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Ability Order
Transcendent (PASSIVE)
Syndra Passive Ability
Some Main Pros and Cons for

Pros + Good amount of Slows, stuns and knockbacks + Good poke, and good AOE skills + Low CoolDown on Dark phere, ![]() ![]() + She can throw minions including red buff, blue buff and anything in a jungle, except dragon and baron. + SHE HAS SPHERES AND SHE CAN FLOAT !!! |
Cons - She is a Mana Hungry Champ - Requires one good sets of hands. - Squashy in early game - Easy to kill |

I also use

When running away I usually put

I use unleash power only when I know I will kill the enemy but yet before that i try to spam

For farmin, I would just suggest spamming your Q(
Dark Sphere ) and also use W(
Force of Will ) to finish off or just deal more damage really fast. That also applies to the killing of the enemy Champions. Just one thing you have to make sure, it is to have MANA. Get Mana pots or ask if your Jungler can share a blue with you (which he.she probably will do), but make sure yu never run out of mana, you never know when you might need it.

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