for improving damage output during fights.
After you've bought a Sunfire Cape, you should take note of how the game is going. Check on who's getting ahead, who's behind, and what both teams are building when deciding what items to get in the late game. Additionally, once you have a full six items, you can sell the
Rod of Ages from earlier to free up a slot for an item that has more usefulness in the late-game.
Frozen Heart: The attack speed debuff on nearby enemies helps reduce the opposing carry to near uselessness, and the cooldown reduction sure is nothing to sneeze at.
Warmog's Armor: Gives you a ton of health and regeneration, which is perfect for
Sejuani. Not only does it dramatically improve her tankiness, but it increases the effectiveness of
Northern Winds. However, this item isn't useful for the rest of your team, so only build it if you're far ahead or are looking for a final item.
Abyssal Mask: The magic resist is helpful, and the item's passive helps
Sejuani deal more damage by reducing enemies' own magic resist.
Randuin's Omen: Tends to work well for initiating a fight and then chaining slows together by using
Randuin's Omen with
Sejuani's abilities. However, the removal of
Heart of Gold from Summoner’s Rift makes
Randuin's Omen that much less appealing.
Banshee's Veil: Gives you a bit of extra magic resistance, and nullifies an enemy ability in team fights. Can be put to especially good use against
Caitlyn, and
Liandry's Torment: This item gives more health, as well as a bit of ability power, but the real kicker is its passive. Getting 15 magic penetration and burning enemies when using spells is excellent, and the fact that they take more damage if crowd controlled (read: slowed) makes it potentially terrifying on
Sejuani. Couple that with the fact that
Liandry's Torment seems to be single-handedly capable of taking over games with tanky AP champions, and it’s a very good item for
Sejuani to build. However,
Sejuani’s main role is as a tank rather than a damage-dealer, so I’d save this item for last unless you’re fed or have another tank on the team.
Enchantment: Captain: Helps your allies engage when you charge into a group of enemies, and can also help push lanes. Because
Sejuani is on the front line so much, this is hands-down the best enchantment choice for her.
Enchantment: Homeguard: Gives a movement speed boost and immediately regenerates all of
Sejuani's tons of health when at base. Can be useful with
Teleport, but generally I'd only take it if your team is losing.
Enchantment: Distortion: Reduces cooldowns on
Flash and
Teleport. Not terribly useful for
Sejuani due to having little effect on the team as a whole, but can be nice if you chose
Teleport as your second summoner spell.

Starting Items

Essential and Lane Items

Philosopher's Stone: The very first thing you want to buy after you have

It's important to note that however you build

Major Items
When you start building later items, you want to hold on to that Philosopher's Stone for as long as possible for the income. You’re eventually going to upgrade it into

After you've bought a Sunfire Cape, you should take note of how the game is going. Check on who's getting ahead, who's behind, and what both teams are building when deciding what items to get in the late game. Additionally, once you have a full six items, you can sell the

Boot Enchantments

Your masteries should be something like 0/21/9, using normal Defense distribution and putting points in

A jungle

Early Jungling
At the start of a game, ask your allies for heavy damage on the wolf camp and/or blue buff so you can get through your first clear faster and more reliably. They won’t need to stay long enough to miss out on farming, but

Suggested jungle route, starting from blue buff. Note that you can charge over walls into the jungle camps.

Your other option is to farm in your jungle until at least level 4. Because

Ganking - Mid
Mid and bot lane will most likely be the first places for you to gank. When it comes to ganking mid lane, you have a lot of power –

Ganking - Bot
In the bottom lane, Sight Wards are your friend and your enemy. Friendly Sight Wards can help you by providing a safe place for you to enter the lane – just be sure to ask your teammates if they know of any enemy Sight Wards that are lying around. Entering from the river is the best case scenario, as it allows

Ganking - Top
Ganking the top lane is probably one of

If they do, lead in with

your goal in top lane is not necessarily to farm. Instead, you should allow the enemy to push to your tower, taking what minion kills you can, and then farm underneath your tower. It’s not the best option, but attempting to farm normally can easily result in getting annihilated by the opposing champ. That said, if you’re up against a tanky top like

In terms of items and abilities, you should follow the general recommendations I gave above. It’ll seem weak, but that’s mostly because

If you manage to get ahead in lane, you still want to ward the river as much as possible. Pushing your lane and getting ganked from behind sucks, and you want to be able to inform your teammates if you notice someone roaming. Depending on your lane opponent, you might also want to ward the lane bushes to keep from getting jumped on.

