Hey Yaya, I was hoping you can make me a line divider since you seem to be doing them atm. If you can do something that you think fits well with Lucian that would be great.
If you found me helpful give me some +Rep :)
Hi, uhm. Small question, how can I make my signature switch images over time? Ive seen that a lot of people's do, just didnt know how?
Check out my Signature Shop if you want a sig like this | +Rep is nice If I helped you!
Ubnoxius wrote:
Hi, uhm. Small question, how can I make my signature switch images over time? Ive seen that a lot of people's do, just didnt know how?
Do you you want it to actually change when you watch it, or just be different in every post or on page refresh like mine?
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What fractals do you use and how do you make the text :O?
I didn't use a fractal, I used the nebula n°33 from this pack, desaturated it, applied green filter on it, and erased all the parts I don't need.
Text font is called Face your fears.
To make it look like in the banner, I created 1 text layer. I put it on overlay, duplicated it 3 times, and set the 3rd layer on soft light. I gave the 2nd layer a drop shadow and a green outerglow on medium opacity, and created a regular layer, took the soft brush with a ghostly green color on a 40% opacity, painted over the letters, and set the layer to overlay.