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Yuumi Build Guide by Noxisui

Support [S12] "Lets slice 'em!" | URF Yuumi Guide

Support [S12] "Lets slice 'em!" | URF Yuumi Guide

Updated on November 14, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Noxisui Build Guide By Noxisui 12,354 Views 0 Comments
12,354 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Noxisui Yuumi Build Guide By Noxisui Updated on November 14, 2022
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Yuumi
  • LoL Champion: Yuumi

Runes: Standard

Summon Aery
Nullifying Orb
Gathering Storm

Cut Down

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Option 1
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[S12] "Lets slice 'em!" | URF Yuumi Guide

By Noxisui
Hello, I'm Noxisui, a Yuumi OTP that is currently mastery level 7 with 700K+ points. I joined League of Legends on June 18, 2021, and currently trying to learn Soraka, Sona, and Lulu while Yuumi is taken or banned.
Always make sure you are on your partner most of the time. Only use Feline Friendship (Passive) if they have a low amount of CC or your You and Me! (W) will be on cooldown for 5 seconds and can get CC chained and die. Keep spamming Zoomies (E) at all times. Spam Prowling Projectile (Q) to get the most use of it, try to not steal too many cs or kills, it helps your team to level up faster and more gold for more damage.
In URF, there is something you REALLY have to remember when playing Yuumi something like warding, you still need to ward even if it is URF, I recommend just warding river and objectives in laning phase. In mid or late game just sit on your partner and ward while on your partner, just try to ward the most useful spots to have vision at. Do not take Oracle Lens, its situational if you need them like going against Shaco or Teemo and etc.
Pros and Cons


- Huge late game champ
- Permanent Untargetability
- Great utility


- Squishy
- Needs a hard carry teammate
- Weak to CC
Thanks for reading! I enjoyed making this guide and make sure to check out more guides on my profile!
Why no Flash?
Yuumi is really squishy I do not recommend getting off of your ADC, so if you do not get off there would not be any use of Flash.

What happened to Boots?
Yuumi just stays on ADC and goes with their movement speed. You can replace Boots with other support items and make more use instead of Boots just randomly staying there while you do not even need to walk at all.

Why does Yuumi use Sorcerer's Shoes on the AP builds?
It has been proven that Yuumi does more damage with Sorcerer's Shoes in the early to mid-game, you can always replace Sorcerer's Shoes with something else once you are full build so you could do more damage. Sorcerer's Shoes is always a good rush when you are going AP now.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Noxisui
Noxisui Yuumi Guide
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[S12] "Lets slice 'em!" | URF Yuumi Guide

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