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Zed General Guide by Phoenicks

Top Zed - Ninja Warrior

Top Zed - Ninja Warrior

Updated on July 20, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Phoenicks Build Guide By Phoenicks 2,948 Views 0 Comments
2,948 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Phoenicks Zed Build Guide By Phoenicks Updated on July 20, 2013
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Hello there :) New to Zed ? or just looking for a different way of playing him ? Wanting to become the ultimate ninja assassin terminator ? This may or may not be the guide for you. Why don't we find out ?
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Now I know what you're thinking when you see these runes. VAYNE. well you're right.. they are typical vayne runes. but.. They work. I prefer to use these runes to give the Zed early game a bit of an advantage and sustain. The lifesteal coupled with extra damage makes recovering from exchanges easier and it makes exchanging worthwhile.
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So you're probably wondering.. Why build a warmog on zed ? Why have a Blade of the Ruined King AND a Blood Thirster. Well it's simple. I like to play zed really ninja like. I like to be fast in fast out. Hence the cooldown reductions, damage and life steal. The more damage I can deal in a single blow while keeping as much health as possible to escape with is how i like to play zed.
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Skill Sequence

Why max Q first you ask ? Well Early game I like to poke down my opponents while waiting for my ult to pop up. As you already know.. Zed's Q deals less damage as it hits multiple enemies. So I max Q first to not just farm and poke at the same time but Do it with extra damage. Why not max E first ? Sure Max E first if you have a jungler that gives you a million and 1 ganks so your enemy can't escape..
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Pros / Cons

Pros of playing Zed:
A real good tower destroyer.
fast minion clear
Good for taking out adc's in team fights and squishies

Not the easiest to play
can get zoned.
not made for team fights.
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Unique Skills

What makes Zed Zed ?
Well Zed has the ability to jump over walls and objects and has some great dodging techniques. He is fun to duke with and is really known for getting those tricky kills. He's practically built just for assassination. It's like.. Oh you see me coming ? that's cool. try to defend yourself under your tower while I ult you , kill you and escape over the wall before you can even touch me.
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How I like to play Zed

Usually I like to play Zed to get real easy kills and farm even easier. Oh you have insane attack speed ? Watch me throw my shadow in the middle of the wave, Shadow slash and the shuriken to finish the wave before it can even stop. Oh you think you can kill me when I'm 1/2 hp and you're full ? Cute. Someone tries to kill you and you're low ? easy kill for you. throw a shadow behind them. ult. E and then q. oh you're going to try and hit me after my ult. Let me just switch places with my shadow and dodge your skill shot. Oh you have another skill shot ? Let me just swap shadows again. You gonna run away ? here let my mark kill you. And that friends. Is the easiest kill you'll ever get. Usually the squishies take the back line of the team fights. That's cool. Just shadow behind the tanks and ult. easy double or triple on the support, the adc, and the apc :) making a 5 v 2 for your team fight. You're made to assassinate people and leave quickly. Its just how I like to play Zed. I'm still learning new tricks and fun things to do with him. Please let me know how you guys play him and what combos you prefer to use in your fights :D Hope you enjoyed the guide. Thanks for taking the time to read.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Phoenicks
Phoenicks Zed Guide
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Zed - Ninja Warrior

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