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Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
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You cant go against him. make sure to farm as much as possible early, stay under tower and get the jungler to camp
Hi everyone, I'm itswindy, and this is my AD Lulu Guide. I'm not a ranked player but I'm trying to break the meta anyways. I love finding weird ways to be creative with the champions I play. AD Lulu was viable in 2013 (where i first started to play her), and still is now, though it can seem like a trollpick at first. I would appreciate any and all feedback that you guys have. Lulu 's utility is unlike any other champion, with all her spells except Help, Pix! having some form of CC. Furthermore, she can also use Whimsy and Help, Pix! to have easy getaways when in a pinch. Lulu also has strong support qualites even when going AD top as her spells have some scaling from Rod of Ages and Revitalize. Not to mention her stickiness, having Pix and Whimsyas gap closers, and Wild Growth and Blade of the Ruined King to sustain what opponents can shell out. the item build focuses on lifesteal, attack speed and crit, as well as a little AP to scale Lulu's spells. Without further ado, I present to you, my Lulu guide. I put a fair amount of effort into this guide, so I do ask you to reconsider any downvotes pending the actual trial and testing of my guide that I imagine you are planning to do, as this build is also being tested and updated. And above all, have fun, and thank you for taking the time to read this guide. |
+ Satisfying when played right + Early and late game sustain + High single target control Whimsy + Good farmer + Understimated + Utility for months |
- Shaky early game - Needs items to be useful - Requires good timing - Easy to counter - Easy target - Jungle reliant - Kinda falls off late game |
Max out Glitterlance first as it will increase the damage and the slow.
take Whimsy at level 2, just to make sure the enemy jungler has a harder gank. polymorphing your enemy also allows you to land extra poke damage as well. but keep in mind that the polymorphed enemy will run randomly, so make sure you don't polymorph them to safety.
Help, Pix! just does good damage and can be used to pull off some more poking opportunity (more in strategies).
Wild Growth gives you bonus health and slows enemies around you. so make sure to use it in close range.
take Whimsy at level 2, just to make sure the enemy jungler has a harder gank. polymorphing your enemy also allows you to land extra poke damage as well. but keep in mind that the polymorphed enemy will run randomly, so make sure you don't polymorph them to safety.
Help, Pix! just does good damage and can be used to pull off some more poking opportunity (more in strategies).
Wild Growth gives you bonus health and slows enemies around you. so make sure to use it in close range.
run-of-the-mill AD boots. Boosts attack speed. |
CORE item in this build. Make sure to buy Bilgewater Cutlass once you hit 1500 gold and Teleport right back (and a Control Ward too). |
extra health and sustain. Ability power. A good balancer in this 90% ad build. |
this is the real shredder item. Stacks on stacks of attack speed, AD AND AP. |
pix, faerie companion : Pix, Faerie Companion is Lulu 's secret laning weapon. Pix, Faerie Companion is great for last hitting minions and adding that little extra damge that can finish off the enemy champion
glitterlance (Q): Use Glitterlance to poke champions. since it goes through minions and happens really fast, its harder for champions to evade. as well as being able to fire Glitterlance in 2 different directions, enemies will have a hard time not taking damage.
whimsy (W): this is what makes Lulu a Goddess among yordles. throwing Whimsy down basically turns ur enemy into a moving dummy, giving you time to land your other spells.
help, pix! (E): Pix, Faerie Companion, Lulu's main ***** acts as an ignite when cast on enemies, use this to poke and always cast it when engaging.
- wild growth (R): No one ever expects Wild Growth to be literally op af. when cast it knocks up enemies, letting you shred the enemy's health bar right after they fall back down, and healing you a little after the fact. Wig!
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