Insane poke and pressure. Space well for his E. Electrocute-Resolve and Teleport with Doran's Shield Pot.
Unplayable. Just do not get close. Electrocte-Resolve (Bone Plating) and Teleport with Doran's Shield Pot.
Pretty hard to lay your hands on her. Space well and dodge her E. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
Hard after LVL 6. Care for her long auto-attack range and her stun. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
Slightly Akali favoured. Dodge her E and try to be invisible when she starts using her W. Conqueror or Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots.
Anivia favoured. Play around her long cooldowns and dodge her Q. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike Resolve and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
Aurelion Sol
He has one of the weakest early levels in the game and you should abuse it. Electrocute and Ignite with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
He has a lot of range. Avoid poke and go in after he uses Q. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike Resolve (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
Her W is more that overwhelming. Try dodging her poison before trying anything. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
Really tanky and a lot of CC. Dodge his Q with your W or E. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
Can't pressure you at all in lane. Go for an early kill. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword with 3Pots.
Her W basically makes her win every small trade, while her passive makes her win long ones. Dodge her Q. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Bone Plating) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
Skill matchup. Look out for his Passive and W. Try dodging his Q. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots.
Hard after LVL 6. Try using W or E to avoid his E damage. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots.
High base damage and tankiness. Dodge his abilities and auto-attack a lot. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots.
He has insane poke with Q, sustain with W and all-in power with passive. Dodge barrels with W and avoid his Passive auto-attacks. First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
Too tanky and too good sustain to deal with. Dodge Q with your W. First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
Too high damage for you to have a chance. Dodge her E and do NOT fight when she is at max stacks. First Strike (Bone Plating) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
High damage early game. First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
Weak early lane and low base armor means you can look for a kill. Conqueror or Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots.
Qiyana favoured. Depends on her build. AP is easy you just go for long trades and dodge her daggers with W or E. AD is harder. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots.
Annoying to deal with high damage from range. If he wastes Q and Wauto go in. First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
A good LB will not allow you to do anything. Try dodging her W and E with your W. Electrocute-Resolve and Teleport with Doran's Shield Pot.
Just too limiting for you. Care for her engage by holding grass Q. First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
Dodge her Q and E with your W. Go for early kill. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3 Pots.
Insane armor and base damage. "Farm" him with First Strike. First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
Helpless before LVL 6. Go for a kill. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots
Broken base armor and good sustain. Avoid his E stun with W or E. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Bone Plating) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
Insane damage. Avoid at all costs. First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
He has good tools VS most Assassins in early levels, but not enough damage. Electrocute Inspiration and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Long Sword Refillable.
Wins all of the trades because of his W. Dodge his E2 with your W. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Bone Plating) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
Insane poke and lane control. Dodge her Qs and play around her E if you wanna kill. Electrocute Inspiration and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
Really pressuring and limiting. Try dodging her Q and W. Electrocute-Resolve and Teleport with Doran's Shield Pot.
After LVL 2 it it's Qiyana favoured. Dodge his W with your W and do NOT let him proc passive. Conqueror or Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots.
She has insane pressure early on. You can only farm. Don't let her stack her E on you. First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Doran's Shield Pot.
Monster before and after LVL 6. Kite using your abilities. First Strike (Bone Plating) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
Twisted Fate
Hard to kill because of his W, but low early game damage. Electrocute and Ignite Long Sword 3Pots.
Abuse his abysmal early game. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots.
You can dodge all of his abilities with your W or E. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots.
He has good poke, range and annoying CC in his W. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike Resolve (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
Good sustain with Q and an even better W. Avoid his empowered Q. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
You can dodge all of his abilities with your W or E. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots.
He wins extend fights by a lot even with Conqueror and his passive protects him for First Strike and Electrocute set-ups. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots.
Yone favoured. Hold grass Q to react when he uses E to poke you and play accordingly. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots.
He outranges you, but you outdamage him. Dodge Qs with W or E. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots.
He has good poke and range, but its all dodgable with W. Go for kill. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots.
Your only chance of winning is by baiting her E. Care for her W drops. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.
Best Jungler to have along with you. Her early game aggression with dive potential and high magic damage can lead to some extreme snowballs.
