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counters gwen super hard in jungle and toplane, i think this champ might be gwen's cryptonite. literally the most unenjoyable and unwinnable matchup ever, dodge if you see this furry and you already have gwen locked. this matchup is a little bit better after the mini rework, cuz you can actually use your R on her now. still pretty unkillable tho
the jungle matchup is definitely winnable, but he will gank a lot more than you while you farm and scale which might lead your teammates to mental boom and start flaming you and saying jg diff. if you farm and scale while staying safe from him and not dying to him, you will beat him later. he falls off.
you will never kill her. she does more damage, outscales, farms faster, and ganks better. genuine cancer.
definitely a winnable matchup, very similar to warwick except trundle doesn't fall off as hard as ww does.
reksai will **** your team up early and then fall off, which poses the same threat as ww (your team mental booming) also play very safe into reksai, she can invade you and kill you fairly easily, especially early game. (her strongest point)
for full ap gwen, this guy is a huge threat. but for gigachad tank gwen, once we have even a single armour tank item we just squish him like the bug he is. avoid until u have items
if you somehow manage to ever get close to taliyah, for example if one of your teammates hits a big cc on her you can just kill her super easily, but if that's not the case and you don't have ult to slow her down, she will kite you forever until you die. really depends.
it kind of has nothing to do with the matchup itself, and more to do with the fact that gwen is dog**** right now and volibear is extremely meta. he does everything you do but better. winnable though
he will perma gank. your team will mental boom, and direct it towards you for not ganking. this matchup purely depends on your teammates mental, and if they understand that you have to farm to scale and 1v9. if your team mental booms and doesn't get it, gg. if they do get it and stay calm, you scale and kill zac easily late game.
Nunu & Willump
refer to zac, since they are almost the exact same with how winnable it is, entirely depends on your teammates. also, assuming you and nunu are both building tank, you will never kill him and he will never kill you. just don't fight him late game, it's useless. also save your E to get out of his ult if you do happen to brawl with him.
my personal permaban. just because this champion is so incredibly busted right now, and regardless of how you play she will probably end up getting fed off your team and 1v9ing simply because of how much better her champ is.
i really despise kayn, but the matchup is fairly even. if he gets ahead off your team, you physically cannot win. there is no coming back from a "today i will feed kayn" incident. assuming all is well and he doesn't get giga fed though, build zhonyas. its his only counterplay
you kinda can't fight her until 2 items, just try to farm better than her and you'll probably win this matchup.
FIRST AND FOREMOST: TAKE ARMOUR IN YOUR RUNES. now,i hate this matchup a lot, but you definitely can win it. deep wards are key, and if you see him ulting towards you in your jungle, run away (not into a bush) and pray that you live, you can't fight him early-mid game unfortunately. similarly to poppy though, if you farm better you typically win this.
ugh, perma invade champion. there's nothing you can REALLY do against her invades, seeing as shes an early game champ and you are late game. try to get your team to coordinate an ambush on her when you catch her invading, and remember to put wards on your buffs (or ask your support to)
Xin Zhao
similarly to nunu and zac (and a lot of matchups) this kinda depends on your teams mental, and how often they die to xin zhao's ganks. if they feed him while you're farming, you lose. if not, you typically just get a big lead through items and levels and then you can win this pretty easy.
suprisingly, you can kinda fight viego early-mid game, so long as he's not fed. you definitely beat him late game unless he gets a quadruple passive ult reset lmao
he sort of has a similar playstyle to you, where he just wants to farm and then win late. the turns table in this matchup, and you're gonna be the one bullying him early. (if you can do so without losing a cs or level lead, that is the most important thing here after all)
try to E out of his W before the stun comes down, and if you do that, then you typically beat him 1v1.
this champ kinda sucks, i don't need to say more. he kinda just sucks
genuine skill matchup. if you can dodge her Q, you win. if she can dodge your Q and your ult, she wins. 1v1's with gwen vs vi are always fun, and if you have an armour item and your 2 core AP items complete, you will destroy her.
he does the same thing as you. farm and scale, if you do it better you win, if he does it better he wins. let the pve competition begin
**** this champion. very broken right now, complete and utter cringe. you beat her late game if you have some MR items though, so if it gets to that point then the game is winnable. otherwise it's not
sure, you beat him late. but this champion is so incredibly broken early game right now, that he gains an early lead in like 90% of his games. he scales well into the mid game, but falls off late (which doesn't matter if he already has like 20 kills by mid game from farming your team like minions, which is way too likely with his current state in the meta)
1v1 wise, it's a skill matchup. in terms of who wins the game, it depends on if your team tilts or not (they probably will, shaco is very tilting imo)
similarly to taliyah, he will kite you forever if you dont have one of the following: a teammates cc, your ult, or ghost. if you have any of those 3 in a mid game fight with him, you probably beat him. try focusing on farming better.
