Dodge her charm with w2 or r before all in. Don't let her push the wave in.
Her smoke is really annoying so don't all in her when she can cast it.
Farm with q and only use weq combo when you are under or near tower
Wait until she uses her passive and use weq or all in her
If u are standing in her purple grounding aoe u can't switch shadows. Place your w in a safe place before R
Don't w2 right next to him unless u can kill him.
Aurelion Sol
He can cast w and fly back to his tower when you ult. Take taste of blood and don't let him crash the wave.
Play under tower and farm with q. After ulting place your W behind him so if he ult you use w2.
Don't all in him at 100% he will just R. Poke him down to like 40% - 30% hp and then R
His aa's deal a lot of damage so just farm with q
He can remove death mark (R) just by pressing e. Consider banning him.
Roaming is very hard against him, because he has such a strong clear. You can dodge his Q or his Barrel with your ult.
She is very moblie and that makes q's hard to hit. She can burst you down quickly if you are not carefull. If you ult her follow up her jump with W.
Dodge cc and punish her. Tower diving is very risky
Wait until she dashes at you and then use your combo. Use R when she ults to take less damage.
Her ult is basicly a zhonya if she uses it on herself. Only use weq if her e is on cd.
He will ult right after your r. Make sure you have w when you ult.
His turrets are really annoying and can kill you quickly. You will most likely camp under tower so just use weq combo when its up and all in him at really low health (below 40%)
Take Sustain runes and keep poking him. He can push the wave but he can't really poke you under tower.
Twisted Fate
All in him whenever his W is on cd.
Ult when he throws his yellow card.
ALWAYS dodge her cc even if you need to use W or R. She will instantly kill you if she manages to hit you with it.
Take second wind and buy dorans shield if he has aery. This champ became an absolute nightmare to play against lately
before lvl 3 he legit one shots you if he manages to hook you. Don't get close to him if your W is on cd. Consider banning him.
He can knock you back with his W.
You can't farm with aa's because you will take a lot of hits from him so just farm with q until lvl 6.
Keep procing electro on him and he will either lose a bunch of cs or die.
Take Taste of blood and gathering storm. Dodge her Q with W or R.
While walking torward her weq her and if she want to trade back and casts her q, then use w2 before the explosion. If the explosion from her q hits you she can e you away from her.
Dodge Q3 with R.
If he dosent have his passive then bait him into e ing you then weq backwards.
Tower diving is really risky. Remove passive with a Q then combo otherwise weq wont slow.
Bait out her Q and walk in to combo her.
With Dshield and taste of blood he runs out of mana before the first base.
Outrange his W. You can cancel his W with your R.
Her kit is really annoying, try to poke her very safely and all in her once she already used her Q.
Dont ult if the cage is already placed, wait until it despawns. You can W out the cage and do serious damage to him.
he only has one hard cc and that is really hard to hit. If he ult you either need to kill him quick or w out.
Try to bait out her empowered ability then combo her
Dshield and Taste of blood helps a ton, you can even take second wind if you struggle.
Before lvl 3 he can really mess you up, so just farm with Q until then and safely poke him down.
Place W before ult because she will instantly root you and ult you.
Stand near the minion she is about to kill and weq backwards when she q's you. Electrocute makes this matchup pretty easy
Always save w for his hook. when he hooks you w away.
One of the biggest counters to zed. You cant really do to much against him, try to farm and stay close to tower. Maybe if u get a gank u can kill him, ill pray for you if ur against this creature
Kinda similar to the pantheon matchup, you need to outrange her aa's and stay close to tower in case she jumps near you.
This matchup is about keeping up the pressure and keep poking him. Take conq and dblade and damage him whenever you can.
The reason why i ranked him so high up the difficutly list is because you cant roam against him, even with tp you will lose a ton of platings and you cant really kill him since he can slow and stun you and he can shield himself too.
Every ap jungler who has hard cc is really good with zed. Ad junglers are good to, but ap is better because the enemy midlaner needs to build mixed resist items.
Every ap jungler who has hard cc is really good with zed. Ad junglers are good to, but ap is better because the enemy midlaner needs to build mixed resist items.
If you have any zed related questions, you can add me in league or post a comment on this guide or you could add my discord and talk to me there.
My Discord: Balint873 #9460 League Account Balint873 #9460 (EUNE)
About Me
Hi, my name is Bálint and im a diamond zed otp with more than 1 million mastery points. Im from Hungary and im still going to high school. Im not streaming on any platforms right now but planning to since some of you over on discord wanted to watch me play :) . I've been playing league since 6 years now and i would like to share my knowledge about my favourite champ in league.
I will expand this guide as soon as i get the chance and the inspiration to do so. I've never studied english in my life so im very sorry for any spelling mistakes i might have made in this guide.
I wanted to write a quick thank you for everyone who ive got to talk to over discord specially to those of you who ive got to coach. Even the short questions i get once a week can make my days. So yeah, thanks everyone!
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