Best Jungler to have along with you. Her early game aggression with dive potential and high magic damage can lead to some extreme snowballs.
Hello and welcome to my guide!
In this guide a mediocre player will show you how anyone can get to DIAMOND with Qiyana. We are gonna be going over her Pros and Cons, Rune and Item choices, Tips and Tricks, Combos, a general guidline for early, mid and late game and lastly each and signle one of her Middle Lane matchups. Be free to ask any questions in the Discussion section and go get that juicy LP.
Outside of the usual things people look for in a guide, here are some answered questions of how I do things. Note that these things do not nearly matter and is just what worked and works for me.
Banning is supposed to be a personal preference, so you should ban anything that gives you trouble in your given situations. Keep in mind that different champions are played more in different servers, ranks and patches, but some good examples of decents bans are Vex, LeBlanc and Pantheon.
Everything on Quick Cast. Qiyana is all about speed so you should not lose time aiming. If you are not used to this setting, I'd say get comfortable with it as it is super important and optimal for most Champions. Flash on D and Ignite or Teleport on F. A weird one is trinket at Z and second item active (first one I place on 3) on C.
I am not color blind or anything, I just prefer a bit darker look and it helps when playing during nighttime too.
Sounds are sometimes important while in game. I find champions' voices to be very annoying at times, so I have lowered them.
Hud has no need of covering half of your screen, it is as accessible at "0" as it is at "100". Cursor is kinda the same, but "0" is too low for me. Although minimap is super important for your gameplay, it does not mean you should have it at max size and limiting the things you can see in screen. The rest do not matter at all.
Mouse Speed in-Game is at 100 and DPI of mouse is at 1000. You should not follow those exact numbers if you are not comfortable with them, but I would recommend you always icreased it gradually over time. I could never really play with camera unlocked so a default "50" at Camera Move Speed is decent for when in need.
Many people do not really think about when they should or should not play ranked, but I like to think that if you are serious about improving and winning, you should play when it is optimal to do so. What does that mean? Well, avoid playing while mentally or physically fatigued. If you have spent all day working, studying or anything that can decrease your clarity, do yourself a favour and avoid playing ranked. You will miss out on a non-enjoyable experience that will probably also upset you.
Stop playing.
It is that simple. We all know the feeling of losing, we all know how it is to lose LP 1 game before promotion and we all know how upsetting and toxic LOL can be. Take some time and spend it on something that gets your mind of things. Excercise, socialize, study or even play other games. One rule I impose myself at times is to not play ranked, if I have lost a game that day
The guide may help you out in some aspects, but there are definately more ways you can imporve with.
There is not much to say here. It gives a bit of extra damage and it is very useful for farming in the Early Game. Something to keep in mind is that using Terrashape resets your passive to all targets, so you increase your damage output by a little.
Do not forget that it is an ability is activalable without holding an element. ROCK Edge of Ixtal is best used for damage. It has increased damage on targets below 50% of max HP so you mainly want to use it later in your combos. The same effects apply on minions so keep that in mind. ICE Edge of Ixtal is an amazing tool for a Skirmisher to have. It is a low cost and low cooldown damaging spell that roots and slows. You can use it to catch enemies, escape them or locking them down for your combos or your teamates. Lastly, GRASS Edge of Ixtal is by far one of the most absurd abilities in the game. A 3 second invisibility spell that can be used for stalling for the rest of your cooldowns, your team backing you up, getting to position better in fights and also scaring and zoning people away, while also dealing damage and being able to continusly spam it, since its low cooldown, is truly a blessing for Qiyana.
This ability has 3 main purposes: mobility, effects on Edge of Ixtal and damage. Firstly, it is a great tool for wall jumping, allowing you to get through majority of walls in league, meaning your mobility, roaming and flanking abilities are off the roof. Additionally, it gives you extra damage on autos and abilities, as well as attack speed. All those lead to an easier time csing early on and also an easier time side pushing and killing towers. But the most important role of this ability is by far the reset effect on Edge of Ixtal. As you will see in following chapters, we always try to maximize its effects, by already having your Edge of Ixtal on cooldown. This way you also get a reset on the damage of Royal Privilege. The moment you cast Terrashape targetting an element, you immediately get the element meaning, even if animation is canceled (by flashing, using Audacity etc.) you still have the Edge of Ixtal reset. Edge of Ixtal is activalable while on air of Terrashape.