Master Yi
if you and your team understand how his abilities work and you're not braindead, it's a super easy matchup. but if you and your team chuck every skillshot you could possibly ever throw WHILE HE HAS Q UP, you're inting yourself. he sucks if you just play around his abilities. ask your teammates to save their hard cc for when he meditates, as it cancels it immediately.
i don't know since i haven't played this matchup very many times, but i assume it's like most tank matchups where you just win 1v1's because you have true damage and they don't. try to farm better than her and it should be fine
your champion is full AP, and this soccer ball of a champion was made to resist AD damage. and he does it damn well. but he takes a lot of damage from AP stuff aswell as your true damage, so this matchup is pretty easy. unless the rest of your team is full AD
talon talon talon. where do i even begin? this champion is dog**** after durability patch, and this matchup is super easy because of that. take armour in runes if you're really insecure about 1v1ing him, but you should really be fine without it once you get nashors.
truly nothing you can do about her other than farm and chill. this champion's moves are truly out of your control, because you can't even see her. just let her do her thing, and if your laners have brains they won't step up super far into lane when eve is level 6 and give her free kills. right? surely they wont, right?
Jarvan IV
you can't fight him until late, but you also can't die to him really. if he engages on you with ult, just E out of it and walk away. if he engages on you without ult, E and then start walking away. pretty simple, just farm and you beat the **** out of him late game
if you do happen to go against an ivern, you most likely won't see him much anyways. he has the same goal as you, except he also ganks in between camps. but his ganks kinda suck, so just let him do his thing and try to warn your teammates if you think you know where he is or what he's gonna do next (for example, a mid gank)
he would be a minor threat, except for the facr that he clears significantly faster than you so you have to be very aware of the possibility that he's gonna steal your jungle. you can't stop him if he does, but if you get a teammate with you he'll go down pretty easily. hes squishy and does no damage early, just like you!
unironically the most annoying bully champion early. he will bully the **** out of you and your team early, but he falls off very hard late game. kinda like a guy who peaked in highschool shoving you into the lockers when you were teens, and then dying from a meth addiction at 30
same as talon, she does no damage. you can kill her at pretty much all stages of the game, considering you have the right items and you don't play like a complete ape.
Lee Sin
similar to hecarim! lee sin will invade you early, and gank the **** out of your lanes early. he doesn't fall off as hard as hecarim, but he definitely has more skill expression and counterplay. definitely annoying, but also definitely winnable.
HEAVILY depends on your teams vision and map awareness. if you have great map control and vision, he's in the tiny catagory but if you let him farm, put 0 deep wards, and basically play hide and seek on the rift then he can be the most dangerous jungler in the entire game. it's up to you and how you and your team play to counter him.
fairly simple, dodge bodyslam with E if you can, and you win pretty hard. even if you don't dodge it, as long as he doesn't pull off an insane bomba combo you usually just win against this champion. also your W counters his barrels and ult remember good W usage really counts here
he kinda sucks against you, poor little guy :( you do a lot of damage to him, considering he's just a sad little tanky stun bot and you have a **** ton of true damage. it's kinda sad to kill him though
not an issue in jungle at all, toplane is a different story but in jungle this is one of gwens easiest matchups.
i'm not sure why because i'm not familiar with this matchup, but nocturne has a 42% winrate against gwen in the jungle? O_o this is new news to me. going by the data alone, i'm gonna put him in tiny catagory, although the sample size is low at only 88 games.... interesting
having a yuumi on a late game 1v9 carry like gwen is always great. you're 10x better with this disgustingly OP parasite attached to you :D also, gwen synergizes super well with any laner that has CC to set up her ganks. so champs like veigar, nasus, morgana, and anything with nice gank setup is ideal.
having a yuumi on a late game 1v9 carry like gwen is always great. you're 10x better with this disgustingly OP parasite attached to you :D also, gwen synergizes super well with any laner that has CC to set up her ganks. so champs like veigar, nasus, morgana, and anything with nice gank setup is ideal.
+ great map control and macro play +decent clearing speed + good objective damage, she's good at killing towers and she's also pretty reliable when it comes to jungle objectives like baron. + healthy clear + unique, fun to use abilities
gwen is strong, and very fun! she has a lot of upsides, but unfortunely you're not gonna win on her in jg like you're gonna win on meta junglers. she's hard, and she isn't just free wins like a champ like Kayn. although that makes it feel much more rewarding to win with her
- nerfed often (because of pro play) - generally weak early, can lose to champs like Lee Sin and Hecarim -very poor ganks - reliant on her team in early game, which is bad in soloq - somewhat predictable and "1-Dimensional" abilities
due to Gwen getting constantly nerfed, buffed, and reworked it's kind of hard to keep up on her current spot in the meta at times. she also likes to change her build a lot depending on the game, you can't take the same thing on gwen every game as she's very situational
Why gwen? Gwen Info
Gwen - The Hallowed Seamstress Melee, Hyperscaling, True damage, Tanky Jungler, Toplaner and Midlaner
Synergy: high cc laners and Yuumi (parasite) Jungler ganking potential: not great unless she has red buff,ghost,ult and a good setup by her laner Speciality: Being completely busted late game So why Gwen jungle? i prefer to play Gwen in jungle because that's where i have the most fun with her, atleast in jungle she can farm safely and get to the point where she needs to be to actually 1v9. your next question is probably: why tank gwen instead of just normal AP gwen? well sometimes i feel as if i can't carry on normal gwen build because i die far too fast to get my full damage and affectiveness off. with tank gwen, you can get a bunch of rotations of your kit without dying and truly be what your team needs to win the game.
thankyou for reading this guide, it my first guide i have EVER made and it was super duper fun. BBCode was fun to learn. shoutout to this guide for making it a lot easier for me. have a wonderful day, and get out there and play some tank gwen jungle, soldier
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