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A different kind of guide

Creator: Twist21 April 30, 2021 4:16am
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Twist21's Forum Avatar
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Apr 22nd, 2019
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 30, 2021 4:16am | Report
Hey guys , I know this website is all about guides and builds to help players understand a certain champion or role better but I am thinking to create a guide on how to manage your playtime, stress levels and goals in league of legends and I wanted your opinions.
I have played this game for over 4 years and I have more than 3k hours on it , I managed to almost hit Masters and I had ups and downs with my league journey and the way it affected my life so I think I am the right person to do such a guide.
If you read this make sure to vote in the poll , I want everyone's opinion.
Fruxo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 30, 2021 7:38am | Report
You can always make a guide and set the category to "General" instead of a particular champion if this is the idea you want to make.
Thanks to Janitsu for the sig!
Twist21's Forum Avatar
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Apr 22nd, 2019
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 30, 2021 7:49am | Report
I know but I wanted to see if people were really interested in something like this.

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