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Urgot Build Guide by dublado

Urgot - High DPS Build

Urgot - High DPS Build

Updated on June 26, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dublado Build Guide By dublado 6,716 Views 0 Comments
6,716 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author dublado Urgot Build Guide By dublado Updated on June 26, 2011
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Chapter 1

Assuming there is a tank and an off tank on the team, I would pick these items for my Urgot build. A real high DPS with some CDR, if you getyou can get 4in his face, which will give you pretty much a kill everytime.
Urgot for me is just playable as High DPS champion, I wouldn't pick him for any other situations. I never play him as a tanker, off tanker, hybrid, there are others champions that do a better job at tanking damage and abilities that can escape different situations.
Of course always upgradeASAP for max damage early game. I try to go mid lane since is very easy to harass a single player and not let him creep alot, cuz ur always keeping him at a long distance from the creeps, going back to base constantly or giving you kills, especialy those players that auto attack alot and that don't dodge shots, you level faster and when you get your ultimate is always 1 or 2 levels before your enemy mid, you will get kills ganking early game so its time to stack your.
Use your ultimate wisely so you don't put urself in tough spots cuz again, ur not a tanker. I usewhen usually an enemy is not paying attention of what you can do to him and flash my way out to avoid getting stunned or killed, I don't want to loose my stacks.
I usually play aggressive early game cuz enemies will be running from you and pretty safe end game, cuz they will rage and want to get you, so I will be pretty much on the back getting kills from the distance. Acid Hunter has a really long range and u will get most of ur kills with it. It does insane damage with this build in all stages of the game. Play wisely and you will enjoy so much this awesome killer.

Sorry but I don't know how to link the abilities and items but I linked the image.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dublado
dublado Urgot Guide
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