If you get pushed to your tower and see no sign of your lane opponent, call MIA as soon as you can. It’s very easy for top laners to roam when against

Once you’ve won your top lane, you want to go help out your other lanes as much as possible. However, your laning opponent will likely still be farming and pushing up there, so you want to keep an eye on your lane so your tower doesn’t go down while you’re away. Your goal during this time will be to help your other lanes win, usually by ganking when your jungler isn’t able. Remember to ward around a bit, though, so you don’t get surprised by their own top laner joining the action.
If you lose your top lane, you’re not out of luck. In fact, as

put all the points you can in Defense to help maintain your late game.

That said, you need to remember that your opponents have access to the

The hardest part about this role is figuring out how to start, because you need Sight Wards. I'd suggest starting with a variant of the normal support item setup –

Ability-wise, you can start with either

There’s also some art to using it: If your enemy isn’t warding much, you can sometimes just hang out in the lane bushes, and then jump out to trap their carry between you and your own carry, cutting off their retreat in the process. This doesn’t become too effective until you get your full combo, of course, but

Laning as Support
In the early parts of the laning phase, you are most concerned with keeping your carry from taking damage. You have no healing abilities, so if you see the enemy carry moving to engage, be sure to hit him and force him to retreat. This requires a lot of awareness and knowledge of attack ranges, and reading the enemy incorrectly can lead to you making a wrong move and dying. Since

Item-wise, you want to buy

When Ganks Occur
If your jungler comes to gank your lane, you suddenly become the most important part of the lane. It is solely your job to engage the enemy, after which your jungler will come in and keep them from getting away. This is especially true once you hit level 6, because

On the other hand, if you get ganked, it is once again your primary concern to keep your carry alive. The moment you see the enemy jungler in one of your ward locations, you want to make sure your carry starts to retreat. After that, keep an eye on your side of the jungle to make sure the jungler doesn’t try to tower dive you. If he does, or if your carry gets caught out of position, your most powerful weapon is

After your laning phase is over, whether you win or lose, you’ll be doing the same thing. You want to help out your other teammates as much as possible, wherever they are. After the laning phase,

