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+10% Attack Speed
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Threats & Synergies
Tahm Kench
he will mess your day up, try your best to dodge his q and w and wait out the storm till lane phase is over, after the most recent rework making him more of a support this does make the match up easier however he is still a ***** to fight
stops enemy escaping with ult
stops enemy escaping with ult
Champion Build Guide
Tank Kassadin
I discovered tank kassadin early in the pre-season for season 12 and how viable it is espically with the fact games are going longer and kassadin has a higher chance to scale.
Tank kassadin is a off meta Top laner, He has a strong Mid game once he reaches 3 items and only gets stronger late game. The playstyle of Tank kassadin is very different to the playstyle to Ap Kassadin, Tank Kassadin plays more like a bruiser then an assasin and tank, being able to deal damage and front line for his team while also whiteling down the enemy for an all in. This guide will cover the basics of tank Kassadin Top lane
There are 2 main enemy team comps that you need to avoid when playing tank Kassadin.
Split pushing team comps[/u, Tank kassadin has to play with his team to win games and to secure objectives. This means if they have a split pushing team comp or champions with good split pushing abilities such as,

Enemy team comps that are wanted
There are 2 main enemy team comps you want when playing tank Kassadin .
Low mobility team comps, Team comps with low mobility is tank Kassadins dream team comp, it allows Kassadin to stick to enemies better and be able to advoid deaths in early and mid game.
Ally team comps to avoid
There are 2 Team comps you need to aviod when playing Tank Kassadin.
Bad early game comps, Tank kassadin has a worse early game compared to Ap Kassadin but in my opion has a better late game then Ap Kassadin, tank Kassadin prefers to have a jgl that has a strong early game,

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Early game
Early game is very simple, I know easier said then done but what you must do early game is keep as much distance as you can between you and the enemy while also soaking exp, Once you reach lvl 6 you can walk in a bit more and farm a little bit more as you can use your r

Mid game
Push wave roam repeat, staying in lane with tank

Try your best to be apart of as many teamfights as you can as that is where tank

Also if you can always do objectives with your jg push wave and raom to drake, usually if the enemy contests you will win the fight as your top laner if they don't have tp or are bad at roaming cant respond.
Late game
Late game for tank

You have two main objectives as tank

The second is objective control, you want to keep the enemy as far away as possible from things like drake towers and barron, Do note blindly follow the enemy team! rather what you should do is play in the enemy jg and move to every lane stealing cs and jgl camps, this is slightly dangerous if you have no vision so keep your vision up as much as possible so you don't get caught or dove apoun.
In teamfights tank


Soak up as much cc with

Keep the enemy seperateWhen you ult into the enemy team their instinct is to get away from you as quickly as possible(unless you are cced once you go in) due to your damage, this gives you the advantage to force the enemy to position in a way that would benefit your team.
make the carries focus you you want the enemies carry to focus you more then any other champion, as it allows your team to focus them and be safer with their attention on you.

I am dyslexic and if you notice grammar/spelling mistakes that is why, Also this is my first guide! I would love feedback as I enjoyed making this and hope to improve if I make more guides or update this one.
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