This ability is pretty straight forward, but there are definately some important things to note. One of them is the option it gives to cast all rest 3 abilities mid-air. All 3 of Edge of Ixtal, Supreme Display of Talent and Terrashape can be used, with the latter not being any useful. Using Edge of Ixtal while having casted Audacity on an enemy, immediately makes it auto-cast onto him, opening up really fast and easy combos that we are gonna analyze later. Casting Audacity on enemy non-champions targets and using Edge of Ixtal lets you decide where you want to aim it after the animation ends (examples and applications later). Using Supreme Display of Talent mid-air is a classic way to engage. Keep in mind that this ability is a fixed dash, meaning it always travels the same distance regardless of how far you are from the target. This basically means you will have to be mindful of the position you are gonna land, as it sometimes can mess up your angles for Supreme Display of Talent. Lastly, with solid positioning Audacity can be used, mainly with jungle monsters, to get on the opposing side of the target (It would be useful to get comfortable with the "target champions only" key to pull this off consistently).
This ability is pretty nuts. A Skirmisher having a massive AOE damaging and stunning Ultimate is something unique and definately something we should all make great use of. Obviously you always have to try to push enemies with it in any of your 3 elements (Terrain, Bushes and River), so it actually deals damage and stunes enemies. This is achieved consistenly with the use of Flash and/or Audacity and sometimes with re-positioning yourself with Terrashape. One of the greatest ways you can also ensure this ability is landing when bursting someone, is through the use of ICE Edge of Ixtal (Later in combos chapter). To close this section off, do not forget that when inside a bush or while on river, your Supreme Display of Talent will stun and damage any enemy that it touches (no need to hit a wall). People do tend to forget that and it is the reason Qiyana excels in dragon, rift herald and baron fights.
Here you are gonna see how each ability changes when leveled up. This will you give an even better idea of which ability to prioritize and why you level them up the way you do.
| Cost: 100 Mana | Cooldown: 120 | Damage: 100 / 200 / 300 (+ 170% bonus AD)(+ 10% of target's maximum health)|
What do we learn from this?
Edge of Ixtal max was already obvious, since it is your main way of dealing damage and farming from a distance, but we also see that the numbers are really worth to level it up first too.
It is not really clear from a number's perspective whether to max Terrashape or Audacity second.
So why W over E max?
Contrarily to Terrashape, Audacity's damage increases with each level and its cooldown reduces so it would be the obvious choice. But maxing second Terrashape provides you with utility and tools. You have more attack speed and damage on autos, meaning csing, pushing and killing towers gets way easier, which is very useful for your Mid Game plans. Also, even if the damage increase on Terrashape seems meaningless at start, when you start taking account how many abilities and auto attacks you use in your combos, you realise how it outdamages Audacity by a lot.
What do we get at Level 1?
Qiyana's first level is very weak. You mainly looking to not get poked and/or cs. That being said there are times where one of all 3 of your abilities can be upgradable. It is important that you keep your level up point for the last possible moment you need it, just so you can keep your options up.
While having picked Scorch in runes this ability is very good for when you are looking for a bit more of an aggressive level 1. Mainly when versing assassins, using it to poke and/or grab cs is quite valuable. Another case and the most common is playing vs a ranged enemy that can punish you for walking to cs. There you want to just walk up at the right timing to last-hit as many of the melee minions.
In lanes where enemy mage slow pushes first wave, meaning his 3 melee minions will not be killable with Edge of Ixtal at the same time, Terrashape is a decent option, as you can grab 1 or 2 from a bigger range, while also having the ability to react to any skillshot they have for you. Other instances of getting Terrashape first is in melee matchups where dodging an ability is important. Talon is a good example as you want to reactively level it up to his casting of Rake. This way you dodge the second part of it (deals more too) and you can try to outpush him.
You only level up it up first if enemy ranged walks up too much. What does that mean? If he is next to your casters you can easily just use it and start autoing him/her. If he fights back your casters will start focusing him and you will probably win unless it is some weird marksman( Akshan, Tristana etc.). It is a bit rare, but lane-winning if done correctly.