This is not really a position where
Sejuani wants to be, but things can end up that way due to strange team compositions, odd laning choices, or sometimes stubborn teammates. Or maybe you just want to try it out, I don’t know. Regardless of how it comes to be,
Sejuani mid can happen, though there are a few things you need to be aware of going into it. First, expect to die. Mid laners tend to have range and power that
Sejuani doesn’t, so she’ll tend to get harassed a lot. Second, be prepared to call MIA all the time. In fact, let your team know to always expect your laning opponent to be wandering if they’re not on the mini-map. You’ll be pushed to your tower a lot during the laning phase, so your opponent will have a lot of opportunities to gank somewhere. You can mitigate this somewhat once you get your full
Permafrost combo leveled up a bit and start pushing out, but that won’t mean they’ll stick around.
When setting up for solo mid, you want to keep the normal runes and masteries for
Sejuani. You’re really just a replacement for a more conventional mid laner here, so you’re playing for the late game just the same. You may decide to take some extra magic resist to help lane, but I wouldn’t invest much more than a couple of mastery points or a
Greater Quintessence of Scaling Magic Resist in that.
When starting a game in the mid lane, take a point in
Arctic Assault. You’re not going to be farming much in your first couple of levels, so making sure you aren’t susceptible to harassment and ganks is important. For items, you generally want to take either a
Null-Magic Mantle or a
Crystalline Flask. I personally would go with the
Null-Magic Mantle for the magic resist, just so I don’t get bursted down immediately when an engagement happens. The
Crystalline Flask would provide some extra sustain, however, and the extra
Health Potions you’d get because it costs 100 gold less than the
Null-Magic Mantle can be useful for staying in lane. The choice is yours.
After you’ve been in lane for a bit, you might want to consider upgrading the
Null-Magic Mantle into an item with some more magic resist, such as an
Aegis of the Legion or just plain
Mercury's Treads. Otherwise, rushing straight into a
Rod of Ages is a good idea so you can start building up health.
Somewhere around levels 5-7, your
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist will start to kick in, greatly reducing the amount of damage you’ll receive in lane. If you’ve managed to die less than thrice at this point, it’s a good time to start farming. You’ll have your full combo doing quite a bit of damage by now, so killing minion waves takes no time at all. You now have the option to either freeze your lane or push it out and help with ganks. Which you decide on depends on how the game is going overall – if their jungler is fed, you don’t really want to leave lane and get jumped on. If your team is winning though, you might be able to help another lane push out while your own lane opponent is busy, turning the tables on them. Once you’ve hit this stage of the game, your late-game options start opening up.

When setting up for solo mid, you want to keep the normal runes and masteries for

When starting a game in the mid lane, take a point in

After you’ve been in lane for a bit, you might want to consider upgrading the

Somewhere around levels 5-7, your

No matter what lane role you took as
Sejuani, your ultimate goal is the same: Start favorable team fights, stun as much of their team as possible, and then single out enemies in fights to keep them from being effective. You mostly want to stay with your own team as much as possible, which maximizes
Sejuani’s effectiveness because of how reliant she is on team damage.
When looking to start team fights, there are a few things to consider.
First, how many of them are there, and how many of us? An even team fight tends to be best for
Sejuani because not only does she rely on her own team for damage, but
Glacial Prison is most effective against more targets. We’ll get to that part in a minute.
Second, where are the rest of them? Catching people out of position is the best way for team fights with
Sejuani to start, because
Sejuani is so capable of single-handedly ensuring that they can’t get away. If you suspect the enemy team is nearby and just out of sight range, you may want to wait to engage so you don’t waste your abilities and get into a bad position.
Third, where are we? Fighting in the jungle can be useful for making the most of Sejuani’s charge, but the low visibility in there can mean having difficulty finding targets. On the other hand, fighting in or near a lane alleviates that, while also inviting the possibility of being attacked from several angles. It can sometimes be difficult to gauge this properly, and it really depends on where your team fights best. That said, engaging around
Baron Nashor tends to be excellent for
Sejuani; it has enough space to allow her to get into the middle of the enemy team, and she can charge over nearby walls if anyone retreats (or if she has to).
Your ultimate ability,
Glacial Prison, is your trump card when fighting. It’s one of the greatest engagement tools in the game due to its ranged area-of-effect stun, and synergizes with
Sejuani’s other abilities. If you lead an engagement with
Glacial Prison, you usually want to follow it up with an immediate
Arctic Assault to get into the middle of them. You can then activate
Northern Winds during the charge, which lets you start damaging enemies right away. Once your charge is over, activating
Permafrost slows everyone you hit with
Glacial Prison even more, so even once they’re out of the stun, they have difficulty moving away from you. Combined with a
Sunfire Aegis and other AoE items, this full combo can disable their entire team immediately.
However, leading with
Glacial Prison isn’t always the best idea. Sometimes the enemy team will be spread out, or one enemy will be closer to you than the rest of the team, making
Glacial Prison ineffective against more than one person. In these cases, it’s best to either wait for a better engagement, or just fight normally and use
Glacial Prison when the opportunity presents itself. If someone runs straight into a bush you’re hiding in, you only need to use your
Northern Winds and
Permafrost. Your first auto-attack against them
Frosts them, after which you can start
Northern Winds to do more damage.
Permafrost then slows them, keeping them from getting away. This lets you initiate a fight without using
Arctic Assault or
Glacial Prison, meaning you can save them for when they’re most effective. This usually means waiting until the enemy team shows up, then ulting for a standard engagement.
That said, always make sure your team is around when you start a fight. Engaging under unfavorable conditions often results in unnecessary deaths, so patience is a virtue as
Sejuani. You may have to play as her a lot to get used to the best times to use her abilities, but generally speaking, having a team around is what really makes her engagement talents work.
Once you’ve used your ult and full combo in a team fight, your job is to lock down single targets. This can be done in two ways. The first way is to take note of which enemies are being focused on by your team and help take them down. This method tends to help with team collaboration, but sometimes results in higher priority targets being free to do what they want.
Alternatively, you can focus on whoever deals the most damage or provides the most crowd control. This option locks down high-output targets very effectively, but you always have to be careful to make sure your team doesn’t get overwhelmed by the rest of the enemies. No matter which way you choose to engage, always remember that you don’t get to decide who the enemies attack. If they choose to ignore you and focus on your teammates, the most you can really do to change that is continue to attack and slow them. As long as you’re in the middle of the fight and are locking down targets, you’re doing your job right.

