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Gwen Build Guide by lumihehe

Jungle Solo 1V9 // Tank gwen Jungle

Jungle Solo 1V9 // Tank gwen Jungle

Updated on July 21, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lumihehe Build Guide By lumihehe 9 1 14,851 Views 2 Comments
9 1 14,851 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author lumihehe Gwen Build Guide By lumihehe Updated on July 21, 2022
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Runes: main runes, read notes

Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Solo 1V9 // Tank gwen Jungle

By lumihehe
Gwen's strengths and weaknesses
+ great map control and macro play
+ decent clearing speed
+ good objective damage, she's good at killing towers and she's also pretty reliable when it comes to jungle objectives like baron.
+ healthy clear
+ unique, fun to use abilities

gwen is strong, and very fun! she has a lot of upsides, but unfortunely you're not gonna win on her in jg like you're gonna win on meta junglers. she's hard, and she isn't just free wins like a champ like Kayn. although that makes it feel much more rewarding to win with her
- nerfed often (because of pro play)
- generally weak early, can lose to champs like Lee Sin and Hecarim
- very poor ganks
- reliant on her team in early game, which is bad in soloq
- somewhat predictable and "1-Dimensional" abilities

due to Gwen getting constantly nerfed, buffed, and reworked it's kind of hard to keep up on her current spot in the meta at times. she also likes to change her build a lot depending on the game, you can't take the same thing on gwen every game as she's very situational
Why gwen? Gwen Info

Gwen - The Hallowed Seamstress
Melee, Hyperscaling, True damage, Tanky Jungler, Toplaner and Midlaner
Synergy: high cc laners and Yuumi (parasite)
Jungler ganking potential: not great unless she has red buff,ghost,ult and a good setup by her laner
Speciality: Being completely busted late game
So why Gwen jungle? i prefer to play Gwen in jungle because that's where i have the most fun with her, atleast in jungle she can farm safely and get to the point where she needs to be to actually 1v9. your next question is probably: why tank gwen instead of just normal AP gwen? well sometimes i feel as if i can't carry on normal gwen build because i die far too fast to get my full damage and affectiveness off. with tank gwen, you can get a bunch of rotations of your kit without dying and truly be what your team needs to win the game.

thankyou for reading this guide, it my first guide i have EVER made and it was super duper fun. BBCode was fun to learn. shoutout to this guide for making it a lot easier for me. have a wonderful day, and get out there and play some tank gwen jungle, soldier

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League of Legends Build Guide Author lumihehe
lumihehe Gwen Guide
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Solo 1V9 // Tank gwen Jungle

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