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Loaded Dice (PASSIVE)
Twisted Fate Passive Ability
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If there was a -6 that would be fizz. dodges gold card goes in and you die. Learn to not throw gold card until he lands please. Very hard but doable lane if played right.
Summoner Spells!
Flash is a great summoner spell overall, especially for someone with no blink/dash ability like you. Flash in for a kill, flash out for a narrow escape; It's a necessity.
Ignite allows you to secure that kill that would have gotten away. Great spell as well, but there are some implicit costs to it.
I will now explain why below.
1. Once you hit level 6, you'll want to maximize your ult's full utility. How? With his ult, Destiny of course. However, consider this: You ult in to gank another lane, that's great and all, but what happens when you complete/fail the gank? You either walk back to lane or B. What happens to wave of minions you missed? Dead and gone. That's a lot of gold and exp you've just missed. Sure, you can shove lane then gank, but that will just allow your opponent to freeze the lane and leave you vulnerable for a couple of waves.
This is where Teleport comes in, it allows you to go back to lane quickly whether you chose to B or go back to lane.
2. What if you lane against a burster like ? You can take ignite, and hopefully be able to trade kills with her, but it is not in your favor to trade vs her as she becomes a monster after a few kills. That's where barrier comes in, you can potentially survive bursts, and bait tower dives to perhaps kill them instead. However, you lose a lot of killing power with barrier, so pick wisely.
3. Heal is pretty much like barrier, but it grants move speed now, with the new patch.
4. Ghost and flash. I really don't recommend it. I think its awfully stupid; just because some lcs player does it, doesn't mean you should do it as well. IT'S STUPID. UNLESS YOU ARE GOD, DO NOT USE IT. Why? It's difficult for pros to pick up solo kills unless they are god (Faker Senpai get rekt by Cool please.) This is not the case for Solo Que. Take Ignite damn it.
With the ghost flash out of the way....
Pick a card, It ain't hard, That blue red gold, The story unfold, Wild cards, infinite poke, Never had proper folks, Grew up as a card master, one of the ace, Pentakill your whole team with maximum haste, Lady luck looks and smiles over me, But it ain't luck, it's destiny.
Hi, this is TwistedFate Alt, formerly known as Insan3Aslyum (hence the signature.) This is my guide to Twisted Fate.
Pick a card, It ain't hard, That blue red gold, The story unfold, Wild cards, infinite poke, Never had proper folks, Grew up as a card master, one of the ace, Pentakill your whole team with maximum haste, Lady luck looks and smiles over me, But it ain't luck, it's destiny.

1. AD TF has always been viable, though not as popular
2. AD TF's greatest weakness is it's short range.
3. AD TF works best with Leona/Taric or something with cc for support.
Here it is. It's still rough as I have been procrastinating for a while :3
Sorry I'm lazy....
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