Starting Fights
When looking to start team fights, there are a few things to consider.
First, how many of them are there, and how many of us? An even team fight tends to be best for

Second, where are the rest of them? Catching people out of position is the best way for team fights with

Third, where are we? Fighting in the jungle can be useful for making the most of Sejuani’s charge, but the low visibility in there can mean having difficulty finding targets. On the other hand, fighting in or near a lane alleviates that, while also inviting the possibility of being attacked from several angles. It can sometimes be difficult to gauge this properly, and it really depends on where your team fights best. That said, engaging around

Your ultimate ability,

However, leading with

That said, always make sure your team is around when you start a fight. Engaging under unfavorable conditions often results in unnecessary deaths, so patience is a virtue as

During Fights
Once you’ve used your ult and full combo in a team fight, your job is to lock down single targets. This can be done in two ways. The first way is to take note of which enemies are being focused on by your team and help take them down. This method tends to help with team collaboration, but sometimes results in higher priority targets being free to do what they want.
Alternatively, you can focus on whoever deals the most damage or provides the most crowd control. This option locks down high-output targets very effectively, but you always have to be careful to make sure your team doesn’t get overwhelmed by the rest of the enemies. No matter which way you choose to engage, always remember that you don’t get to decide who the enemies attack. If they choose to ignore you and focus on your teammates, the most you can really do to change that is continue to attack and slow them. As long as you’re in the middle of the fight and are locking down targets, you’re doing your job right.
Good With
These are mostly champions that benefit from

Good Against

Bad With
For the most part, you want to avoid playing

Bad Against

Thanks a lot for reading through my guide! I hope you found it useful for the many situations you may encounter while playing as
Sejuani. If you enjoyed reading and like the guide, please give it an upvote so I know. If you have any issues with the guide, suggestions, or feedback of any kind, please leave a comment and I’ll try to respond and update the guide.
Thanks again for reading, and have fun stunning whole teams with
jhoijhoi - "Making a Guide" and templates
Meiyjhe and Vacuumen - Formatting help and advice
21 December 2012 - Finished first draft of guide.
31 December 2012 - Guide posted to Mobafire.
9 January 2013 - Updated formatting and organization. Added information about
Abyssal Mask and some alternative rune and item setups.

Thanks again for reading, and have fun stunning whole teams with

Credits and Special Thanks
jhoijhoi - "Making a Guide" and templates
Meiyjhe and Vacuumen - Formatting help and advice
Change Log
21 December 2012 - Finished first draft of guide.
31 December 2012 - Guide posted to Mobafire.
9 January 2013 - Updated formatting and organization. Added information about

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