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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Phenomenal Evil Power (PASSIVE)
Veigar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune
Champion Build Guide
Runes, Spells, Items
Primary: Resolve • Grasp of the Undying → Scaling HP bonus and additional damage through auto-attacks, synergizes perfectly with Heartsteel. • Demolish → Allows you to destroy towers faster, ideal for split-pushing or early platings. • Conditioning → Enhances your resistances in the mid and late game. • Overgrowth → Grants you additional maximum HP over time.
Secondary: Inspiration • Biscuit Delivery → More sustain in the lane and additional mana regeneration. • Magical Footwear → Refunds you gold back
Summoner Spells • Flash → Standard for escape and engage. • Teleport → Important for safe scaling and global presence in team fights.
Item Build Path
• Doran’s Ring + Health Potion → Standard start for mana scaling with sustain.
First Back:
• Tear of the Goddess → Buy quickly for early mana stacking.
• Ionian Boots of Lucidity → Allows for more frequent use of abilities through ability haste.
Core Items:
Heartsteel → HP scaling and additional damage through auto-attacks.
Rod of Ages → Enhances your scaling with HP, AP, and mana over time.
Seraph’s Embrace → Provides strong AP scaling bonus and a powerful shield.
Rabadon’s Deathcap → Massive AP power spike for the late game.
Bloodletter's Curse → Grants magic penetration and increases your damage against enemies with high magic resistance.
Riftmaker → Provides additional omnivamp and allows you to deal more damage over time.
Primary: Resolve • Grasp of the Undying → Scaling HP bonus and additional damage through auto-attacks, synergizes perfectly with Heartsteel. • Demolish → Allows you to destroy towers faster, ideal for split-pushing or early platings. • Conditioning → Enhances your resistances in the mid and late game. • Overgrowth → Grants you additional maximum HP over time.
Secondary: Inspiration • Biscuit Delivery → More sustain in the lane and additional mana regeneration. • Magical Footwear → Refunds you gold back
Summoner Spells • Flash → Standard for escape and engage. • Teleport → Important for safe scaling and global presence in team fights.
Item Build Path
• Doran’s Ring + Health Potion → Standard start for mana scaling with sustain.
First Back:
• Tear of the Goddess → Buy quickly for early mana stacking.
• Ionian Boots of Lucidity → Allows for more frequent use of abilities through ability haste.
Core Items:
Heartsteel → HP scaling and additional damage through auto-attacks.
Rod of Ages → Enhances your scaling with HP, AP, and mana over time.
Seraph’s Embrace → Provides strong AP scaling bonus and a powerful shield.
Rabadon’s Deathcap → Massive AP power spike for the late game.
Bloodletter's Curse → Grants magic penetration and increases your damage against enemies with high magic resistance.
Riftmaker → Provides additional omnivamp and allows you to deal more damage over time.
Early Game
Focus: Farming, scaling, and platings with Demolish.
Use Grasp + Heartsteel for HP stacks through auto-attacks.
Biscuit Delivery helps to bridge mana problems.
Mid Game
Rod of Ages & Heartsteel make you tanky enough for skirmishes.
Be aggressive in tower pushes with Demolish.
Goal: Frontline for your team while dealing AP damage.
Late Game
Bloodletter’s Curse provides massive healing when you are low HP.
Seraph’s + Fimbulwinter provide double shields for extreme survivability.
If needed, build Riftmaker as the 7th item for extra sustain and damage.
Early Game
Focus: Farming, scaling, and platings with Demolish.
Use Grasp + Heartsteel for HP stacks through auto-attacks.
Biscuit Delivery helps to bridge mana problems.
Mid Game
Rod of Ages & Heartsteel make you tanky enough for skirmishes.
Be aggressive in tower pushes with Demolish.
Goal: Frontline for your team while dealing AP damage.
Late Game
Bloodletter’s Curse provides massive healing when you are low HP.
Seraph’s + Fimbulwinter provide double shields for extreme survivability.
If needed, build Riftmaker as the 7th item for extra sustain and damage.
Strengths & Weaknesses
✅ Strengths:
High tankiness with strong AP scaling
Good healing and sustain in the late game
Strong tower damage through Demolish
Combination of shields (Seraph’s + Fimbulwinter) and healing (Bloodletter’s + Riftmaker)
❌ Weaknesses:
Slow early game
No burst damage – relies on extended fights
Lack of mobility except for Flash
High tankiness with strong AP scaling
Good healing and sustain in the late game
Strong tower damage through Demolish
Combination of shields (Seraph’s + Fimbulwinter) and healing (Bloodletter’s + Riftmaker)
❌ Weaknesses:
Slow early game
No burst damage – relies on extended fights
Lack of mobility except for Flash
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