In this section we are gonna analyze in more depth the items Qiyana can build. When and why you should buy specific items and things you should be thinking. From starting items to early game ones, 1st Item, 2nd item, 3rd item and last items. In the end, there will be a section for dealing with Tanky teams.
One Important Question
Before the game starts, you have to ask yourself one very crucial question. Am I looking to kill my opponent before first back? Deciding this will change the Runes, Spells, and of course the Items options you are gonna pick. Things that can help you determine whether or not you should play for early kill include:
Division/MMR: The more you climb the ranked ladder, the less likely for your opponents to do mistakes and thus having opportunities to kill them. I'd say it starts to get more hard around Mid-Diamond.
Matchup: Obviously which champion you are versing matters probably the most. From mages that can dominate the early levels, to assassins that outdamage you and even bruisers or tanks that render you useless, you have to be very cautious on whether or not you are gonna play aggressive early on. In the Mutchups section we are gonna go in-depth for every possibility.
Junglers: So you are playing against a Veigar, you have the correct runes, spells and items. Everything seems perfect but one thing. You have a Karthus jungle and your opposing enemy has a Lee Sin. Suddenly, the chance of you solo killing are still high, but it would be quite more difficult. That is just an example of how you have to think about the early presence of your jungler and the enemy jungler, in order to decide if you want to look for a kill.
Confidence/Playstyle: Different players have different approaches and views of the game. Play enough to find what works for you and start planning accordingly.
Long Sword + 3 Pots is made for early killing. Constant poking, until you find the timing to go in and try to kill, while sustaining with your Health Potion. Combine it with Ignite in appropriate matchups.
Long Sword + Refillable is for when you want to stay back and farm safely until you can afford Serrated Dirk. Then you can Teleport back to lane and start actually dealing damage. Having said that, it is a bit risky since you do not have any Health from Long Sword and minimal sustain from refillable.
Doran's Blade is very gold-efficient: good AD, good HP and a decent passive for just 450 gold. However, it has to be sold later on, meaning it loses some of the value, as it does not build into anything. You should get it on matchups where you are looking for a kill but in a "all-in" type of way. With Ignite and Conqueror it will skyrocket your damage when versing champions that you can stick to and auto-attack for some time.
Doran's Shield is the number 1 defensive starting item. It gives decent HP and amazing Health regeneration. It thrives when you want to play defensively, grabbing minions and withstanding poke from enemies. You should mainly buy it when versing "lane bullies" with a lot of early game damage, like Azir.
Long Sword + 3 Pots is made for early killing. Constant poking, until you find the timing to go in and try to kill, while sustaining with your Health Potion. Combine it with Ignite in appropriate matchups.
Long Sword + Refillable is for when you want to stay back and farm safely until you can afford Serrated Dirk. Then you can Teleport back to lane and start actually dealing damage. Having said that, it is a bit risky since you do not have any Health from Long Sword and minimal sustain from refillable.
Doran's Blade is very gold-efficient: good AD, good HP and a decent passive for just 450 gold. However, it has to be sold later on, meaning it loses some of the value, as it does not build into anything. You should get it on matchups where you are looking for a kill but in a "all-in" type of way. With Ignite and Conqueror it will skyrocket your damage when versing champions that you can stick to and auto-attack for some time.
Doran's Shield is the number 1 defensive starting item. It gives decent HP and amazing Health regeneration. It thrives when you want to play defensively, grabbing minions and withstanding poke from enemies. You should mainly buy it when versing "lane bullies" with a lot of early game damage, like Azir.
Long Sword + 3 Pots is made for early killing. Constant poking, until you find the timing to go in and try to kill, while sustaining with your Health Potion. Combine it with Ignite in appropriate matchups.
Long Sword + 3 Pots is made for early killing. Constant poking, until you find the timing to go in and try to kill, while sustaining with your Health Potion. Combine it with Ignite in appropriate matchups.
Long Sword + 3 Pots is made for early killing. Constant poking, until you find the timing to go in and try to kill, while sustaining with your Health Potion. Combine it with Ignite in appropriate matchups.
Long Sword + 3 Pots is made for early killing. Constant poking, until you find the timing to go in and try to kill, while sustaining with your Health Potion. Combine it with Ignite in appropriate matchups.
