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Choose Champion Build:
Runes: Standard
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Mordekaiser R can make you detach so its great to let your duo have QSS and jump back on them, if they don't you must have a teammate around to attach to or you're dead if enemy is around.
Ton of damage and very fast.
Ton of damage and very fast.
Champion Build Guide

In URF, there is something you REALLY have to remember when playing Yuumi something like warding, you still need to ward even if it is URF, I recommend just warding river and objectives in laning phase. In mid or late game just sit on your partner and ward while on your partner, just try to ward the most useful spots to have vision at. Do not take

- Huge late game champ
- Permanent Untargetability
- Great utility
- Squishy
- Needs a hard carry teammate
- Weak to CC

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