Can ruin your entire game by pressing W on you. A big pain to deal with during laning phase if your jungler doesn't want to interfere.
Try to farm as much as you can. You're gonna have to sacrifice some minions if nasus is looking to fight. It's really hard to punish nasus due to his passive.
A good Akshan can basically deny you every minion due to his massive kill potential early game. You can kill him with ignite+doran's blade if he decides to dash right onto you lv1-2. (If he doesn't have ignite)
Very hard matchup. Can evade ganks with his E and wins every trade due to his passive.
Biggest lane bully to Kayle. Can deny all farm. You can't fight her at all entire laning phase and if she gets fed its game over.
Hard but playable matchup.
You cant really trade with him that much because if you walk up he can just triple q you and you're left with 50% hp. So just focus on farming and you outscale him lv11.
Remember to pick ignite.
Basically any ranged champ into Kayle is a strong pick.
You have to suffer for 10 minutes because of this little rat's ability to be faster than sound if he takes fleet footwork.
Same as Irelia but you can actually trade with him lv6.
You can space yourself from him with q and w. He will never kill you if you have ult up. He will become a little bit stronger with stridebreaker + berserker boots so do respect him after that.
Depends if he gets fed or not. Will become a huge problem late game due to his one shot barrels. If he messes up his barrels that's the time to engage.
Laning phase is pretty simple. You max q and play it safe. But late game he will most likely target his q on you all the time. When you are lv16 you outrange him and can one shot him before he can q you.
If he decides to max e and build frozen heart you're ****ed.
Only problem is his W in teamfights. Not really that big of a deal as a opponent other than that.
Do mind that pyke has big roam potential and can sabotage your lane if you don't pay attention to the map.
Bard's ultimate can really ruin the game if he lands it on you. Tends to roam a lot. Pay attention to the map.
Big problem to you if she knows to polymorph you. Buy merc boots. You can buy banshee's veil if merc boots aren't enough.
Renata Glasc
Renata can deny kills from kayle and make her get into a bad situation with her fight or die mechanic. And her ult can turn the tides of a teamfight by bad positioning since you start to melt your own team.
Any bonus movespeed is very strong with kayle. Kayle lacks the mobility to continue chasing enemies, so Zilean is an ideal pick. And also provides a free guardian angel.
Very strong with kayle. Can setup kills for kayle and gives shields and movespeed. One if not the best pick to play with kayle.
Can really aid kayle in fights. But what kayle really needs is movespeed. And lulu has a long cooldown on her W. And it would be smarter to use it on a polymorph instead.
Strong, but the only problem is that yuumi steals Kayles xp.
I mean Yuumi is very good in general, if a good Yuumi gives Kayle solo xp then its fine.
I mean Janna's bonus ad doesnt really matter that much later on, but if Janna can stop assassins from jumping on Kayle then i guess it's an ok synergy.
Only good part about Morgana is her E. But it's always good if she lands her roots too.
Any bonus movespeed is very strong with kayle. Kayle lacks the mobility to continue chasing enemies, so Zilean is an ideal pick. And also provides a free guardian angel.
Very strong with kayle. Can setup kills for kayle and gives shields and movespeed. One if not the best pick to play with kayle.
Can really aid kayle in fights. But what kayle really needs is movespeed. And lulu has a long cooldown on her W. And it would be smarter to use it on a polymorph instead.
Strong, but the only problem is that yuumi steals Kayles xp.
I mean Yuumi is very good in general, if a good Yuumi gives Kayle solo xp then its fine.
I mean Janna's bonus ad doesnt really matter that much later on, but if Janna can stop assassins from jumping on Kayle then i guess it's an ok synergy.
Only good part about Morgana is her E. But it's always good if she lands her roots too.
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