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Yorick Build Guide by Kampsycho

Top [S15] - Big Black Cleaver - Yorick's Titanic Breaker - [6 Mill Mastery]

Top [S15] - Big Black Cleaver - Yorick's Titanic Breaker - [6 Mill Mastery]

Updated on February 27, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kampsycho Build Guide By Kampsycho 180 7 382,861 Views 15 Comments
180 7 382,861 Views 15 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kampsycho Yorick Build Guide By Kampsycho Updated on February 27, 2025
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Runes: VS Renekton/Riven type matchups or Tank ones)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down


+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3 4
Divine Bonk - Hard
LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport



Early Game
Yorick Builds (5th & 6th or 7th Item can be swapped around)
Titanic Breaker - Thick Rick - (Main Items are Titanic + Hull Combo, Good Into Non Tank/HP Killer champs like Riven, can be combo'd with Iceborn Cleaver build)
Iceborn Cleaver [Tank Shovel] - (Default Tank Build, Gauntlet into Cleaver beats Garen, Can work into most counters like Jax, Ren, Kled, Iceborn first into Kled though)
Big Black Cleaver - [BBC] - (Build this when Ahead into Squishy Fighters like Fiora/Cam/Gwen or if you're super ahead vs Ren/Riven/Kled,etc.
Bonk Shovel - [Classic Yorick] - (Old Classic Build, Best Splitpush Build VS Towers and most ranged champs (Sky + Deadmans beats Ranged champs, This build good into most fighters top like Yone or Yasuo, Really good in low elo)
Hybrid Monk - Double Penetration - [Tank & Shred] - ( Beats any Tank, if Ahead BC into Eclipse, if they rush HP or you're behind BC into Liandry instead, good into Cho'Gath, Tahmkench, Ornn, Mundo Nasus and can make kill these champions solo when Maiden is released: Darius, Illaoi, Ornn)
Speed Rick - (vS Ranged Team Comps or agaisnt Quinn, Gnar, Ryze, Cassio, etc. Profane first into those like Kayle or Smolder) [Choose Triforce or Tiamat into Black Cleaver first, only Buy Hull into Roaming ones like Quinn or if you can Split for free)]
Maiden & Ghouls Push Build - (Not a Full build, just items that work when releasing Maiden or Ghouls in sidelane, Hollow vs AP like Rumble, Deadmans for armor while splitting, BC helps ghouls shred, Maiden & Ghouls can proc Eclipse & Liandry to lower enemies HP when holding her, buying time and making em low before fights, while Malignance lowers Maiden Cooldown and deals DMG)
Last Item Always when it's LATE GAME (Ghouls stay Alive as you revive) (Replace with Sterak's later if you have gold, Sell Hullbreaker if game may end if you lose fight or defense in your base for these 2 items instead or get Waveclear such as Titanic or Hollow Radiance)
Item Combo (Group of Items that work well together, What I do to mix and match my builds everygame)
Iceborn Cleaver - Become a Believer - (This 2 Item Combo plus Visage for MR gives Yorick and most Juggernauts like Illaoi everything they need, Sheen Proc, Armor, HP, Armor Shred, AD and Visage for Magic Resist and Healing, instantly making any AD or AP threat irrelevant, Good when you know people may INT or die a lot in your elo, Iceborn will slow them or they area around, you can then E them or wall them after they dash, with all the Cooldown the wall CD will be low and once they get out you can just Sheen slow again or E and trap them again, You're too tanky too kill and they can't get away, GGWP, Noob Stomp Build)
Free AD Tank - ( Both Items give you free AD up to 150, Sterak Gives 40 to Yorick, Bloodmail gives 30 from stats, then another 30-50 from it's HP to AD conversion and another 30-50 from it's passive that gives more AD the lower you are on HP, Bloodmail scales off HP nd maxes out when you're at 30% HP, Sterak also Proc's the shield at 30% so you can always get it's Value, Combine this with other HP Heavy items like Titanic, Cleaver or another item that works best when low like Sundered's Sky and you will have A LOT OF HP and be Hard to kill and have A LOT OF AD and have an even BIGGER Shield, Can easily be combined with Titanic Breaker aswell or Iceborn Cleaver, which is why if I don't need Anti Heal or Shield or anything specific I will always go Thicc Rick, Which has all of these items and is the Main Build for this guide)
Titanic Breaker - (The Core of my Builds when I can Splitpush, Titanic Gives you 1 extra auto attack reset/proc alongside Yorick's Q, this can Buff Maiden's DMG since you can auto attack 3 times in a row dealing her %HP DMG 3 Times, this can also help you reach Hullbreaker's 5th Passive quicker aswell, and since both scale with just HP, it's a great combo to have always while splitpushing)
Heals & Shields - (Rule is simple, if you know you're going to buy any Heal/Shield Item and you NEED Magic Resist, Buy visage, then get other Heal n shield items, Works great against a lot of Melee/low range enemy team comps)
Titanic Cleaver - (Can be combined with Anti Heal or Anti Shield items like Serpents Fang or Executioners)
Hybrid %HP - (This is from the Tank Shred Build, You can still Add Cleaver to Shred and Abyssal Mask to increase Liandry's magic DMG and Unending can proc Liandry burn to anyone it Hits aswell, Looks like a full build, because it is, BUT you usually don't do this one, they just have a unique combo to combat Tanks or make your full AD team have good Magic DMG and shred)
SITUATIONAL VS Anti Heal & Anti Shield - (One auto against you and you will apply both Anti Heal & Shield, You get Thornmail last item unless they're heavy AD or auto attack a lot, This is good vs Riven, Yasuo, Yone, Ambessa, but Serpent Fang is enough, only get Anti-Heal items if behind or grouping or if they only rush Heal/Shield items, like Yone going Bork into Shieldbow or Riven Going Eclipe into Sky, etc))
Situational Builds & Matchups

Ability Order Put 3 Points into W till lvl 5, then max Q, Then E, W last.

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
Comet Believer - Poke & Pet Rune (Darius & Illaoi)

I'll just link my guide on the Yorick Subreddit here, for discussion and more depth.

My latest Yorick Build

How a 4M Yorick Main Looks like...

Why I love Iceborn Cleaver (Become a Believer

Why I mainly use Comet

Maiden Splitpush

Multitasking with Maiden

Release Maiden Showcase

If you have any questions or want to discuss,join The Black Mist Discord:

VS Bad matchups or for Short Trades

How to Yorick vs Jax (Ahead)

How to Yorick vs Mordekaiser

How to Yorick vs Tryndamere

How to Yorick vs Irelia

How to Yorick vs Jax (Even)

How to Yorick vs Yone

How to Yorick vs Volibear

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kampsycho
Kampsycho Yorick Guide
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[S15] - Big Black Cleaver - Yorick's Titanic Breaker - [6 Mill Mastery]

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