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aleks season 14 guide to qiyana

aleks season 14 guide to qiyana

Updated on December 2, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 17qiyana Build Guide By 17qiyana 7,459 Views 2 Comments
7,459 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 17qiyana Build Guide By 17qiyana Updated on December 2, 2024
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Runes: if you're confident you will win lane

1 2 3 4
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Presence of Mind
Last Stand

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)


1 2 3 4
only viable runes mid no solo kill pressure unless ur in pisslo
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport



almost always go lucidity boots
go plated if you're against heavy AD
i almost never build these but it doesn't hurt to have against high cc
ideal first back 1100g+
always try to get this first back
core items

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

aleks season 14 guide to qiyana

By 17qiyana
Why play Qiyana?
There are many reasons to play Qiyana and I will go over them now.

- High skill cap very mechanical
- Great in solo q
-late game hard carry potential
- Can play her in 2 roles.

Those are some reasons why you should play qiyana.

Here I will explain

Qiyana is amazing in solo queue because of her ability to roam and have high damage output. Her level 1 and 2 are kinda lackluster but level 3 all in is quite strong as long as you take as little damage as possible until you hit 3.After you get ahead in lane you can roam and win fights around the map due to her high ms from her passive with ghostblade speed and relentless hunter on top of that. Makes her very good for ranking up if you master her. If you play her good shes even better in low elo because you can quite literally 1v9.

Qiyana is a very high skill cap champion. Maybe not as hard as when prowlers had an active but her mechanics and knowledge are something that takes a good amount of time to learn. If you aren't a mechanical player don't play this champ you won't be able to handle it.

If you have far enough of a lead and can manage it you have really good carry potential at every stage of the game. Late game fall off happens but you can still have a decent impact and carry with ult usage (axion arc would help a lot late game)

Qiyana can be played not only in mid but also jungle. These two roles she can dominate in while mid is better than jungle you can still climb with both. I personally find her harder in mid than jungle simply because you actually have to deal with a 1 on 1 matchup mid. I still prefer her mid though others like her jungle. I have tried it and still find jungle fun but nothing beats gapping someone with an assassin mid.
This chapter will focus on combos (will be updated in the future a lot of stuff going on rn)

For combo's there are many things you can do, we will start with the basic ones.

Q, W, E, Q is a standard combo used if you aren't close enough to e, q, w, q.

If you aren't going for flashy combos just do R,e,q,w,q, aa.

this combo is good at all points in the game. Good for lvl 3 all in before all in try to poke with q and get some auto's off.
Q,W,E,Q or E,Q,W,q.

my favorite combo is probably aa,E,Q,W,Q,R
no more prowlers active sadly

This is where I will cover something known as buffering. You can buffer every qiyana ability now what I mean by this.

Lets say an enemy is out of your range and you need to flash instead of doing a flash R or maybe E or even Q you want to do R flash. What this will do is cancel the animation and make the combo faster. you want to use the ability before you flash but you have to flash fast enough after so the ability hits the enemy. This will lead to more kills since it's harder to react to. If you flash then Q what if the enemy flashes your Q. This is why Q then flash it's harder to react to so harder to dodge. Buffering works with other champs as well.
Qiyana is finally good again after almost half a year new item changes feel great.

So let's get on with the Matchups.

Against Adc's you want to give up first wave and just get the xp level 2 you can play a bit more for cs since you have brush Q and finally at level 3 you can try to trade. I wouldn't recommend trading though I would just ping for gank and if the enemy laner is really bad I'll be a bit more aggressive usually against adc's mid I go first strike and scale.

Against other melee assassins, I go electrocute and gap them

go conqurer if you're experienced with qiyana I sometimes go conquerer into fighters like yasuo, yone into jayce its good too. I have seen a lot of qiyana players go conqurer into sylas as well. Against other assassins or matchups you are confident in go electrocute or if you want conqurer although its not as good on qiyana as before so I dont do it much anymore. Against hard matchups go first strike and farm play for 3 items then you most likely win team fights. Most mages count as hard matchups for qiyana so just go first strike. If you are ever in doubt in a matchup go first strike and just relax sit back and just farm maybe a little skirmishes in river and you're chilling.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 17qiyana
17qiyana Guide
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aleks season 14 guide to qiyana

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