Long Sword + 3 Pots is made for early killing. Constant poking, until you find the timing to go in and try to kill, while sustaining with your Health Potion. Combine it with Ignite in appropriate matchups.
There are gonna be examples of every possible combination of abilities and/or Flash that you will have to use in your games at times. Not every combo is used regularly. There will be a short description for each combo, explaining when you normally use it. Except for the standard combos, there are also the ones that capitalize minions. You do not have to and you should not "memorize" these combos. You are supposed to try them out in-game and in practice tool to get comfortable with them and to understand why you are following specific sequences. The more experienced you are playing Qiyana the more they come naturally to you.
NOTE: Profane Hydra and Ignite can be used as the last part of most of the combos shown in this guide. Didn't include them to prevent being repetitive. Many times, mainly in early to mid-game, you should not use all your abilities instantly. Remember that Terrashape gives Attack Speed and extra damage and that many times enemies can flash away, so holding your Edge of Ixtal can be the safest play.
Used to catch enemies off guard. Good for finishing a kill or for using it with ICE to immobilize enemies for the rest of the combo or your teammates.
Can be used to poke enemies, until they get to "Kill range", to finish them off, immobilize them with ICE or with GRASS to stall. Mainly when you need the damage or utility of Edge of Ixtal immediately.
Same concept as the previous combo. This time you can reach to kill or root enemies from way further.
When having no element on first Edge of Ixtal, it is mainly used when in close range and you finish off the enemy. When holding an element already it is used to either poke the enemy or kill them when they have some distance from you, while it is too risky to jump in with Audacity or it is on cooldown.
Used to finish off enemies, while keeping your distance.
On its own, this combo does not really do anything. In some rare cases, it can be used to finish off people, but mainly it is shown here for the combos that will follow. You have to be outside the range of your Audacity target for this to work.
Classic Combo. Used to get on top of people to continue hitting them or killing them. If you are next to your opponent it can be used to disengage too, while dealing damage and/or rooting them with ICE .
Used to finish off enemies or to root them with ICE , while they are far away.
This combo can be used in many different cases depending on your elements and your goals. It can be used to simply poke enemies, using ICE to ensure you can hit them with the rest of your abilities and auto-attacks or with GRASS to reposition, dodge aggro from enemy minions, while also making your enemy unable to hit back. It can be also used to kill enemies, that are in range of your Audacity or to lock them down with ICE , for the rest of your team.
It can be used to kill enemies, that are in range of your Audacity, after a Flash or to lock them down with ICE , for the rest of your team.
Oneshot. Probably the best combo when you are fed. With enough items, this combo is enough to kill squishes, from fog of war and they cannot react. Be careful cause after it, you don't have any cooldowns left, so you may consider using GRASS with your second Edge of Ixtal, to be safe (kinda rare cause you almost always want your second Edge of Ixtal to be ROCK for most damage).
Oneshot, but from a distance :D.
Used to catch enemies off guard. Good for finishing a kill or use it with ICE to immobilize enemies for the rest of the combo or your teammates.
Used to catch enemies off guard. Good for finishing a kill or use it with ICE to immobilize enemies for the rest of the combo or your teammates.
Used to catch enemies off guard. Good for finishing a kill or use it with ICE to immobilize enemies for the rest of the combo or your teammates.
Used to catch enemies off guard. Good for finishing a kill or use it with ICE to immobilize enemies for the rest of the combo or your teammates.
Used to catch enemies off guard. Good for finishing a kill or use it with ICE to immobilize enemies for the rest of the combo or your teammates.
Used to catch enemies off guard. Good for finishing a kill or use it with ICE to immobilize enemies for the rest of the combo or your teammates.
Used to catch enemies off guard. Good for finishing a kill or use it with ICE to immobilize enemies for the rest of the combo or your teammates.
Used to catch enemies off guard. Good for finishing a kill or use it with ICE to immobilize enemies for the rest of the combo or your teammates.
Used to catch enemies off guard. Good for finishing a kill or use it with ICE to immobilize enemies for the rest of the combo or your teammates.
Used to catch enemies off guard. Good for finishing a kill or use it with ICE to immobilize enemies for the rest of the combo or your teammates.
This chapter is gonna analyze the way you wanna adapt your mindset and gameplay going into Lane Phase and in later states of the game, depending on the Rune Page you selected.
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