Before the match begins, you should have already decided whether you want to go tank or bruiser, and should be reflected in your runes. Below are the situations in which certain items are strong, but you should ideally get used to making those decisions on your own so you don't have to rely on a guide.
Tank Items:
Force of Nature: They 3+ enemy AP champs or strong AP carry. The additional speed you get helps you chase opponents as well
Thornmail: Strong healing on the enemy team. If the healing comes from auto-attackers, sit on
Bramble Vest. If they have a lot of healing from enchanters and/or they won't be focusing you, you can full build
Thornmail to force the GW
Anathema's Chains: They have a strong hyper-carry that is providing most of their DPS
Sterak's Gage: They have a lot of burst damage and/or you want to provide more damage (take if you are strong)
Randuin's Omen: They have 2+ crit carry characters
Warmog's Armor: They have a lot of poke (i.e.
Corki +
Zoe). Generally, I don't see many team comps that this is worth taking into, but it is a possible option
Gargoyle Stoneplate: You need mixed resistances and will be in the midst of the fighting (good if your primary goal is to absorb damage)
Fimbulwinter: The fights will be long and drawn out and you have enough resistances
Bruiser Damage:
Wit's End: They have an AP threat but you also want more DPS
Titanic Hydra: They have several bruisers/tanks. Also just a generally good item on bruiser
Muramana: High DPS item. This item gives no defensive stats, but it gives an extremely large boost to
Skarner's damage
Black Cleaver: They have lots of armor on their team, and/or you have several AD threats
Demonic Embrace: Sort of a meme item on
Skarner, but it can be good if you have a lot of bonus health (i.e. Fimbulwinter & Titanic Hydra)
Bruiser Survivability:
Sterak's Gage: After changes, it's still a good item. Lifeline shield is still good, and the AD it gives is good late game. It has been changed to give efficient stats when you're at a higher level due to base AD scaling, but that just means you should buy it 3rd/4th/5th instead of rushing it second.
Skarner is 7th out of all the champions in terms of lvl 18 base AD (8th if you count Mega Gnar), so he gets a lot of AD from it; additionally, since
Trinity Force increases base AD, so it synergizes with this item. You should take this item most games
Maw of Malmortius: Niche option into heavy AP comps. I say niche because you can't run this item with
Sterak's Gage, and the shield won't protect you from AD champs, so usually you should just take
Sterak's Gage instead
Silvermere Dawn: Useful if the enemy team has a lot of lockdown and you find yourself being targeted while frontlining. Ideally you should have enough tenacity from
Mercury's Treads and runes into a CC heavy comp, but if that isn't enough, you can consider running this item. If you are facing a
Mordekaiser, you can just buy QSS and sit on it, as building the full item won't be worth the 40% tenacity after use
Death's Dance: Really strong after the changes, only gives armor but absorbs magic damage through the passive. This item doesn't give HP, but it's a generically good item if you don't need anything specific for the enemy team comp. Strong especially into fed assassins, as it gives you a chance to return damage or CC them before their damage comes through
Dead Man's Plate: A good defensive item that also provides a lot of speed, good to take if they have a lot of AD and/or you need more speed
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