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Recommended Items
Runes: AD Full Crit
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Ban, if you're against her TAKE EXHAUST for when she jumps on you.
Lulu is the og, the alpha and the omega, the egirl express, the one who tastes purple. A good lulu player carries you, not the other way around.
Lulu is the og, the alpha and the omega, the egirl express, the one who tastes purple. A good lulu player carries you, not the other way around.
Champion Build Guide

I was hiding!
This guide is in early development and I'm still learning to use all the features and coding tools.
For now, the Runes explanation is in a big block of text you'd be able to find by hovering your mouse on the thing that says "notes" next to the runes.
I watch rat irl daily and sip microwaved coffee from my pepe mug.
My room looks like a sewer and I live with my parents. I play

TLDR I put my lp where my mouth is and that ****'s in the gutter but so is yours.


First of all
I'm not gonna waste your time by showing the useless champion spotlights or copying and pasting the abilities' descriptions and calling it a day.
I assume you know enough about

Your passive stacks onto the enemy 6 times. Poison ticks each second and the tick damage scales with AP. In an AP build the poison is strong and lasts long. However, don't be fooled into building

Ambush takes a little time to activate. During the cast time, nothing that you do or happens to you will interrupt going to stealth. This includes using up to two autos, (meaning you can Q then immediately blastcone). If you get CC-ed you will still enter stealth at the end of the duration.
Casting ambush

In lane if you are getting ganked and you're pushed in (not in a good position) you can easily juke all 3 enemies by running back towards your tower while channeling

The piss pit has two main functions. It acts as a deterrent in lane and safe

If you're going the AP build, the slow on W scales with it. So you can reach numbers even higher than 100%. Bear in mind that movement speed is capped at 100 no matter how powerful the slow so you will never root anybody with a W.

This is the bread and butter of the AP build and the rye bread and marmite of the AD build
Late game,
when you're building AD and you're using Ult it is often times not worth to waste time casting E. It will deal less damage to probably fewer targets than what you will do with just auto attacks. Additionally, the cast time of E

Save E for once your ult runs out and you don't have the range to reach for autos.

The Ult auto attacks act as projectiles. And you thought twitch has no skillshots, you thought wrong, every time you auto you are aiming a skillshot that can be dodged. It is advisable to not ult anybody walking completely sideways to you, they can outrun the spray. Position in front or behind enemies' pathing.
As a rule of thumb, Twitch is not a tank shredder, we can itemise to deal with tanks eventually, but we don't itemise to sit and hit them first in a teamfight. Use Q


As long as casting ult instils fear into your enemy it's a good ultimate. The best counter to

Just Kite
Lethal tempo procs.
Ping lulu to throw all the **** on you.
get oneshot.
If you use this then your taste must be worse than that of wadbot's marketing team, but you play twitch so then again.
Disclaimer 2:
If riot happens to see me - every single one of my vods act as my alibi. This is a joke. If I was scripting I would be hitting champions not waves every damn time.

First of all why is this not called Mafia Twitch, it's clearly same family as Mafia Jinx. Second, the reason seemingly all twitch mains use this skin is because the auto animations seem MUCH smoother, base it in whatever you wish - placebo or not, this skin somehow makes you a better twitch player and you know it.

Rocking medieavel twitch together with the chroma is a great way to tell your teammates that unlike most

Unlike what you may have heard on the

Doran's Blade

Doran's Blade

"But Splinter what if I need lane sustain, wouldn't I want the

Probably not. Considering Doran's blade doesn't allow you to use your abilities more than once you will be staying on full mana. You can instead stay on full mana with two potions and steal heal for 3 HP each minion kill.


Dark Seal


Kraken Slayer


so together with the 7% you receive from





Very Situational:

Who decided to try out the builds on my guide.
They're not a twitch main.
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